I'm in a class right now in a building on my campus devoid of wireless, and I usually take notes on my laptop. The lack of internet is a real pain for me, because I find myself intensely wishing I could get onto something like wikipedia while I was there - the professor asks a lot of trivia-esque questions about the legal system that nobody knows, and it'd be great if I could produce some sort of answers for him while I was there during the lectures.
To that affect, I'm trying to figure out how to download wikipedia. They seem to have the facilities set up for an individual to do so:
But when I get this far I find myself stumped. I am assuming that the XML data is of no particular use to me, considering that I am fairly computer-retarded. However, the 'static html dumps' option seems ideal, assuming that it simply downloads a copy of each page to my hard drive.
I get myself to here...
For the English download, and I am confronted with a bunch of .7z files and .lsts. This is where I get confused. Presumably one could (and I have) download the .7z files and unzip them as an archive, but when I tried that I only got as far as articles with the letter B - nothing beyond that seemed to unzip. I also have no idea what these .lst files are there for.
Can you guys help me out? It'd be great to have access to something as expansive as wikipedia offline.
Lots of professors ask questions without the expectation for students to answer. I'm curious if the professor really wants one kid to read from Wikipedia whenever he asks an obscure legal question.
There's a lot of conversations that he basically concludes by pointing at me with my laptop, since I am the only one in there with one, and saying "I wish we had the internet so we could find out a bit more about _______, but...". I'm just trying to pleasantly surprise him once or twice. It's not like I'll be lording over my laptop pretending to know everything - I'm just going to let him know that if he wants information on something, I'm handy.
The site's host probably wouldn't appreciate you downloading everything this way, because it would take much more bandwidth than if you downloaded compressed archives.
About 7.3 gigs, compressed. I didn't bother to figure out the uncompressed amount, but it's a lot.
Also, the Wikipedia CD is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipedia-CD/Download
Seriously, this was all on Wikipedia by just googling "Download wikipedia"