Ah ok. Given we're so far away from those other levels, it seems like the Changeling is the main person we're looking at, so I guess I'll just use the extra flight to make sure I land between the Changeling and the rest of the party.
Map's Ready, but I figured Oak (and Urixes, if they chose to approach) might have some questions for the Watchful Changeling first (and Jack might want to get a sense of his surroundings/prepare for when the action starts). Of course, if you guys have other ideas, I'm all ears!
Green Squares- 15 foot climb up ropework to the rafters and machine work above
Brown- Rafters, 15 feet above the top floor
Red- Fire from the Fuel Apparatus (growing)
H- Large Hatch; likely leads to stairs
Notes: - The Corvian flies near the back of the tower, and will probably be investigating the crash soon
- The Changeling would be a fool not to be receiving cover from the rafters somewhere Jack: Please make a Perception Check to get a good look around up in the rafters while you eavesdrop on Oak and Pom's conversation Oak: There's facts Pom is clearly leaving out of the conversation. You could try to tease it out on your own with an Insight or Investigation, or you could keep Pom talking (they like to talk!) with a Persuasion or Deception and see if you can trick them into giving up more information. Unless you have other plans for this one!
Jack notices the following as he peers about the clock's rafters:
- There are a score or more of beds made out of fishing line and hung with ratty looking blankets, as well as rough scavenged wood furniture (dressers/tables/drawers) nailed and bolted onto the walls all around up here. It seems the Orphans must have been using the inner clock area as a sort of makeshift apartment building, high above the city. It's also all a massive fire hazard
- The ceiling overhead is painted across every inch with a mural depicting five people. It doesn't look professionally painted, but then, it doesn't look like it was painted by a child, either. The mural contains the following figures, each back to back and forming a defensive cross as though in the midst of battle:
- A Large, Hairless Man, with the head of a Bear and a mouthful of razor sharp, silver teeth, roaring
- A Lithe Humanoid-figure with pale white skin and a strange stance, whose head shows many faces upon it at once (lizard/cat/elf/seahorse)
- A creature resembling a Lupine, with a sloping gait. The face of the creature is missing, either having been rubbed off or never painted in the first place
- A Tiefling who resembles Urixes in everything except expression, at the head of the group and with his arms upon welcomingly. The smile on his face is an expression you've never seen Urixes make (in fact, are pretty sure he's incapable of making)
- At the center of the four, a Pseudodragon, bearing itself with ferocity. For some reason, the overconfident look on the dragon's face puts Jack in mind of Fusspot's fiery disposition
- Jack isn't alone up here. There's someone else as well, who didn't notice the Shifter between the crash and the newcomers outside. He's currently pulling together a dangerous looking rifle, and peering down at the voices from below:
- The mural overhead, with the flaking of the paint and the fading of the colors, is probably somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty years old, maybe older! The spot where the Tiefling's heart would be sags down unnaturally, as though the roof were damaged; or possibly, as though a large parcel was contained within.....
Oak: I don't trust this guy
Insight Oak: Nah, he's cool.
Oak definitely doesn't trust the Changeling still...but with that little pirate-investor, rah-rah pro-Capitalism speech and all the open admissions, Oak can't quite put his finger on how they're bullshitting you right now. The Changeling seems to know your wants with an unnerving accuracy, and from what you've heard of the Sun Prince, they're likely capable of following through on what they've offered you all.
But then, Oak keeps hearing a refrain in the back of his head, a bit of common sense that won't leave him alone: If it sounds too good to be true, it very likely is
Urixes, if you overhead all of that speech and choose to approach, please make your own Insight or Investigation Check (to tease out what was unsaid in Pom's words) or Persuasion or Deception Check (to keep the guy talking, and see if you can get them to give up additional information)
Jack almost, but didn't quite manage to sneak up on Pom's Goblin Agent! In the handful of moments before Jack is upon him, the Goblin is going to sense the Shifter at his back, swing his Rifle around like a club, and attempt to use it to Disarm Jack from his Scimitar in a (vs.) Athletics/Acrobatics Contest! The small, surprised Goblin will be rolling with Disadvantage; while the larger, six-inches-away-already Jack will be rolling with Advantage to contest!
Waiting for @Denada to check-in at the Tick Tock Tower job offer before moving ahead!
Hoping that @zekebeau is doing alright. Haven't heard back from them in over a month now. Don't want to continue without them, but may need to as the journey continues
I'm a little torn on what to do about the Sun Prince. My gut says kill him, but also if he's not going to get in our way, then why should we? But then again everyone seems to hate the Sun Prince, there must be a reason for that. And killing and burning half the town in the name of "business" is not something Urixes would exactly be a fan of. Chaff hasn't exactly been welcoming though, so I'm not sure why Urixes would care if the town got sacked.
Urixes's Insight is gonna get him that Pom is definitely: a bully (but the polite, papers-please kind of bully), obviously the Sun Prince's herald for pretty good reason, andnot lying to you all about what they're saying....but, not exactly telling the whole truth either. All you get, unfortunately!
Who/how do you two choose to tell Pom that you're not interested in their offer?
Please consult Urixes's last spoiler entry on this page for a Key to the Current Map. Ask any further questions you wish to know about the battle arena!
Geth roll 1d20+4 Kasha (Initiative)
Geth roll 1d20+2 Corvian-Creature (Initiative)
Geth roll 1d20+4 Lieutenant Pom (Initiative)
Geth roll 1d20+5 Chic the Brick (Initiative) (Initiative)
-Pom seems to be attempting to flee the scene!
- The Corvian-Creature has been battered and bruised during it's tussles in the Riot, but seems unaffected!
- Chic the Brick has chosen violence! Battles in and along the Rafters may involve Dex Checks to stay aloft, depending on the situation!
And we can slot in Urixes' one-liner and attack rolls wherever they fit.
Geth, roll 1d20+8 for Eldritch Blast 1
Geth, roll 1d10+5 for Force Damage 1
Geth, roll 1d20+8 for Eldritch Blast 2
Geth, roll 1d10+5 for Force Damage 2
2. Corvian Bird-Thing (Singed Vrock)
3. OAK
4. Lieutenant Pom (Arrogant Changeling)
5. Chic the Brick (Goblin Agent)
If Jack makes a successful attack on Chic the Brick (or Vice Versa), while up in the Rafters, each instance will warrant a Dex Save:
DC 1-5: Fall in an uncontrolled fashion and sustain 1d6 bludgeoning damage, while being knocked Prone on the floor below DC 6-10: Fall below in slightly controlled fashion and sustain 1d6 bludgeoning damage, halved DC 7-14: Catch the edge of the beam, leaving you aloft in the Rafters but in a Prone position DC 15-20: Maintain expert footing along the beam, like a true swashbuckler!
If an effect other than catching the edge of the beam would leave an enemy or PC Prone (say, Jack successful Tripping this guy right now), the Prone party will immediately fall in an uncontrolled fashion and sustain 1d6 bludgeoning damage, while being knocked Prone on the floor below!
Getting my Covid Booster in about an hour, so I'll either be very able to play and move things along the next few days, or very not able to do that- just a heads up!
Top of the order! The fires around the wrecked Balloon have spread....
- The three Scorching Rays were meant to target Oak (19), Kasha (16), and Urixes (17) respectively
- Lieutenant Pom was blown far off course by Urixes's eldritch blasts! They will be sporting a new look the next time you see them, and consider you all (Urixes in particular) Rivals!
- Kasha the Hadozee and Chic the Brick both succeeded on their Constitution Saving Throws vs. Stunning Screech
One of Jack's attacks hit an AC of 23, did that really miss the gobbo? The stuff in the spoilers was for the Action Surge, since I wasn't going to use it unless he double-missed (which he did).
Also, Chic should probably disengage, then attack, otherwise his ranged attack gets disadvantage in melee.
One of Jack's attacks hit an AC of 23, did that really miss the gobbo? The stuff in the spoilers was for the Action Surge, since I wasn't going to use it unless he double-missed (which he did).
Also, Chic should probably disengage, then attack, otherwise his ranged attack gets disadvantage in melee.
Ahhh hell, I missed the Action Surge somehow. Sorry about that...wrote the results down separately thinking I might get to it last night, and must've been more feverish than I'd thought still
And thanks for reminder on the Rifle's disadvantage at point-blank range: thought it was cool play in the moment, and didn't consider the mechanics all the way through
Please hold, and I'll have it fixed in the next half hour to hour!
I thought the brain fog from the fever had lifted all the way, but clearly not :?
Backing up and fixing it: Roll to resolve whether or not Chic the Brick takes a Trip from Jack vs. a DC-15, then I'll clean it up in story. If Chic falls, he'll take bludgeoning damage, and he'll spend all of his movement and turn pulling himself up from Prone and navigating out from the Difficult Terrain of the Clock's inner workings (before getting blasted by the Vrock's shriek). If he (somehow) keeps his feet, he'll be disengaging from Jack, running across the Rafters, and firing back at the Shifter once, before resisting the shriek from below...
Thanks for your patience guys, sorry for the fumble! Let me know if you see anything else I missed, and I'll try have another update ready to post today once everyone's turns are in!
Geth roll 1d20-1 Strength Save vs. Trip (Chic)
Geth roll 1d6 bludgeoning
Geth roll 1d20+5 Heavy Rifle (Jack)
Geth roll 2d6+3 piercing
Urixes has been temporarily paralyzed by the Vrock's Stunning Shriek!
Jack *expertly* maintains his footing among the rafters!
Jack's turn, followed by Chic and Kasha, then the Vrock, and we'll be back at the top of the order (with Urixes and Oak's stunned condition having worn off)
Geth, roll 1d20+0 for Perception Check
Pink Area- Damaged Clockwork (Difficult Terrain)
Green Squares- 15 foot climb up ropework to the rafters and machine work above
Brown- Rafters, 15 feet above the top floor
Red- Fire from the Fuel Apparatus (growing)
H- Large Hatch; likely leads to stairs
Notes: - The Corvian flies near the back of the tower, and will probably be investigating the crash soon
- The Changeling would be a fool not to be receiving cover from the rafters somewhere
Jack: Please make a Perception Check to get a good look around up in the rafters while you eavesdrop on Oak and Pom's conversation
Oak: There's facts Pom is clearly leaving out of the conversation. You could try to tease it out on your own with an Insight or Investigation, or you could keep Pom talking (they like to talk!) with a Persuasion or Deception and see if you can trick them into giving up more information. Unless you have other plans for this one!
- The ceiling overhead is painted across every inch with a mural depicting five people. It doesn't look professionally painted, but then, it doesn't look like it was painted by a child, either. The mural contains the following figures, each back to back and forming a defensive cross as though in the midst of battle:
- A Large, Hairless Man, with the head of a Bear and a mouthful of razor sharp, silver teeth, roaring
- A Lithe Humanoid-figure with pale white skin and a strange stance, whose head shows many faces upon it at once (lizard/cat/elf/seahorse)
- A creature resembling a Lupine, with a sloping gait. The face of the creature is missing, either having been rubbed off or never painted in the first place
- A Tiefling who resembles Urixes in everything except expression, at the head of the group and with his arms upon welcomingly. The smile on his face is an expression you've never seen Urixes make (in fact, are pretty sure he's incapable of making)
- At the center of the four, a Pseudodragon, bearing itself with ferocity. For some reason, the overconfident look on the dragon's face puts Jack in mind of Fusspot's fiery disposition
- Jack isn't alone up here. There's someone else as well, who didn't notice the Shifter between the crash and the newcomers outside. He's currently pulling together a dangerous looking rifle, and peering down at the voices from below:
- The mural overhead, with the flaking of the paint and the fading of the colors, is probably somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty years old, maybe older! The spot where the Tiefling's heart would be sags down unnaturally, as though the roof were damaged; or possibly, as though a large parcel was contained within.....
Insight Oak: Nah, he's cool.
Oak definitely doesn't trust the Changeling still...but with that little pirate-investor, rah-rah pro-Capitalism speech and all the open admissions, Oak can't quite put his finger on how they're bullshitting you right now. The Changeling seems to know your wants with an unnerving accuracy, and from what you've heard of the Sun Prince, they're likely capable of following through on what they've offered you all.
But then, Oak keeps hearing a refrain in the back of his head, a bit of common sense that won't leave him alone: If it sounds too good to be true, it very likely is
Urixes, if you overhead all of that speech and choose to approach, please make your own Insight or Investigation Check (to tease out what was unsaid in Pom's words) or Persuasion or Deception Check (to keep the guy talking, and see if you can get them to give up additional information)
Geth roll 1d20+4 Rifle-Smack (Goblin Agent)
Geth, roll 2d20k1+7 for I Like My Sword Even If It Is A Bit Evil We're Working On It Okay
Hoping that @zekebeau is doing alright. Haven't heard back from them in over a month now. Don't want to continue without them, but may need to as the journey continues
I'm a little torn on what to do about the Sun Prince. My gut says kill him, but also if he's not going to get in our way, then why should we? But then again everyone seems to hate the Sun Prince, there must be a reason for that. And killing and burning half the town in the name of "business" is not something Urixes would exactly be a fan of. Chaff hasn't exactly been welcoming though, so I'm not sure why Urixes would care if the town got sacked.
The burning of Chaff would twist that dial even further.
Oak is really just looking for Urixes to give a reason that he shouldn't say No.
Who/how do you two choose to tell Pom that you're not interested in their offer?
Please consult Urixes's last spoiler entry on this page for a Key to the Current Map. Ask any further questions you wish to know about the battle arena!
Geth roll 1d20+2 Corvian-Creature (Initiative)
Geth roll 1d20+4 Lieutenant Pom (Initiative)
Geth roll 1d20+5 Chic the Brick (Initiative) (Initiative)
-Pom seems to be attempting to flee the scene!
- The Corvian-Creature has been battered and bruised during it's tussles in the Riot, but seems unaffected!
- Chic the Brick has chosen violence! Battles in and along the Rafters may involve Dex Checks to stay aloft, depending on the situation!
And we can slot in Urixes' one-liner and attack rolls wherever they fit.
Geth, roll 1d20+8 for Eldritch Blast 1
Geth, roll 1d10+5 for Force Damage 1
Geth, roll 1d20+8 for Eldritch Blast 2
Geth, roll 1d10+5 for Force Damage 2
Geth, roll 1d20+4 for Initiative
2. Corvian Bird-Thing (Singed Vrock)
3. OAK
4. Lieutenant Pom (Arrogant Changeling)
5. Chic the Brick (Goblin Agent)
If Jack makes a successful attack on Chic the Brick (or Vice Versa), while up in the Rafters, each instance will warrant a Dex Save:
DC 1-5: Fall in an uncontrolled fashion and sustain 1d6 bludgeoning damage, while being knocked Prone on the floor below
DC 6-10: Fall below in slightly controlled fashion and sustain 1d6 bludgeoning damage, halved
DC 7-14: Catch the edge of the beam, leaving you aloft in the Rafters but in a Prone position
DC 15-20: Maintain expert footing along the beam, like a true swashbuckler!
If an effect other than catching the edge of the beam would leave an enemy or PC Prone (say, Jack successful Tripping this guy right now), the Prone party will immediately fall in an uncontrolled fashion and sustain 1d6 bludgeoning damage, while being knocked Prone on the floor below!
Getting my Covid Booster in about an hour, so I'll either be very able to play and move things along the next few days, or very not able to do that- just a heads up!
Going into a rage.
Geth, roll 1d20+8 for Attack 1
Geth, roll 1d12+7 for Damage 1
Geth, roll 1d20+8 for Attack 2
Geth, roll 1d12+7 for Damage 2
- The three Scorching Rays were meant to target Oak (19), Kasha (16), and Urixes (17) respectively
- Lieutenant Pom was blown far off course by Urixes's eldritch blasts! They will be sporting a new look the next time you see them, and consider you all (Urixes in particular) Rivals!
- Kasha the Hadozee and Chic the Brick both succeeded on their Constitution Saving Throws vs. Stunning Screech
Also, Chic should probably disengage, then attack, otherwise his ranged attack gets disadvantage in melee.
Ahhh hell, I missed the Action Surge somehow. Sorry about that...wrote the results down separately thinking I might get to it last night, and must've been more feverish than I'd thought still
And thanks for reminder on the Rifle's disadvantage at point-blank range: thought it was cool play in the moment, and didn't consider the mechanics all the way through
Please hold, and I'll have it fixed in the next half hour to hour!
I thought the brain fog from the fever had lifted all the way, but clearly not :?
Backing up and fixing it: Roll to resolve whether or not Chic the Brick takes a Trip from Jack vs. a DC-15, then I'll clean it up in story. If Chic falls, he'll take bludgeoning damage, and he'll spend all of his movement and turn pulling himself up from Prone and navigating out from the Difficult Terrain of the Clock's inner workings (before getting blasted by the Vrock's shriek). If he (somehow) keeps his feet, he'll be disengaging from Jack, running across the Rafters, and firing back at the Shifter once, before resisting the shriek from below...
Thanks for your patience guys, sorry for the fumble! Let me know if you see anything else I missed, and I'll try have another update ready to post today once everyone's turns are in!
Geth roll 1d20-1 Strength Save vs. Trip (Chic)
Geth roll 1d6 bludgeoning
Geth roll 1d20+5 Heavy Rifle (Jack)
Geth roll 2d6+3 piercing
Jack, I believe Chic the Brick's final (for realsies this time) rifle shot struck home. If so, please make a Dex Save to stay aloft in the rafters!
Oak has been temporarily paralyzed by the Vrock's Stunning Shriek!
Urixes, Constitution Save to avoid being Stunned by the Vrock (DC-14)
Oak: "I'm going to murder this bird."
Jack *expertly* maintains his footing among the rafters!
Jack's turn, followed by Chic and Kasha, then the Vrock, and we'll be back at the top of the order (with Urixes and Oak's stunned condition having worn off)
Geth roll 1d6 bludgeoning