(unofficial) PAX West Room Share Thread 2022

AlazullAlazull Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park.Enjoy the ride.Registered User regular
Hey everyone! This hadn't been made yet, and as it seems there may be at least a few people who could use it, I shall tackle the task. Big thanks to zerzhul for allowing it!

By their decree, we won't be making the usual rules on posting, beyond enforcing normal forum rules. That being said, I'll establish a few guidelines:

-This thread is not for buying, selling or trading badges
-Please limit yourself to a single post. If you're unable to edit, feel free to make another one but otherwise let's try to keep it concise.
-Please update your posts as your needs are filled or any information changes.

Now I'll abuse the privilege of starting the thread to say that if we end up with a bunch of people looking for space and nobody needing extra bodies, I might look into trying to band people together to get rooms. Surprisingly there's plenty of rooms still available at hotels all over downtown Seattle. Just a thought and a potential option.

Anyway, for the post format!


If you have a room and want to fill space, use this format:


Total Cost:
Date Arriving:
Date Leaving:
Number of Spots Available:
My Gender
Your Gender:
Best Contact Method:

Additional Notes/Requests:


If you are looking for a place to sleep, use this format:


Date Arriving:
Date Leaving:
Spots Needed:
My Gender:
Your Gender:
Best Contact Method:

Additional Notes:

User name Alazull on Steam, PSN, Nintenders, Epic, etc.


  • AlazullAlazull Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Sept 1st
    Date Leaving: Sept 4th
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: None of my business
    Best Contact Method: Either message me here or hit me up on Discord (Alazull there as well)

    Additional Notes: I'd prefer a hotel closer to the convention and I'm down to pay extra for a bed if possible. I'm old enough now that my back really doesn't appreciate sleeping on a floor if I can avoid it!

    User name Alazull on Steam, PSN, Nintenders, Epic, etc.
  • DarkphibreDarkphibre Photographer / Programmer / Data Scientist / Gamer Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: 9/1
    Date Leaving: 9/5
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: F
    Your Gender: IDK
    Best Contact Method: email darkphibre via hotmail.com, and ping me here on the forums to avoid spam filters.

    Additional Notes: I'm mature and easy going. I shower. :) I like to party if that's the vibe. I've been to enough cons I don't care if I split a bed.

    Rarely in the room since I photograph so much.

    Flexible on days, as I live within an hour of the convention, but it'd sure love to have a closer touch-down spot for my camera gear & to change into cosplays.

    Gamertag: Darkphibre, or Me for Halo! darkphibre.com, flickr

    Dark Fibre: Fiberoptic cable placed in anticipation of future demand

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