"Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll eliminate each other, or something." Lyn pats Maggie on the back reassuringly before moving to sit with Ryder. She didn't want to draw attention by going to get snacks herself, but she'd definitely help him work through any surplus.
Going to roll all my Hit Dice now and then see how many I actually had to spend, to avoid multiple posts. So, just spending 2/3 Monk dice to get back to full.
Geth, roll 1d8 for Short Rest
Geth, roll 1d8 for Short Rest
Geth, roll 1d8 for Short Rest
“Ah, well, that’s Darren. He’ll be in pink. They’re coordinated like that. Red, for fire. Blue, for water. Black, for earth. Yellow, for lightning. Pink, for ice. We’re not really used to ice around here so Darren picked pink before his gang got to grips with the theme.”
Sideways Gathering VS The Solon-Zuttan Company
Beastfolk have an entirely different view on magic than others. While some might define arcana by schools, these people describe it via directions, as if able to visibly see the comings and goings of conjuration. Two spell you might thing of as sharing the same school are split along different lines. Sideways magic is the magic drawn from a vast and potent patron, one alien in comparison to a god, and far more unpredictable than the magic held within a dusty tome.
As the chief announces the deep dwarves you hear their name for the first time. Solon-Zuttan*, you’re not sure how large a company they represent, but it sounds big enough. They’re serious business, no waves to the crowd—but one clearly makes eye contact with you. He cracks knuckles before turning back to his current opponents.
The warlocks flip into action as the dwarves close ranks, shields raised, then sprint as one—but one of them is already missing. There! A sneaky little tin can is leopard crawling over to some cover, dagger in hand. A warlock in red grappling a ball of eldritch flame in one long clawed hand, fearless at the dwarves approach. The fight has begun!
Here’s the mini game:
Before this first round of combat begins, you can vote for a team to succeed. In-character, do some heckling!
This adds +2 to their result.
Then, I’m going to roll 5d6 vs 5d6 to represent each member of a team.
This will end the first round of combat.
The highest result wins.
We will then go again. This game will be a best of three, so the second round may well be the deciding round.
For every round fought, the winning team will be further fatigued, making your fight against them easier.
If you vote against a team and they still win the match, they’ll roll +1 to hit against you in your upcoming match. That’s +2 if you vote for the same team twice, and so on. You can choose not to vote.
Last thing, you can make any one skill check you like during this match to learn about the teams, or even get good detail on someone in particular—what they wield, what tricks they know, which leg has an old injury…
*If you speak Dwarven:
That’s the Fortifying-Tunnelling Company. Nothing all that sinister up front.
Cyr sits up with Ryde and Maggie. He takes from leafy greens from the snacks Ryder offers and munches grumpily.
"These guys want to take over from Claymore?" He mutters to the others. "Seems like their idea of strategy is just one guy distracts while the others attack."
Maggie sides with Sideways Gathering. Her skill roll will be History to recall details about the Solon-Zuttan Company, in particular their Claymore-like services.
Ryder is chewing on a piece of a candied citrus peel, enjoying the sweet and sour flavor. "I mean, I know I'm not one for figuring out conspiracies and whatnot, but it can't be a coincidence that these Solon-Zuttan people are trying to muscle Claymore out of this territory, right? Like, if you wanted to get up to some shady stuff and didn't want Claymore poking around, you'd do it where they can't operate."
Ryder keeps a sharp eye on the dwarven formation. Something tells him that the sneaky dwarf is some kind of diversion, and the dwarven phalanx is hiding their true strategy. If the 69th ends up going up against the Solon-Zuttan in the next round, Ryder wants to be sure that he sees through their plans.
Lyn looks between the group and the skirmish, seeming a little confused about all the cheering. It didn't seem right to be picking sides, when they'd be in the arena with one of the teams at some point. For now she stayed quiet, and simply watched. And hopefully learned.
The little guy hiding behind cover lobs a grenade into the middle of the arena! It burst black, causing a dome of darkness to appear just as the two sides clash!
Ryder! You see dust skid away from the shield wall—unseen servants or something else invisible. No rules about summoning, so it’s not strictly bad form, but they’re keeping quiet about extra numbers of some kind!
The darkness pops like a bubble after a few seconds by a terrible inferno breathed by the red warlock.
The scuffle left the warlocks bloodied, but they held there own in the magical darkness. The one in yellow steps back… and is blown off their feet by a land mine! They’re out of the fight! Wait—
Then she gets back up and chain lightnings the little tin cans. Looks like she’s using the big spell.
“Taste my lightning, suckas!”, she screams, fur standing on end.
That’s a win for the warlocks this round. Get your votes in!
Geth roll 5d6+4 for Sideways Gathering
Geth roll 5d6 for Solon-Zuttan Company
No one is familiar with deep dwarves. Their history is one of exile. Deemed too greedy for even regular dwarves, they dug deep, too deep, into that weird zone just before the flip side of the world—some call it the Gzunder, others the Downshade, the Darkbad, the Burialwarp.
Caring not for the monarchy of the dwarves nor the democracy utilised by the wider world, instead they all paid homage to wealth acquisition, and for a time each lived and died for a single company. But as centuries rolled by each company snapped up the others in buy outs, until eventually everything was the Solon-Zuttan. Deep dwarves and Solon-Zuttan are one and the same. Lead not by gods, but by the Economy.
They have a history knee deep in blood, as all peoples do, but in modern times they have remained neutral on all fronts, save commerce, in which they act much like pirates. They are not, on a grand scale, openly the bad guys.
These dwarves here likely represent a new sub-group designed to take over your job. The Company can move their subjects around as they please, so they’re likely the very best they could find, thrown together and expected to work 110% to the task. In their own lands the deep dwarves have to face all manner of psychic fiends and ancient half-bound horrors from the time before time, so they’re not rookies in the monster fighting department.
1. They aren’t heavy fighters, though they’re in heavy metal. They can backstab.
2. They are armed with dozens of gadgets.
3. They have more units on the field than the five dwarves you can see.
4. They are slightly faster than a dwarf should be—likely a gadget, a breakable gadget, putting in work.
5. They’re going to use magical darkness against you. Keep spread out to limit its power?
"Woo!" Sug yells out as he jumps to his feet. "Taste the lightning! Yeah! Call that storm!"
Sitting down, he says the group around him "Whew. That was close. That darkness grenade looked pretty nasty."
Still, even as he was cheering for them, Sug starts to carefully observe the Sideways Gathering. If they managed to pull out a win, it would be important to understand their capabilities, as well as how much of their magical energies they might be burning in this fight.
Ryder shares his observations of the deep dwarves' tactics "Misdirection. Simple, yet effective. They probably have even more tricks up their sleeves."
Ryder looks over to the Sideways Gathering. "I don't know a firebolt from a fireball, so I'll leave it to you all to figure that out. Just tell me who to shoot if we fight them."
Maggie's eyes grow a little wide at that chain lightning spell. She lets out an uneasy whistle. "That lighting spell is well out of my league, gang. I hope those warlocks can't bring it out on us if they win. And those dwarves are bringing it. And by 'it' I mean everything their grubby capitalist hands on. Both on the field down there and on the services provided field."
She starts signing. "Evil powers disappear!
Demons worry when the warlock is near!
He turns tears into joy!
Everyone's happy when the warlock walks by!
Never talking, just keeps walking, spreading his magic!"
The battle is swift and unforgiving. The warlocks barely scrape the win in the closing moments, their red robed leader knelt over a downed dwarf that shanks them in the side even as they pass out.
You gather much from watching them fight fang and nail. They’re clearly drawing on tremendous power! Their patron is an Archfey.
You now know they specialise in elemental spells, with each warlock only having access to one element.
Finally, you learn that the potency of their magic is equal to the damage they suffer. The closer they are to falling, the more power they’ll wield. Good eyes, Sug!
Geth roll 5d6+4 for Sideways Gathering
Geth roll 5d6 for Solon-Zuttan Company
"If they spike in power as their health drops, we need to focus fire to make sure each one is incapacitated before they can retaliate. I'll try and web em as soon as the match starts. That may even shut down any fire spells from them. We should scatter to mitigate AOE. Agree to start with the one on point?"
As the doors closes you squint against the red sky as the crowd goes wild! They lock behind you with a dread finality. No breeze soothes you as the heat closes in. You’ve reached the semi-finals, the penultimate match! Through the heat haze your opponents make their own entrance to equal applause. They wave to the crowd, then settle into a tight formation. Each one poses in an elaborate manner—surely eldritch gestures to aid in acting as conduits for their patron’s power!
Across the middle of the arena huge blocks are disappearing and reappearing at regular internals. The blocks are level with the ground, those nearest you are 10 feet cubes while those further ahead are longer still. When the blocks disappear they reveal 10 feet deep holes in the arena onto painful pyramid shaped stone spikes. Every even turn, the blocks disappear. They’re full cover while active.
At the heart of the arena is weird bubble. That’s all you can say it is. It pulses with black dots and ripples of blue and yellow. Who can say what would happen if someone or some thing were to pass through it?
Pick a number to define your starting position!
Red A = The leader. Fire magic.
Black B = The face. Earth magic.
Yellow C = The lancer. Lightning magic.
Pink D = The muscle. Ice magic.
Blue E = The brains. Water magic.
Lyn will take #6. And then move forward, and attempt to either squeeze between or jump/climb over the two cubes to get into the space between them and keep moving forward.
Not sure if a roll needs to be involved there.
Ordinarily I’d say that takes a roll, but if anyone can Jackie Chan there way up two close 10 foot cubes and to the other side, it’s you.
You run, kick off one cube and flick yourself over the other, landing in a 10 point stance.
Darren (Sug learned their name) drops to all fours and hops 60 feet around the edge of the arena. You hear a jingle of bells and sense a sudden cold snap. A flurry of snowflakes surrounds them.
This guy runs into a slide and slams up against a cube. They’re in full cover, no one can see them.
They hitch up their robes and follow after the warlock in black. With a flick of their wrist they cast a spell over them. Maggie, you smell the telltale scent of a ward.
Ryder readies his bow, waiting for the cubes to vanish. When the time is right, he'll take the shot.
Just going to ready an action to shoot B through the bubble when the cubes vanish on the next round. I'll roll the attack roll and damage now in case I'm not able to catcg up on the thread later.
Geth roll 1d20+8 for Readied Attack
Geth roll 1d8+4 for Damage
Sug hops on his board and skates off towards the right, coming around the corner of the blocks and into sight of Darren. He quickly hops off, and does his little spin, incorporating the skateboard into the process now, to generate his star form. A star blasts off his as he does towards Darren.
He had debated closing in further, but the snowflakes surrounding them seemed like maybe it was best to hold back for just a moment. He raises a hand and slams it down into the ground, pulsing nature energy into the ground around him. Weeds and vines sprout from the ground in front of and around Darren.
Finally, a moment of recognition. "Hey! You're Darren!" he yells. "You owe my buddy a Fiver. Once we're done, you need to pay up."
Move to the spot diagonal SW of the block.
Star arrow at Darren.
Entangle on the ground, so 20 foot square should hit Darren and the space between us. Ground is now difficult terrain. Darren has to beat a DC 14 Strength Save or else he's restrained.
Geth, roll 1d20+6 for Star Arrow
Geth, roll 1d8+4 for Dmg
Maggie sighs. So much for focus fire. She cuts to the left, trying to get a bead on Darren. To Ryder as she crosses his LOS: "Cutting across your bow!" To the group: "Someone just cast a warding spells. Could be mage armor, or something more nasty. Stay frosty. No pun intended."
Maggie moves to the left, with the intent to get LOS and a shot at Darren. If she does, she casts Chill Touch on them.
Are the blocks opaque?
Geth, roll 1d20+6 for Chill Touch
Geth, roll 1d8 for Necrotic Damage
Striking mirrored poses, the pair dance around each other. Using the most minor of cantrips, they change the colour of their outfits. You can no longer be sure which warlock is which!
Lyn hops the small gap to close in on her opponents and attack. Time for kicks!
Moving to the space next to B, 1/3 ki for Flurry of Blows. Swapping targets from B to C if the first one drops that easily. I now realize I forgot to activate the feat last turn, whoops.
Geth, roll 1d20+6 for Flute Spear Attack
Geth, roll 1d6+4 for Flute Spear Damage
Geth, roll 1d20+5 for Unarmed Attack 1
Geth, roll 1d4+3 for Unarmed Damage 1
Geth, roll 1d20+5 for Unarmed Attack 2
Geth, roll 1d4+3 for Unarmed Damage 2
The black clad warlock dodges your spear, but not the kick that follows! As they hit the dirt you continue that kick around to clonk their ally in the head!
Extending a claw and whispering an occult incantation, a whirling blizzard overtakes both Sug and Maggie! Hungry looking spirits circle them both, muffling sound and dimming light! Several snowflakes grow larger, then grow remarkably thin, bladed edges!
Sug! Maggie! You suffer 7 damage!
Thats 20 foot circle on Sug. Straight cold damage this turn. Any creature that ends its turn in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take a further 2d6 cold damage.
With that, the warlock stays stuck in place.
Geth roll 2d6 for Hunger of Hadar
Black Warlock
Tiny fairies circle his head. His knocked out!
Yellow Warlock
The body of the warlock freaks out in a way you can barely describe! It’s as if they’re becoming lightning! They disengage.
With a flash they bounce backwards from you, directly north by 15 feet.
“Yerabloodyshlanger!”, they snarl.
Must be an eldritch word of power! You’ve been hexed!
They deal +1d6 necrotic damage to you, and you have disadvantage on Strength ability checks!
What's the range on Little Anne, the gun Dario gave Ryder? I looked back at the post for it and I don't see a range listed. Was also wondering if I could choose to miss to use the ricohet ability or, more specifically,
target an empty space in order to then ricochet a shot at an enemy around a corner or behind cover?
Dario would be disappointed if Ryder doesn't try pulling some gun slinger shenanigans through thay bubble. I'll post with a turn later, just a little busy today.
Going to roll all my Hit Dice now and then see how many I actually had to spend, to avoid multiple posts. So, just spending 2/3 Monk dice to get back to full.
Geth, roll 1d8 for Short Rest
Geth, roll 1d8 for Short Rest
Moment ago.
“Ah, well, that’s Darren. He’ll be in pink. They’re coordinated like that. Red, for fire. Blue, for water. Black, for earth. Yellow, for lightning. Pink, for ice. We’re not really used to ice around here so Darren picked pink before his gang got to grips with the theme.”
Sideways Gathering VS The Solon-Zuttan Company
Beastfolk have an entirely different view on magic than others. While some might define arcana by schools, these people describe it via directions, as if able to visibly see the comings and goings of conjuration. Two spell you might thing of as sharing the same school are split along different lines. Sideways magic is the magic drawn from a vast and potent patron, one alien in comparison to a god, and far more unpredictable than the magic held within a dusty tome.
As the chief announces the deep dwarves you hear their name for the first time. Solon-Zuttan*, you’re not sure how large a company they represent, but it sounds big enough. They’re serious business, no waves to the crowd—but one clearly makes eye contact with you. He cracks knuckles before turning back to his current opponents.
The warlocks flip into action as the dwarves close ranks, shields raised, then sprint as one—but one of them is already missing. There! A sneaky little tin can is leopard crawling over to some cover, dagger in hand. A warlock in red grappling a ball of eldritch flame in one long clawed hand, fearless at the dwarves approach. The fight has begun!
Here’s the mini game:
Before this first round of combat begins, you can vote for a team to succeed. In-character, do some heckling!
This adds +2 to their result.
Then, I’m going to roll 5d6 vs 5d6 to represent each member of a team.
This will end the first round of combat.
The highest result wins.
We will then go again. This game will be a best of three, so the second round may well be the deciding round.
For every round fought, the winning team will be further fatigued, making your fight against them easier.
If you vote against a team and they still win the match, they’ll roll +1 to hit against you in your upcoming match. That’s +2 if you vote for the same team twice, and so on. You can choose not to vote.
Last thing, you can make any one skill check you like during this match to learn about the teams, or even get good detail on someone in particular—what they wield, what tricks they know, which leg has an old injury…
*If you speak Dwarven:
He claps loudly and raises his hands into the air. "Look out Dwarf dudes, those claws are sharp. Better watch out for your beards!"
Sug isn't a good trash talker.
Voting for Beastmen this round.
"These guys want to take over from Claymore?" He mutters to the others. "Seems like their idea of strategy is just one guy distracts while the others attack."
"Fireball, fireball!
Shish boom bah!
Side-ways Gath'ring!
Rah, rah, rah!"
Maggie sides with Sideways Gathering. Her skill roll will be History to recall details about the Solon-Zuttan Company, in particular their Claymore-like services.
Geth, roll 1d20+6 for History
Oo\ Ironsizide
Ryder keeps a sharp eye on the dwarven formation. Something tells him that the sneaky dwarf is some kind of diversion, and the dwarven phalanx is hiding their true strategy. If the 69th ends up going up against the Solon-Zuttan in the next round, Ryder wants to be sure that he sees through their plans.
Going to use inspiration here.
Geth roll 2d20k1+4 for Perception
Ryder! You see dust skid away from the shield wall—unseen servants or something else invisible. No rules about summoning, so it’s not strictly bad form, but they’re keeping quiet about extra numbers of some kind!
The darkness pops like a bubble after a few seconds by a terrible inferno breathed by the red warlock.
The scuffle left the warlocks bloodied, but they held there own in the magical darkness. The one in yellow steps back… and is blown off their feet by a land mine! They’re out of the fight! Wait—
Then she gets back up and chain lightnings the little tin cans. Looks like she’s using the big spell.
“Taste my lightning, suckas!”, she screams, fur standing on end.
That’s a win for the warlocks this round. Get your votes in!
Geth roll 5d6+4 for Sideways Gathering
Geth roll 5d6 for Solon-Zuttan Company
No one is familiar with deep dwarves. Their history is one of exile. Deemed too greedy for even regular dwarves, they dug deep, too deep, into that weird zone just before the flip side of the world—some call it the Gzunder, others the Downshade, the Darkbad, the Burialwarp.
Caring not for the monarchy of the dwarves nor the democracy utilised by the wider world, instead they all paid homage to wealth acquisition, and for a time each lived and died for a single company. But as centuries rolled by each company snapped up the others in buy outs, until eventually everything was the Solon-Zuttan. Deep dwarves and Solon-Zuttan are one and the same. Lead not by gods, but by the Economy.
They have a history knee deep in blood, as all peoples do, but in modern times they have remained neutral on all fronts, save commerce, in which they act much like pirates. They are not, on a grand scale, openly the bad guys.
These dwarves here likely represent a new sub-group designed to take over your job. The Company can move their subjects around as they please, so they’re likely the very best they could find, thrown together and expected to work 110% to the task. In their own lands the deep dwarves have to face all manner of psychic fiends and ancient half-bound horrors from the time before time, so they’re not rookies in the monster fighting department.
1. They aren’t heavy fighters, though they’re in heavy metal. They can backstab.
2. They are armed with dozens of gadgets.
3. They have more units on the field than the five dwarves you can see.
4. They are slightly faster than a dwarf should be—likely a gadget, a breakable gadget, putting in work.
5. They’re going to use magical darkness against you. Keep spread out to limit its power?
Sitting down, he says the group around him "Whew. That was close. That darkness grenade looked pretty nasty."
Still, even as he was cheering for them, Sug starts to carefully observe the Sideways Gathering. If they managed to pull out a win, it would be important to understand their capabilities, as well as how much of their magical energies they might be burning in this fight.
Voting for the Beastmen again.
Perception on them as well.
Geth, roll 1d20+6 for Perception
Ryder looks over to the Sideways Gathering. "I don't know a firebolt from a fireball, so I'll leave it to you all to figure that out. Just tell me who to shoot if we fight them."
She starts signing. "Evil powers disappear!
Demons worry when the warlock is near!
He turns tears into joy!
Everyone's happy when the warlock walks by!
Never talking, just keeps walking, spreading his magic!"
Beastmen for the win!
It was one skill roll per match, not round, correct?
Oo\ Ironsizide
Victory for the Sideways Gathering
The battle is swift and unforgiving. The warlocks barely scrape the win in the closing moments, their red robed leader knelt over a downed dwarf that shanks them in the side even as they pass out.
You gather much from watching them fight fang and nail. They’re clearly drawing on tremendous power! Their patron is an Archfey.
You now know they specialise in elemental spells, with each warlock only having access to one element.
Finally, you learn that the potency of their magic is equal to the damage they suffer. The closer they are to falling, the more power they’ll wield. Good eyes, Sug!
Geth roll 5d6+4 for Sideways Gathering
Geth roll 5d6 for Solon-Zuttan Company
Oo\ Ironsizide
"Well...something away. With stars."
"You get the idea."
As the doors closes you squint against the red sky as the crowd goes wild! They lock behind you with a dread finality. No breeze soothes you as the heat closes in. You’ve reached the semi-finals, the penultimate match! Through the heat haze your opponents make their own entrance to equal applause. They wave to the crowd, then settle into a tight formation. Each one poses in an elaborate manner—surely eldritch gestures to aid in acting as conduits for their patron’s power!
Then you hear it…
Across the middle of the arena huge blocks are disappearing and reappearing at regular internals. The blocks are level with the ground, those nearest you are 10 feet cubes while those further ahead are longer still. When the blocks disappear they reveal 10 feet deep holes in the arena onto painful pyramid shaped stone spikes. Every even turn, the blocks disappear. They’re full cover while active.
At the heart of the arena is weird bubble. That’s all you can say it is. It pulses with black dots and ripples of blue and yellow. Who can say what would happen if someone or some thing were to pass through it?
Pick a number to define your starting position!
Black B = The face. Earth magic.
Yellow C = The lancer. Lightning magic.
Pink D = The muscle. Ice magic.
Blue E = The brains. Water magic.
What will you do?
Roll for initiative!
Geth roll 1d20+2 for Blue
Geth roll 1d20+2 for Yellow
Geth roll 1d20+2 for Pink
Geth roll 1d20-1 for Black
Geth roll 1d20+4 for Initiative
Not sure if a roll needs to be involved there.
Geth, roll 1d20+3 for Initiative
Sug will take #2
Geth, roll 1d20+2 for Initiative
Geth, roll 1d20+2 for Maggie's Initiative
Geth, roll 1d20+1 for Charlie's Initiative
Oo\ Ironsizide
Cyr can be inserted once rolled.
Ordinarily I’d say that takes a roll, but if anyone can Jackie Chan there way up two close 10 foot cubes and to the other side, it’s you.
You run, kick off one cube and flick yourself over the other, landing in a 10 point stance.
Darren (Sug learned their name) drops to all fours and hops 60 feet around the edge of the arena. You hear a jingle of bells and sense a sudden cold snap. A flurry of snowflakes surrounds them.
This guy runs into a slide and slams up against a cube. They’re in full cover, no one can see them.
They hitch up their robes and follow after the warlock in black. With a flick of their wrist they cast a spell over them. Maggie, you smell the telltale scent of a ward.
Ryder readies his bow, waiting for the cubes to vanish. When the time is right, he'll take the shot.
Just going to ready an action to shoot B through the bubble when the cubes vanish on the next round. I'll roll the attack roll and damage now in case I'm not able to catcg up on the thread later.
Geth roll 1d20+8 for Readied Attack
Geth roll 1d8+4 for Damage
He had debated closing in further, but the snowflakes surrounding them seemed like maybe it was best to hold back for just a moment. He raises a hand and slams it down into the ground, pulsing nature energy into the ground around him. Weeds and vines sprout from the ground in front of and around Darren.
Finally, a moment of recognition. "Hey! You're Darren!" he yells. "You owe my buddy a Fiver. Once we're done, you need to pay up."
Move to the spot diagonal SW of the block.
Star arrow at Darren.
Entangle on the ground, so 20 foot square should hit Darren and the space between us. Ground is now difficult terrain. Darren has to beat a DC 14 Strength Save or else he's restrained.
Geth, roll 1d20+6 for Star Arrow
Geth, roll 1d8+4 for Dmg
Maggie moves to the left, with the intent to get LOS and a shot at Darren. If she does, she casts Chill Touch on them.
Are the blocks opaque?
Geth, roll 1d20+6 for Chill Touch
Geth, roll 1d8 for Necrotic Damage
Oo\ Ironsizide
As the cubes vanish you clock that son of a bitch!
As the cubes vanish you clock that son of a bitch!
As the cubes vanish you clock that son of a bitch!
Wait a second… that was three arrows.
“Oh shit!”, cries Darren, “I forgot!”
With that, the ground bursts with vines that bind him to the spot!
You miss this time. Shucks.
The blocks aren’t opaque. But they do vanish regularly enough that you won’t miss too much in-between rounds.
At the start of round 2, which is extremely soon, they’ll be gone.
Striking mirrored poses, the pair dance around each other. Using the most minor of cantrips, they change the colour of their outfits. You can no longer be sure which warlock is which!
End of round 1.
There are now pits where the cubes were.
Lyn up next!
Oo\ Ironsizide
Moving to the space next to B, 1/3 ki for Flurry of Blows. Swapping targets from B to C if the first one drops that easily. I now realize I forgot to activate the feat last turn, whoops.
Geth, roll 1d20+6 for Flute Spear Attack
Geth, roll 1d6+4 for Flute Spear Damage
Geth, roll 1d20+5 for Unarmed Attack 1
Geth, roll 1d4+3 for Unarmed Damage 1
Geth, roll 1d20+5 for Unarmed Attack 2
Geth, roll 1d4+3 for Unarmed Damage 2
The black clad warlock dodges your spear, but not the kick that follows! As they hit the dirt you continue that kick around to clonk their ally in the head!
B is down!
Extending a claw and whispering an occult incantation, a whirling blizzard overtakes both Sug and Maggie! Hungry looking spirits circle them both, muffling sound and dimming light! Several snowflakes grow larger, then grow remarkably thin, bladed edges!
Sug! Maggie! You suffer 7 damage!
Thats 20 foot circle on Sug. Straight cold damage this turn. Any creature that ends its turn in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take a further 2d6 cold damage.
With that, the warlock stays stuck in place.
Geth roll 2d6 for Hunger of Hadar
Black Warlock
Tiny fairies circle his head. His knocked out!
Yellow Warlock
The body of the warlock freaks out in a way you can barely describe! It’s as if they’re becoming lightning! They disengage.
With a flash they bounce backwards from you, directly north by 15 feet.
“Yerabloodyshlanger!”, they snarl.
Must be an eldritch word of power! You’ve been hexed!
They deal +1d6 necrotic damage to you, and you have disadvantage on Strength ability checks!
And that would need to be his action.
target an empty space in order to then ricochet a shot at an enemy around a corner or behind cover?
Huh! Off the top of my head let’s go with 80/200.
Haha sure, why not?