OK dudes, I love the last season of the Sopranos. It's so far been a great constant build of tension, with major events constantly occuring.
I've been a fan of the show a long time and I think it's currently at its strongest point. It has a lot going on and it feels like it's going to be an exciting surprising season an series finale.
What do you guys think of the season so far? What do you think will happen, or want to happen, in the final episode.
Use spoilers liberally for those who may be behind.
My prediction, which doubles as my secret desires:
Uncle Junior makes a last attempt at relevancy by taking someone out, possibly directly saving Tony, redeeming Junior and allowing him to die (which he will) somewhat honorably. At some point a relation of Tony's will get it. I'm betting Meadow or Dr. Melfi. An attempted hit at the psych office would be DELECTABLE. If it's Meadow, AJ grows balls and goes out for revenge, doing something vicious before all is done (quite possibly taking a NY life). Even if not he may get involved with the family.
In the end, Tony gets sent to prison (how/why I can't figure out), and Sil recovers to take on the family, taking on AJ as his protege.
A sibling death would toughen him up mighty quick.