"Four people to bring peace to the Valley, hm?" Eirlys mused. She stood carefully, making sure she had a good grip on the gnarled staff. "Never had an ask quite like this before." The next part the old Lopen mumbled to herself. "But not a bad way to bring my story to a close."
Gonna toss a vote on "Walking-Train," if only because it sounds the least like a potential cataclysm."
Do you agree to ask Brother Kuma the rumored location of the "Walking-Train"? Majority rules here: *if* it resolves in a majority rules fashion and not unanimous, I would hope the odd person out gets to choose the next Expedition. In the event of a tie, I'll roll to break it
The yellowed, crinkled page displays across the top of it in bold letters: WITNESS! THE WALKING TRAIN! Beneath the declaration is a picture of a sort of half clockwork/half centipede/half massive carriage-thing. The Train has roughly twenty arms each side of it, all busy at task: some arms place tracks before the machine, some grip the tracks underneath, and some pull loose the tracks from behind to begin the process once more. Atop the machine's back, a score of cartoon citizens grip railings upon the clockworks back, while the smiling face on the front of the train looks back at it's passengers, utterly delighted...
Brother Kuma whistles, impressed. "Well, you all certainly do know how to sniff out a challenge, don't you?
"So, there's good news and bad news. The good news is that I know exactly who could likely give you the location of the Train: the people of Nox have been long-rumored to possess knowledge of a "Great Walker"..."
"Now onto the bad news: the reason they're thought to know of such a thing is because the "village" of Nox is always moving. Here one day, gone the next. They've been known to set up camp for maybe a week at a time, tops, but for the most part make themselves hard to find on purpose."
"The location of their home is generally found somewhere between the villages of Shitheap, The Crixa, and Grimstalk. Those are also the only peoples they conduct business with, so it's possible there are individuals there who could help you locate them better than I. The Churners at Dig #27 as well, possibly, although they've only very recently set up camp. Of course, I would warn against going as far southwest as Castle Kodoth, though: it's a raider paradise out those ways. You'd be looking for trouble."
"Knowing the general area, I suppose you could always try to hunt the village down yourselves. But it would take great patience and expert tracking skills, and I imagine it would be difficult. As you all know, it's not the best idea to spend more time than necessary in the wilds of the Elwood, especially after dark."
Big Sleep's fingers tap nervously against the metal floor. "...and then there's the matter of what to do when you find them. The villagers of Nox are...fairly unusual. They have a...let's say, "ritual" set of beliefs, that are rather inscrutable and, errhm, and off-putting?" The Brother asks curiously, "Have any of you ever met one of the Neighbors of Genro? That strange religious order, who all wear the ties and slippers, and all tend to end up dead curing tiger's toothaches or trying to hug bandits? They used to originally hail from Nox, until a big group of them splintered off over some sort of cultural dispute..." Brother Kuma shrugs. "I suppose if you could find a helpful Neighbor, they'd help you find whatever you needed, and then offer you their left eye besides!"
Eiko's eyes grew wide with excitement at the information and lead into this lost wonder, but then she pauses. Did she mishear? She must have. "I'm sorry, what was the name of that first village where Nox may be?"
Brother Kuma chuckles. "Heh, yeah, "Shitheap"! It's a sort of, part-children's home, part-retirement home, part-overstuffed closet. For those Churners either too young or too old to chase the Digs anymore. Close as you can get to the Blight of the Forsaken Mists without being in it. Frankly, a dangerous place to be, much less live...but they seem to have found a way..."
"Those who've been say the place is an absolute Hoarder's Heaven: just stacks and stacks and stacks of Old World artifacts piled around, endless collections of old metal doodads and plastic whassits, hollowed out motors and rusted out, giant machines. Of course, they didn't call it Hoarder's Heaven when they were describing it around...and the Churners, sort of as an "up yours" to the rest of the Valley, just started calling it "Shitheap" too. They don't much care for anyone other than Churners to come poking around, anyways...you should be careful going out that way..."
For Eiko's Eyes only:
Do you remember your last night at the last Dig? That dinner around the fire?
As a Churner, Eiko is highly encouraged by her fellows to seek out the site of the "Big Dig" within the Valley during her time there! They seem to be dancing around some sort of happy secret as they discretely tell you of the place, always saying that you'll have to "see it for yourself", but Eiko is able to determine that: the Forsaken Mists around are incredibly treacherous but can learn to be managed with experience, the nearby "Shitheap" is a colony of Churner children and Churner elders with the off-putting name meant to drive away any outside interest, and that it is considered a "Great Pearl" of the Churner civilization. They also stress to Eiko, repeatedly, not to tell any outsiders about its true nature
Eiko was given the hauntingly familiar phrase "Finder of Agrelacht" to speak to any Churner she met guarding that village, so that they would know you were a friend of the people
Brother Kuma chuckles. "Heh, yeah, "Shitheap"! It's a sort of, part-children's home, part-retirement home, part-overstuffed closet. For those Churners either too young or too old to chase the Digs anymore. Close as you can get to the Blight of the Forsaken Mists without being in it. Frankly, a dangerous place to be, much less live...but they seem to have found a way..."
"Those who've been say the place is an absolute Hoarder's Heaven: just stacks and stacks and stacks of Old World artifacts piled around, endless collections of old metal doodads and plastic whassits, hollowed out motors and rusted out, giant machines. Of course, they didn't call it Hoarder's Heaven when they were describing it around...and the Churners, sort of as an "up yours" to the rest of the Valley, just started calling it "Shitheap" too. They don't much care for anyone other than Churners to come poking around, anyways...you should be careful going out that way..."
For Eiko's Eyes only:
Do you remember your last night at the last Dig? That dinner around the fire?
As a Churner, Eiko is highly encouraged by her fellows to seek out the site of the "Big Dig" within the Valley during her time there! They seem to be dancing around some sort of happy secret as they discretely tell you of the place, always saying that you'll have to "see it for yourself", but Eiko is able to determine that: the Forsaken Mists around are incredibly treacherous but can learn to be managed with experience, the nearby "Shitheap" is a colony of Churner children and Churner elders with the off-putting name meant to drive away any outside interest, and that it is considered a "Great Pearl" of the Churner civilization. They also stress to Eiko, repeatedly, not to tell any outsiders about its true nature
Eiko was given the hauntingly familiar phrase "Finder of Agrelacht" to speak to any Churner she met guarding that village, so that they would know you were a friend of the people
Haha, how did I miss the name of this place the first time around? I must have just parsed that totally differently!
"Well, this all sounds incredible! I'm ready to get going! Oh, and I hope you feel better."
Eiko packs up her notebook and steps towards the door, although waits for her new companions.
Assuming the crew agrees to make "Shitheap" the first stop on their search for the hidden village of Nox: how are you all planning on getting there? Making a direct beeline and cutting straight through the dangerous Wilderness of the Elwood? Sticking to the Main Roads as long as possible instead? (The Main Roads will almost always be the safer choice, but the longer the group spends pathfinding in the Wilderness, the more opportunities you'll have to create *new* Paths through where you regularly roam, cutting your party's travel time and connecting communities that are currently isolated. So it's a risk/reward call on your part)
Eiko packs up her notebook and steroids towards the door...
I'm not familiar with the use of steroids as a verb...
Shitheap as a first stop sounds fine; I assume Eirlys is more used to traveling the roads in cart or by foot, but has no objections to cutting a path through the wilderness. Assuming Ember is comfortable leading the way!
"Hmmmm." The Trogg lets his eye dance over it, taking in the features and tying them to his own memories.
"Navigating the Elwood won't be easy. But it does make the most sense for a moving city to stop close to water here." His finger points to the river that runs through the middle. "Still, the journey might be better served by following the paths until we reach this 'dig' and seeing if we can get information. I'd rather not blindly trek through the Elwood on our own. Having a series of directions to limit our search is preferable."
Is there anything Ember would have insights into about the Elwood, being a Warden and all?
The otter's eyebrows raise at those names. Pardon? Oh. Yep, he heard right. His lips curl distastefully, "Well, let's hope the smell is better than the name..." He peers at the map as Ember talks, mentally drawing paths they can take.
His fingers play with one of the pins, subconsciously un- and re-pinning it in its place. "Do we get any supplies for this? Seems a bit of a trek and I'm the only one with a mount." Pause, "Or dust to acquire supplies?"
His fingers play with one of the pins, subconsciously un- and re-pinning it in its place. "Do we get any supplies for this? Seems a bit of a trek and I'm the only one with a mount." Pause, "Or dust to acquire supplies?"
Big Sleep nods in the affirmative. Lumbering over towards the large chest, the bearkin works the complicated lock on the container, and the top swings open. To Swims and the rest, the Brother explains; "Given the scope of what I've asked, I can provide two portions Dust each, to get you all started" Retrieving one of a large stack of sealed letters (this one marked "To the Whispers"), Kuma hands the envelope carefully over to the otterkin. "And one more upon completion of a simple delivery for me: depositing this letter in the hands of the Churner's Matriarch, dwelling somewhere within Shitheap. It is for her eyes only, do you understand? I imagine when you meet with Reggie the Reaver and the Glitter Triplets, that they will have similar work and rewards to offer, as well as a safe place to lay your heads for what time you need..."
Swims-to-Glory has received a "Letter to the Whispers"!
Everyone has received x2 Units of Dust!
With one last grateful look about the room, the old bear adds, "Now, unless there are any other questions...I suppose you Walkers must be to your paths. On behalf of the whole of the Valley, I thank you for your service!..." And I believe (pending any further questions for Brother Kuma), *that* should bring us to the end of our Session Zero! No, this was *not* the originally stated plan, but I feel like maybe the game found its natural pace and rhythm in "unlikely crew bounces around the Valley meeting people and seeking the Wonders", sort of feels like a more natural framework for the mix of PCs you guys are bringing than "Boy Scout around the Valley", I think!
Now, I believe the parameters of your first Quest (correct any part of this you disagree with) were set as follows: 1. Follow the Main Road west as close as you can towards Shitheap (this would get you to the river, but not *all* the way to the Crixa), 2. Brave Wilderness, then Blight, to enter the isolated Churner community of Shitheap, 3. Find someone in Shitheap who can point you in the location of the mysterious, moving village of Nox, 4. Locate and enter the illusive and secretive Nox village, 5. Somehow determine the location of "The Walking-Train". Is this all correct?
Does that mean we get to level up? I know Ideals don't come into it for session zero, since you level up after it regardless, but I think Swims ticked all three of his...
Also, I just noticed that adding Dust to the spreadsheet starts filling up a gold bar next to the number (indicating your max Dust wallet size) and that's cool as punch.
And yeah, it sounded like head for Shitheap (we hadn't picked a route, but were advised to take the road), get information, then find Nox and via them, the big boss.
Not until Chapter One- *but* the party can each claim 1 EXP for "being challenged or tested" during their respective prologues, and (after a quick glance at everyone's character sheet to update my Game Bible...thanks again for that, @kime !) 1 EXP for "fulfilling an ideal"
I've broken your first Quest (“Going off the Trails Towards a Walking Train”) into two separate Expeditions: First Expedition, the travel to and encounter with the village and people of Shitheap (followed by an Interval); the Second, the travel to and encounter with the village and people of Nox (followed by an Interval), and then the Finale. Each of the Expeditions should warrant x2 Camps
Ember unfortunately hasn’t spent too much of his time in the Valley around the dangerous Blight of the Forbidden Mists, the strange jungles that border Ruin’s Prism, or the lands further south where the Bandit-Kings roam: what journeys the Trogg did take there would’ve been very “in-and-out”.
But the Warden knows what any good Watcher would know about the Main Road out of Jengin’s Hold: the portion between here and the Crixa (the large settlement at the very center of the Gran Umbras) is referred to as Amra’s Folly. The path is currently overgrown, but was clear enough for passage on the way here (you only had to lift that tiny motor of the Grandfather’s a handful of times over great fallen logs, or up and down awkward rocky hills), and the trees above let in pleasant patches of overhead light at regular intervals.
Embergaze does know one crucial bit of information: there’s a “ferry” located where Amra’s Folly briefly meets the south-flowing river of the Blackbrook. If you got there before nightfall, your crew would not only have a safe place to spend the evening, but you all could cross over on the ferry the next morning. However, if you failed to arrive before the sun has fully set, you’d find the rope ladders to the treehouse above pulled into the leaves overhead for the evening: the locals dwelling there fear the things that come at night…
A Clock has begun to tick…
I’m going to roll up some weather and events as you all hit the road. Please give me a brief RP scene of your PC/between your PCs leaving the Hold and getting out into the famous wilderness of the Gran Umbras Valley (picture Mirkwood meets the Amazon Jungle) when you are ready to depart, and then we will officially begin Chapter One of our adventure!
Maybe I'm misreading it, or misunderstanding you (or, we're doing it differently), but I was under the impression that session 0 didn't track XP mechanically (you can do it as practice), you just automatically get bumped to level 1 at the end of it.
If you’re playing with the level 0 rule, it’s not necessary to track xp during the first session but it’s good practice. After the first session, all characters gain enough xp to take them to 15 xp and accumulate a level up, leaving them at level 1 for the next section.
Maybe I'm misreading it, or misunderstanding you (or, we're doing it differently), but I was under the impression that session 0 didn't track XP mechanically (you can do it as practice), you just automatically get bumped to level 1 at the end of it.
If you’re playing with the level 0 rule, it’s not necessary to track xp during the first session but it’s good practice. After the first session, all characters gain enough xp to take them to 15 xp and accumulate a level up, leaving them at level 1 for the next section.
The way I'd read it in the book (and it made sense at the time I did a few rereads yesterday, I swear) was the "first session" being a separate thing from a "session zero": in a first session (much easier to do together IRL, obviously) I'd probably have thrown a mini-battle at you all to intro Tactical Battle, teased the Risk and Effect system a bit more, and hopefully pushed someone into taking on Strain or become Superpowered. Whereas *our* session zero was (sorry) super heavy on exposition, figuring out who you PCs "were" and what they were looking to pursue, and real light on systems familiarity and testing
That expectation is on me, though! Mechanically, I was hoping to cut the difference with the (+2 EXP) for the session, but on another look, Glal's reading seems much more backed by the actual text, specifically this portion, also on page 240:
It's perfectly possible to start a game at level 1 or later if you so choose
Since your crew have already put in some *significant* effort as Walkers already (learning the world, building out fun PCs and getting them together, and patiently waiting to play the "game" proper), the mechanical difference is very significant, specifically for Tactical Battle (+2 AP, Unlocking Limit Breaks, Gaining a Bond Power, and Improving an Action) and I wasn't more clear/likely am misreading/want to put the *hurt* on in these upcoming encounters, let's go ahead and bump you all up to Level 1!
At this point in her life, long trips had become as natural to Eirlys as breathing. The Lopen checked her boots, verifying sides and soles. She inspected every stitch of her pack, then accounted for her bedroll, sleeping bag, firestarter, cooking pot, and every other necessary item. Eirlys confirmed that her utility knife was sharp and that, yes, her spoon was exactly where she thought it was - close at hand in a secured pouch.
Once satisfied that she was ready to go, the aging Lopen sought out Swims-to-Glory. "So," Eirlys asked the Otterkin. "Do you often pick fights with local sheriffs, or just the ones at Jengin's Hold?" She leaned against her weathered staff, shifting slightly to find a more comfortable position in which to stand. "Probably good for us to know in case we run into another one in Shitheap, or a patrol along the road. I'll need to pack more catgut and silk if all the folk from Rovel we meet will need stitches."
"Swims is an established Watcher, and Watchers know to avoid fights they can't win." Ember speaks first. "I'm sure Swims knows not to press his luck."
The Trogg gives the Otterkin a hard look. Ember wouldn't put up with too much of the similar behavior when they were on the road. If he was tied to this group, they would learn to behave as real Watchers and now throw their weight around like the so called sheriffs they had seen today.
Swims-to-Glory checks the packs on his koi mount, making sure nothing is amiss as they head out of town. It looks to be a well rehearsed ritual, his short arms patting a bulge here, weighing a pack there, nose pushing into the rations to make sure nothing smells off. Seems fine.
He turns to Eirlys with almost a surprise, as if he'd not expected her to still be with them. He scrutinizes her as she talks... will this old biddy even reach their first destination?
"It is my experience that people who don't know their place in life can be found among all types of folks, be they scheriffs, common folk... or Watchers." He gives her a cold smile, then returns to checking his supplies, speaking over his shoulder, "I shouldn't worry too much, most folks on the road know better than to try and shake down a Watcher, and rarer still those that try it twice."
The last bit is audible, but under his breath, "In nikoli tretjic." When Ember addresses him the otterkin turns to give him a broad grin.
hmmm, both my talents for Elden Rune look good. I'll wait to talent that up until I see which is better after a fight or two.
Eiko looks around at the new group. She hadn't really planned on joining a group of new Watchers and heading out so soon, but it seems like most of today wasn't going as planned. That's part of the fun, really.
"It is my experience that people who don't know their place in life can be found among all types of folks, be they scheriffs, common folk... or Watchers." He gives her a cold smile, then returns to checking his supplies, speaking over his shoulder,
Even though Swims-To-Glory was talking to Eirlys, Eiko can't help but speak up. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll manage! Brother Kuma seems like a good judge of character. How's your cheek, by the way, that cut looks like it hurt? Do you need another bandage or something? That one guard got you good!"
Smiling, she doublechecks that she has what she needs for a cross-country trek. Basic supplies, of course, but also what she'll need to help start building a mental map of the aether currents and points of interest in the valley.
The new crew of Watchers continue their journey west, hiking over the aged cobbles and rough trails of Ambra’s Folly. The sky overhead (where it can be seen through the thick, towering trees), pours a steady deluge of water into the Valley below. Small furry mammals and brightly-colored birds tuck themselves underneath the canopy leaves of jungle trees, waiting out the rainstorm and curiously watching as the four humanoids pass.
A sound begins to build out in the Wilderness, somewhere within the monsoon, growing louder and louder. The group looks around the Elwood with wide eyes, each nervously gripping a weapon. The peal finally builds to the point where its recognizable as screaming. Moments later, out of the mist, a scared looking figure almost bumbles directly into the group: “Ohgodspleasedon’thurtme !”
The Thrynn trips to his knees in front of you, gloves catching himself before he goes face-first in the mud. He’s bearing a strange lantern, and a massive pack is upon his back. The rest of the lad’s gear, though exceptionally well-tailored, seems to be about two sizes too large for him. At a loss of breath and panting, the young lad pulls himself around and stares wide-eyed, trying and failing to catch sight of something out there in the mist coming from behind.
At last, he turns back to this group of Watchers, huffing and puffing. “Gotta help…” he gulps out with effort. “…after me…out there in the rain…gonna kill me…”
Watchers of the Way: How do you proceed with the fellow?
I'm realizing in this very moment that I haven't pictured or written anything about what type of weapon Ember would have.....
Ember quickly slides to the side of the road, positioning himself near the brush and squatting down to peer into the mist. He draws the bow that was hanging across his back, pulling and knocking an arrow for readiness, but not pointing it in any one direction.
The Trogg leaves the Thrynn to the group, and instead focuses his senses on any potential danger.
I'd like to try and roll a Sense on anything that is closing in on us
Eirlys stepped towards the Thrynn, and laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's alright lad, we'll help you. Take a few deep breaths, you're safe now." The aging Lopen guided the youth behind Ember and Swims-to-Glory, and out of the path of potential violence. "We're Watchers, helping people is what we do." She waited a moment for the young man to catch his breath. "Now, what is it that you're running from?"
I'd like to try and roll a Sense on anything that is closing in on us
Risky/Normal: If all you get a good look at where/what/how many are in pursuit here, you'll have advantage/distance/cover should things look like they're gonna get ugly. On the other hand, in this downpour, with sound and visibility this dampened, it wouldn't be difficult for an enemy to get the jump on all you in the *same* way
I'd like to try and roll a Sense on anything that is closing in on us
Risky/Normal: If all you get a good look at where/what/how many are in pursuit here, you'll have advantage/distance/cover should things look like they're gonna get ugly. On the other hand, in this downpour, with sound and visibility this dampened, it wouldn't be difficult for an enemy to get the jump on all you in the *same* way
Can I lend Ember my Arkentech lenses (with 10x magnification !?!?!?!? ) to help make sure we can find them first and reduce the Risk?
Edit: Also, can I do a quick Study of this person to learn more specifically about that lantern they've got, and then maybe if they have anything else interesting on or about them?
The otter watches the Thrynn suspiciously, dismounting his koi, "Hey Lopen, keep an eye on him in case he stole that gear and tries to run when the victim comes running..."
Leaving his mount with the group he joins Ember, peering at the sheets of rain before them, murmuring, "See anything?" He flicks his small ears, trying to make sense of the approaching sound.
I have general knowledge of local fauna and flora (from experience, good and bad) as part of my Wanderer's Kit, would that be applicable here?
She waited a moment for the young man to catch his breath. "Now, what is it that you're running from?"
@jdarksun : Charm/Command to get this guy to calm down and trust you, or Sense/Study to give him a good once over and deduce his story (Controlled/Normal)
Can I lend Ember my Arkentech lenses (with 10x magnification !?!?!?!? ) to help make sure we can find them first and reduce the Risk?
Edit: Also, can I do a quick Study of this person to learn more specifically about that lantern they've got, and then maybe if they have anything else interesting on or about them?
I have general knowledge of local fauna and flora (from experience, good and bad) as part of my Wanderer's Kit, would that be applicable here
Everywhere you can see around the road, hundreds and hundreds of brilliantly colored flowers, (some smaller then your pinky claw, some the size of Embergaze), spread their petals in the wet morning light. A few of the plants glow bright blue with the Aether which innately grows within. This close to the Hold, the paths are better maintained and the visitors more frequent: unless desperate, most large predators would steer clear of this place, making it a haven for birds and insects which would come to sip the trace amounts of Aether within the plantlife in relative peace
On a quick glance, Swims-to-Glory would notice that the frightened stranger bears a Wanderer's Kit of his own upon his back
That's no lantern the Thyrnn is holding, it's a "Wrangler's Friend": a stick, hook, and cage-in-cup device used to trap and transport smaller (although up to housecat sized) animals. The way the fella is gripping it in both arms, whatever's in there must be fairly heavy. Eiko notices the Aether-purple inside the cup dim and pulse, and if she pays close attention, she can hear a faint, angry humming coming from within.
Though he's a bit on the small side, the way this young person carries himself, stands, smells, the tools at his belt...Eiko gets the sense of a Thyrnn who hasn't spent a day that wasn't in, on, or about agriculture. His gear is all farming or trapper related, and it's all made of the finest materials: the lad comes from money, but by the look of the callouses on this hands, he isn't the spoiled type. Eiko almost get the sense of a kindred spirit...
The Thrynn wanderer's garb is made of stitched together, high-quality leathers; the overflowing pack at his back is stuffed with any and all the essentials for a traveller who might be expecting trouble (and *then* some); and each piece of gear is newly forged, made with brightly polished metals that few could easily find or afford. The tiger-paw patch over the Thyrnn's heart certifies this as the *official* uniform of a Kelm Animal Wrangler: among the acclaimed pet trainers, monster hunters, breeders, and ranchers that descend from (or work with) the two famed land management families of the Gran Umbras Farmlands
This one has obviously ran away after he caught something highly-dangerous and is currently being pursued by the spawn or companions or whatever species he just angered. Though he smells of the land and the tan to the Thyrnn's skin says he's a hard-worker, there's a green look about the farmhand: the Lopen gets the sense that this young lad, perhaps overeager to prove himself, may have just bit off more than he can chew with his current adventure. That said, despite his palpable fear, the young man grips his "Wrangler's Friend" like a pot of gold he'd just discovered and was afraid might disappear should he look away from it for but a second
As the Trogg places hand over his vision and tries to make out anything through the downpour, something gently tugs at his other arm. Looking down, the great horned lad sees Eiko, eagerly pressing up a pair of Old World-style spectacles. Wordlessly accepting the offer, Ember presses the glasses onto his face as best he can, and scans the Valley with the assistance of the ancient tech...
...there, in the distance, from where the Thyrnn had come. Something cutting through the mist...a swirling cloud of yellow, and black, and Aether-purple. Impossible to make out an actual shape, just seems to be a throbbing circle of color. Wait, there nearby...another one...and another one. All circling in from a different direction, all closing in on this location.
Embergaze feels his stomach lurch as realization hits. Swarms of insects...big enough to be out and angry in the heavy rain...all slowly buzzing in this direction...
Swims-to-Glory just catches Eirlys' question and narrows his eyes at the (presumed) Wrangler, "I knew it!" Before he can do anything else, Embergaze sounds his warning and he nods, "Understood."
He returns to his mount, eyes still on their guest, "Are you willing to throw your life away for that prize, whelp?" The otter pulls a waterproof cloak from his pack and begins pulling it over the koi, using its various straps to secure it around the fish.
To Ember, "How long do we have? We might be able to pull up a tent if we're quick..." Pause, back at their 'guest', "And if the swarm decides it has no more reason to stay."
Gonna toss a vote on "Walking-Train," if only because it sounds the least like a potential cataclysm."
Penny Arcade Rockstar Social Club / This is why I despise cyclists
Do you agree to ask Brother Kuma the rumored location of the "Walking-Train"? Majority rules here: *if* it resolves in a majority rules fashion and not unanimous, I would hope the odd person out gets to choose the next Expedition. In the event of a tie, I'll roll to break it
Brother Kuma whistles, impressed. "Well, you all certainly do know how to sniff out a challenge, don't you?
"So, there's good news and bad news. The good news is that I know exactly who could likely give you the location of the Train: the people of Nox have been long-rumored to possess knowledge of a "Great Walker"..."
"Now onto the bad news: the reason they're thought to know of such a thing is because the "village" of Nox is always moving. Here one day, gone the next. They've been known to set up camp for maybe a week at a time, tops, but for the most part make themselves hard to find on purpose."
"The location of their home is generally found somewhere between the villages of Shitheap, The Crixa, and Grimstalk. Those are also the only peoples they conduct business with, so it's possible there are individuals there who could help you locate them better than I. The Churners at Dig #27 as well, possibly, although they've only very recently set up camp. Of course, I would warn against going as far southwest as Castle Kodoth, though: it's a raider paradise out those ways. You'd be looking for trouble."
"Knowing the general area, I suppose you could always try to hunt the village down yourselves. But it would take great patience and expert tracking skills, and I imagine it would be difficult. As you all know, it's not the best idea to spend more time than necessary in the wilds of the Elwood, especially after dark."
Big Sleep's fingers tap nervously against the metal floor. "...and then there's the matter of what to do when you find them. The villagers of Nox are...fairly unusual. They have a...let's say, "ritual" set of beliefs, that are rather inscrutable and, errhm, and off-putting?" The Brother asks curiously, "Have any of you ever met one of the Neighbors of Genro? That strange religious order, who all wear the ties and slippers, and all tend to end up dead curing tiger's toothaches or trying to hug bandits? They used to originally hail from Nox, until a big group of them splintered off over some sort of cultural dispute..." Brother Kuma shrugs. "I suppose if you could find a helpful Neighbor, they'd help you find whatever you needed, and then offer you their left eye besides!"
Ask any questions. Make your plans
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"Those who've been say the place is an absolute Hoarder's Heaven: just stacks and stacks and stacks of Old World artifacts piled around, endless collections of old metal doodads and plastic whassits, hollowed out motors and rusted out, giant machines. Of course, they didn't call it Hoarder's Heaven when they were describing it around...and the Churners, sort of as an "up yours" to the rest of the Valley, just started calling it "Shitheap" too. They don't much care for anyone other than Churners to come poking around, anyways...you should be careful going out that way..."
For Eiko's Eyes only:
Eiko was given the hauntingly familiar phrase "Finder of Agrelacht" to speak to any Churner she met guarding that village, so that they would know you were a friend of the people
"Well, this all sounds incredible! I'm ready to get going! Oh, and I hope you feel better."
Eiko packs up her notebook and steps towards the door, although waits for her new companions.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
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Shitheap as a first stop sounds fine; I assume Eirlys is more used to traveling the roads in cart or by foot, but has no objections to cutting a path through the wilderness. Assuming Ember is comfortable leading the way!
Penny Arcade Rockstar Social Club / This is why I despise cyclists
"Hmmmm." The Trogg lets his eye dance over it, taking in the features and tying them to his own memories.
"Navigating the Elwood won't be easy. But it does make the most sense for a moving city to stop close to water here." His finger points to the river that runs through the middle. "Still, the journey might be better served by following the paths until we reach this 'dig' and seeing if we can get information. I'd rather not blindly trek through the Elwood on our own. Having a series of directions to limit our search is preferable."
Is there anything Ember would have insights into about the Elwood, being a Warden and all?
His fingers play with one of the pins, subconsciously un- and re-pinning it in its place. "Do we get any supplies for this? Seems a bit of a trek and I'm the only one with a mount." Pause, "Or dust to acquire supplies?"
Yeeeeeah, Shitheap!
A Test of Knowledge (Traverse) Fortune Roll, please!
Big Sleep nods in the affirmative. Lumbering over towards the large chest, the bearkin works the complicated lock on the container, and the top swings open. To Swims and the rest, the Brother explains; "Given the scope of what I've asked, I can provide two portions Dust each, to get you all started" Retrieving one of a large stack of sealed letters (this one marked "To the Whispers"), Kuma hands the envelope carefully over to the otterkin. "And one more upon completion of a simple delivery for me: depositing this letter in the hands of the Churner's Matriarch, dwelling somewhere within Shitheap. It is for her eyes only, do you understand? I imagine when you meet with Reggie the Reaver and the Glitter Triplets, that they will have similar work and rewards to offer, as well as a safe place to lay your heads for what time you need..."
Swims-to-Glory has received a "Letter to the Whispers"!
Everyone has received x2 Units of Dust!
With one last grateful look about the room, the old bear adds, "Now, unless there are any other questions...I suppose you Walkers must be to your paths. On behalf of the whole of the Valley, I thank you for your service!..."
And I believe (pending any further questions for Brother Kuma), *that* should bring us to the end of our Session Zero! No, this was *not* the originally stated plan, but I feel like maybe the game found its natural pace and rhythm in "unlikely crew bounces around the Valley meeting people and seeking the Wonders", sort of feels like a more natural framework for the mix of PCs you guys are bringing than "Boy Scout around the Valley", I think!
Now, I believe the parameters of your first Quest (correct any part of this you disagree with) were set as follows: 1. Follow the Main Road west as close as you can towards Shitheap (this would get you to the river, but not *all* the way to the Crixa), 2. Brave Wilderness, then Blight, to enter the isolated Churner community of Shitheap, 3. Find someone in Shitheap who can point you in the location of the mysterious, moving village of Nox, 4. Locate and enter the illusive and secretive Nox village, 5. Somehow determine the location of "The Walking-Train". Is this all correct?
Also, I just noticed that adding Dust to the spreadsheet starts filling up a gold bar next to the number (indicating your max Dust wallet size) and that's cool as punch.
And yeah, it sounded like head for Shitheap (we hadn't picked a route, but were advised to take the road), get information, then find Nox and via them, the big boss.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
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Not until Chapter One- *but* the party can each claim 1 EXP for "being challenged or tested" during their respective prologues, and (after a quick glance at everyone's character sheet to update my Game Bible...thanks again for that, @kime !) 1 EXP for "fulfilling an ideal"
I've broken your first Quest (“Going off the Trails Towards a Walking Train”) into two separate Expeditions: First Expedition, the travel to and encounter with the village and people of Shitheap (followed by an Interval); the Second, the travel to and encounter with the village and people of Nox (followed by an Interval), and then the Finale. Each of the Expeditions should warrant x2 Camps
Ember unfortunately hasn’t spent too much of his time in the Valley around the dangerous Blight of the Forbidden Mists, the strange jungles that border Ruin’s Prism, or the lands further south where the Bandit-Kings roam: what journeys the Trogg did take there would’ve been very “in-and-out”.
But the Warden knows what any good Watcher would know about the Main Road out of Jengin’s Hold: the portion between here and the Crixa (the large settlement at the very center of the Gran Umbras) is referred to as Amra’s Folly. The path is currently overgrown, but was clear enough for passage on the way here (you only had to lift that tiny motor of the Grandfather’s a handful of times over great fallen logs, or up and down awkward rocky hills), and the trees above let in pleasant patches of overhead light at regular intervals.
Embergaze does know one crucial bit of information: there’s a “ferry” located where Amra’s Folly briefly meets the south-flowing river of the Blackbrook. If you got there before nightfall, your crew would not only have a safe place to spend the evening, but you all could cross over on the ferry the next morning. However, if you failed to arrive before the sun has fully set, you’d find the rope ladders to the treehouse above pulled into the leaves overhead for the evening: the locals dwelling there fear the things that come at night…
A Clock has begun to tick…
I’m going to roll up some weather and events as you all hit the road. Please give me a brief RP scene of your PC/between your PCs leaving the Hold and getting out into the famous wilderness of the Gran Umbras Valley (picture Mirkwood meets the Amazon Jungle) when you are ready to depart, and then we will officially begin Chapter One of our adventure!
Geth roll 1d100 Main Road
Today's Forecast: Monsoon Rains
The way I'd read it in the book (and it made sense at the time I did a few rereads yesterday, I swear) was the "first session" being a separate thing from a "session zero": in a first session (much easier to do together IRL, obviously) I'd probably have thrown a mini-battle at you all to intro Tactical Battle, teased the Risk and Effect system a bit more, and hopefully pushed someone into taking on Strain or become Superpowered. Whereas *our* session zero was (sorry) super heavy on exposition, figuring out who you PCs "were" and what they were looking to pursue, and real light on systems familiarity and testing
That expectation is on me, though! Mechanically, I was hoping to cut the difference with the (+2 EXP) for the session, but on another look, Glal's reading seems much more backed by the actual text, specifically this portion, also on page 240:
Since your crew have already put in some *significant* effort as Walkers already (learning the world, building out fun PCs and getting them together, and patiently waiting to play the "game" proper), the mechanical difference is very significant, specifically for Tactical Battle (+2 AP, Unlocking Limit Breaks, Gaining a Bond Power, and Improving an Action) and I wasn't more clear/likely am misreading/want to put the *hurt* on in these upcoming encounters, let's go ahead and bump you all up to Level 1!
Once satisfied that she was ready to go, the aging Lopen sought out Swims-to-Glory. "So," Eirlys asked the Otterkin. "Do you often pick fights with local sheriffs, or just the ones at Jengin's Hold?" She leaned against her weathered staff, shifting slightly to find a more comfortable position in which to stand. "Probably good for us to know in case we run into another one in Shitheap, or a patrol along the road. I'll need to pack more catgut and silk if all the folk from Rovel we meet will need stitches."
Penny Arcade Rockstar Social Club / This is why I despise cyclists
The Trogg gives the Otterkin a hard look. Ember wouldn't put up with too much of the similar behavior when they were on the road. If he was tied to this group, they would learn to behave as real Watchers and now throw their weight around like the so called sheriffs they had seen today.
He turns to Eirlys with almost a surprise, as if he'd not expected her to still be with them. He scrutinizes her as she talks... will this old biddy even reach their first destination?
"It is my experience that people who don't know their place in life can be found among all types of folks, be they scheriffs, common folk... or Watchers." He gives her a cold smile, then returns to checking his supplies, speaking over his shoulder, "I shouldn't worry too much, most folks on the road know better than to try and shake down a Watcher, and rarer still those that try it twice."
The last bit is audible, but under his breath, "In nikoli tretjic." When Ember addresses him the otterkin turns to give him a broad grin.
Eiko looks around at the new group. She hadn't really planned on joining a group of new Watchers and heading out so soon, but it seems like most of today wasn't going as planned. That's part of the fun, really.
Even though Swims-To-Glory was talking to Eirlys, Eiko can't help but speak up. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll manage! Brother Kuma seems like a good judge of character. How's your cheek, by the way, that cut looks like it hurt? Do you need another bandage or something? That one guard got you good!"
Smiling, she doublechecks that she has what she needs for a cross-country trek. Basic supplies, of course, but also what she'll need to help start building a mental map of the aether currents and points of interest in the valley.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
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A sound begins to build out in the Wilderness, somewhere within the monsoon, growing louder and louder. The group looks around the Elwood with wide eyes, each nervously gripping a weapon. The peal finally builds to the point where its recognizable as screaming. Moments later, out of the mist, a scared looking figure almost bumbles directly into the group: “Ohgodspleasedon’thurtme !”
The Thrynn trips to his knees in front of you, gloves catching himself before he goes face-first in the mud. He’s bearing a strange lantern, and a massive pack is upon his back. The rest of the lad’s gear, though exceptionally well-tailored, seems to be about two sizes too large for him. At a loss of breath and panting, the young lad pulls himself around and stares wide-eyed, trying and failing to catch sight of something out there in the mist coming from behind.
At last, he turns back to this group of Watchers, huffing and puffing. “Gotta help…” he gulps out with effort. “…after me…out there in the rain…gonna kill me…”
Watchers of the Way: How do you proceed with the fellow?
Ember quickly slides to the side of the road, positioning himself near the brush and squatting down to peer into the mist. He draws the bow that was hanging across his back, pulling and knocking an arrow for readiness, but not pointing it in any one direction.
The Trogg leaves the Thrynn to the group, and instead focuses his senses on any potential danger.
I'd like to try and roll a Sense on anything that is closing in on us
Penny Arcade Rockstar Social Club / This is why I despise cyclists
Risky/Normal: If all you get a good look at where/what/how many are in pursuit here, you'll have advantage/distance/cover should things look like they're gonna get ugly. On the other hand, in this downpour, with sound and visibility this dampened, it wouldn't be difficult for an enemy to get the jump on all you in the *same* way
Can I lend Ember my Arkentech lenses (with 10x magnification !?!?!?!? ) to help make sure we can find them first and reduce the Risk?
Edit: Also, can I do a quick Study of this person to learn more specifically about that lantern they've got, and then maybe if they have anything else interesting on or about them?
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
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Leaving his mount with the group he joins Ember, peering at the sheets of rain before them, murmuring, "See anything?" He flicks his small ears, trying to make sense of the approaching sound.
I have general knowledge of local fauna and flora (from experience, good and bad) as part of my Wanderer's Kit, would that be applicable here?
@jdarksun : Charm/Command to get this guy to calm down and trust you, or Sense/Study to give him a good once over and deduce his story (Controlled/Normal)
Yes to both!
Everywhere you can see around the road, hundreds and hundreds of brilliantly colored flowers, (some smaller then your pinky claw, some the size of Embergaze), spread their petals in the wet morning light. A few of the plants glow bright blue with the Aether which innately grows within. This close to the Hold, the paths are better maintained and the visitors more frequent: unless desperate, most large predators would steer clear of this place, making it a haven for birds and insects which would come to sip the trace amounts of Aether within the plantlife in relative peace
On a quick glance, Swims-to-Glory would notice that the frightened stranger bears a Wanderer's Kit of his own upon his back
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
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Geth, roll 1d6 for Sensing this Thrynn's duress.
Penny Arcade Rockstar Social Club / This is why I despise cyclists
Geth roll 2d6k1 for Sense the baddies
That's no lantern the Thyrnn is holding, it's a "Wrangler's Friend": a stick, hook, and cage-in-cup device used to trap and transport smaller (although up to housecat sized) animals. The way the fella is gripping it in both arms, whatever's in there must be fairly heavy. Eiko notices the Aether-purple inside the cup dim and pulse, and if she pays close attention, she can hear a faint, angry humming coming from within.
Though he's a bit on the small side, the way this young person carries himself, stands, smells, the tools at his belt...Eiko gets the sense of a Thyrnn who hasn't spent a day that wasn't in, on, or about agriculture. His gear is all farming or trapper related, and it's all made of the finest materials: the lad comes from money, but by the look of the callouses on this hands, he isn't the spoiled type. Eiko almost get the sense of a kindred spirit...
The Thrynn wanderer's garb is made of stitched together, high-quality leathers; the overflowing pack at his back is stuffed with any and all the essentials for a traveller who might be expecting trouble (and *then* some); and each piece of gear is newly forged, made with brightly polished metals that few could easily find or afford. The tiger-paw patch over the Thyrnn's heart certifies this as the *official* uniform of a Kelm Animal Wrangler: among the acclaimed pet trainers, monster hunters, breeders, and ranchers that descend from (or work with) the two famed land management families of the Gran Umbras Farmlands
This one has obviously ran away after he caught something highly-dangerous and is currently being pursued by the spawn or companions or whatever species he just angered. Though he smells of the land and the tan to the Thyrnn's skin says he's a hard-worker, there's a green look about the farmhand: the Lopen gets the sense that this young lad, perhaps overeager to prove himself, may have just bit off more than he can chew with his current adventure. That said, despite his palpable fear, the young man grips his "Wrangler's Friend" like a pot of gold he'd just discovered and was afraid might disappear should he look away from it for but a second
As the Trogg places hand over his vision and tries to make out anything through the downpour, something gently tugs at his other arm. Looking down, the great horned lad sees Eiko, eagerly pressing up a pair of Old World-style spectacles. Wordlessly accepting the offer, Ember presses the glasses onto his face as best he can, and scans the Valley with the assistance of the ancient tech...
...there, in the distance, from where the Thyrnn had come. Something cutting through the mist...a swirling cloud of yellow, and black, and Aether-purple. Impossible to make out an actual shape, just seems to be a throbbing circle of color. Wait, there nearby...another one...and another one. All circling in from a different direction, all closing in on this location.
Embergaze feels his stomach lurch as realization hits. Swarms of insects...big enough to be out and angry in the heavy rain...all slowly buzzing in this direction...
Penny Arcade Rockstar Social Club / This is why I despise cyclists
He looks around at their surroundings. "Run or hide, need to decide. This isn't something you fight through."
He returns to his mount, eyes still on their guest, "Are you willing to throw your life away for that prize, whelp?" The otter pulls a waterproof cloak from his pack and begins pulling it over the koi, using its various straps to secure it around the fish.
To Ember, "How long do we have? We might be able to pull up a tent if we're quick..." Pause, back at their 'guest', "And if the swarm decides it has no more reason to stay."
Penny Arcade Rockstar Social Club / This is why I despise cyclists
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