[ICON] - Episode One - "Going Off the Trails Towards a Walking-Train"



  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    I have a lot worse reception than I expected these past couple days. Back home later tonight and can post tomorrow, sorry!

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler VARegistered User regular
    The old Lopen smiled at the invitation and made her way over to the group, leaning on the gnarled walking stick perhaps more than was strictly necessary. "Oh, thank you for the invitation. The road knows my name, but sometimes it's nice to sit and rest a spell." Eirlys found a place to settle down, and glanced around at the temporary encampment. "Trouble with your cart? I've spent most of my many years in and around such things. I can take a look, if you like."

    Geth, roll 1d6 for Sense

    1d6 6 [1d6=6]

  • mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    "...The road knows my name, but sometimes it's nice to sit and rest a spell..."

    Xavier the Vodya smiles knowingly, an amused look in his old eyes as he stirs the hash. "Heh...there is Wisdom in just bein' for awhile, isn't there? Something many of these young learn much too late, I'm afraid...not to stop and enjoy the caress o' the rains, the flowers soaking up the storms, the restin' o' weary bones..."

    The dragonkin welcomes the Lopen in with the happy, familiar wave of an old acquaintance. "..and it's a true pleasure to see you again, dear Eirlys! Tell us, how have you been since our last encounter? Please, please, dry your fur...help yourself to a sip or sup'...then, after we've all caught up, maybe you and I can take a look at that cart!..."

    Eirlys: Tinker roll to fix the cart. Risk/Effect is Normal/Controlled. If you manage to repair the cart flawlessly, the Travellers would likely give you all a ride where you need to go, saving a significant chunk of time and getting you safely very near to your destination! Failures would range from the cart being a lot of extra work to fix, thus losing a tick on your progress clock for this section (on a 4-5 roll), and possibly breaking the cart *completely* while taking one point of Strain! (on a 1-3 roll)

    Eirlys also notices that the overturned cart is of an Imperial-make, and has been seemingly stripped of any gear or equipment, save the box of tools

    Eirlys, these Travellers aren't a stranded and Elderly pair, they're both Geryans:

    A hob appearing in the shape of an elderly Kin,
    dressed for travel. There’s little way to see
    through this hob’s disguise, but they often wear
    cloaks and hats, and smoke a fragrant pipe.
    These hobs are the spirits of well-traveled roads
    and therefore can move about the land quite
    freely. They often feign illness or weakness, and
    reward kindness or charity. They have a great
    knowledge of the ancient healing arts and are
    fond of striking bargains.

    "Xavier the Goblin" is the living spirit of "Xavier's Route", the Main Road to the north of here which connects the Crixa and Garrison-Upon-Ruby-Rock

    "Gidgit the Vodya" is the living spirit of "Amra's Folly", the Main Road you travel upon now. The path was named for the dragonkin explorer Amra who forged the trail, and subsequently died in a rather gruesome and embarrassing fashion tumbling into a large crevasse

    Tin-Beak is just a simple, injured Ironfeather

    Knowing what she does of the relationship between Imperials and Hobs out here in the Elwood, together with the liberated harpsichord, and the Imperial cart, Eirlys quickly deduces that this pair likely at best stole the wagon from its previous owners (at worst, they took it violently). The cart has almost certainly been damaged due to the spirits inexperience with driving (Eirlys can easily picture these two going for an aggressive joy ride with their newly liberated vehicle)

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler VARegistered User regular
    "Oh, you know me," Eirlys began, and leaned a bit towards the fire. "Always sticking my nose where it isn't wanted, unable to let even the smallest cases go. Why, naught but a few hours up the road we ran across a traveler in quite the predicament. Caught the wailicat by the tail, he did. Too dug into his people's ways, too scared to let go without regard to how it might hurt him." The aging Lopen accepted the offered drink, and inclined her head in thanks. "Didn't take much to help that unfortunate youth out though. Bit of tough love, bit of good advice. My new traveling companions have that wonderful combination of skill and determination. Feels like we could right any just about any wagon we came across." She gave a sly wink to the dragonkin at that last comment, then gently placed down the drink and made a show of stretching out her wrinkled fingers.

    "Now, while we see to the cart, surely one of my skilled and determined companions could find a bit of something to share. If not a bite of food, mayhap a bit of story? A song, a strum of harp or lute? Surely we didn't embark without the truly important goods?"

    I'm going to spend an effort to push here; it wouldn't do to offer a parable of helping travelers and fail this roll!
    Geth, roll 4d6k1 for tinkering on the cart

    4d6k1 6 [4d6k1=[6], 5, 3, 3]

  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    edited October 2023
    Swims-to-Glory watches the frogkin quietly, then... smiles? Huh. He can do it. "That sounds like a pleasant distraction, thank you." Stepping out of the rain, he runs his palms back over his face and neck, the water scattering off the fur, then takes a seat.

    "I'm not really much for dice, but I've been told I have a deft hand for cards." He gives an uncharacteristically friendly wink and rummages through his pouch, pulling out a very nice looking deck, depicting stylised figures of otters dancing, painting, crafting, waging war and some quite explicit acts. Art aside, the deck looks to be fairly standard otherwise.

    He's trying to impress, so he'll push himself.

    Geth, roll 4d6k1 for Card Shark Otter

    [edit] Ooh, a crit. Feast or famine~

    Card Shark Otter:
    4d6k1 6 [4d6k1=[6], 6, 4, 2]

    Glal on
  • mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular

    Atta’girl!” the Vodya chuckles along at his old friend’s usual antics. Stirring the coals of the fire, he follows, “Well, ye should all be pleased to know the Thrynn lad made it south safely…” Gidgit imparts this to Eirlys with a quiet, eerie assurance, while pulling himself up on his clawed feet. “Any trail or scent will likely be lost in all this downpour as well…some good luck for the boy, in spite of himself!” The aged dragonkin downs the remainder of his drink in one hearty gulp, and with a satisfied sigh, adds, “An’ the Children of the Root should be very pleased to hear that the new Watchers took special care to protect the wild Aether hives!”

    Cracking open the box of tools, Gidgit quietly watches the Lopen at her work, handing her repair equipment as requested (what few items he can actually identify, although Eirlys patiently needs to explain the shape and use of most), and doing his best to shield her out of the rain with tarp and body. Nearly yelling to be heard over the thunderclaps, the dragonkin grunts irritably, “Bit o’ tough love an’ good advice is just what this Valley could use right now, my floppy-eared friend! You know me, I get on with all kinds, travelers and natives alike, but the people that walk the roads these days…” The Voday ticks them off one by one, clearly annoyed as only someone who has seen pointless conflict play out time-and-again can be: “Children of the Root are in needless quarrels with The Whispers over Churners tearing up “their” Valley…The Whispers and the Architects have gone isolationist, and started getting aggressive with their territories against "outsiders"…the Verdant Blades are convinced as always that the Valley simply belongs to whoever has the mettle to hold it…as long as it isn’t the Architects…”

    Together, the Lopen and the Vodya eventually right the cart onto it’s repaired axle, Gidgit giving a grunt of deep satisfaction at the job. “Ah, see! And yet if they could only find a way to work together such as this, they could achieve harmony, and move forward as a whole!” Both Eirly and Gidgit at this point notice a single, long streak of dried blood painting the inside of the cart, as though someone had been forcibly dragged across the wood. Slightly sheepish and with a mirthful twinkle to his eye, the dragonkin giggles, caught out. “Well…not everyone is interested in harmony, of course...”

    Upon final assessment of the cart, the Vodya whistles his approval, clapping Eirlys kindly on the back and beaming. “Well then! This should do nicely! I’m in your debt once again, my Lopen friend. When the storm clears, we’d be privileged to give you all a dry lift over towards Kapok’s Crossing!”

    Eirlys has successfully repaired the cart, and when the storm clears enough to use the roads, you should *more* than be able to make up for the time you spent here! Probably best if one of the four of you offers to drive this time instead of the Travelers, though…


    “Cards it is then!” Xavier croaks, rubbing his hands together deviously. “Let’s dry for a moment so that we don’t wrinkle this fine set you have here…ohhhh!” the Goblin remarks, his head twisting sideways to catch a glance at some of the frames as S-T-G shuffles the deck. “Oh my!” The warty fellow chuckles rather uncomfortably: Swims is fairly certain if a Goblin could blush, the frogkin would be turning pink about now.

    Perhaps it’s the distraction from the art, or perhaps that deck wasn’t as standard as the otterkin had claimed, but the Goblin seemingly cannot put a halfway decent hand together. Xavier folds while Swims holds garbage, but doubles-down on low-pairs to the bitter end, is goaded into raising like a gullible amateur, and at one point gets so flustered that he’s holding half of his cards backwards for some time until he finally notices and nearly drops them into the fire…

    Throughout the game, the Goblin talks…and talks…and talks. Although Xavier rarely stops to breathe, and sometimes seems to be rambling mainly to himself, the otterkin learns much among the nonstop chatter:

    - The cart Eirlys is currently working on was “borrowed” from some hooded Imperials, golden-snakes upon their armor, a good ways west of here (Xavier makes this sound like it by mutual agreement, but Swims suspects it definitely wasn’t)

    - The recent lack of Watchers, and neglect of the trails by the armies of the Sister Cities, has led Raiders from Kodoth taking openly to the roads once more, and the Verdant Blades subsequently stepping in to combat their growing presence (the Goblin’s tone suggests this might be making a bad situation worse for everyone involved, visitors to the Valley most of all)

    - If you go looking for the Whispers (who don’t wish to be found, especially by those from the Sister Cities), or the Children of the Root (who reportedly won’t be found, lest they wish to reveal themselves), go expecting trouble: Watchers are unwelcome among them, for reasons unknown to the Goblin

    -...the Travelers are either liars, or an absolutely ancient pair. They talk about the Green Age as though they’d lived through it, refer to the growing-up of the Elwood, talk of the erosion of rivers and hills as though they were there in person, mention historical figures offhand with an unnerving familiarity. By all accounts from what he’s mentioned, Xavier would have to be at least thrice Big Sleep’s age, which is impossible

    - More than once, the Goblin mentions that Swims would have made one helluva Verdant Blade, had he been born to the Riverlands. According to Xavier, the group is “a loose gang of Daredevils and wannabe-Revolutionaries, who insist this "Savage Frontier" remain Wild, and are working to keep it so”. Apparently there is a large difference between this group and just-simple-bandits, although the otterkin has trouble teasing out exactly what that difference may be

    Finally, it comes down to a final hand. The Goblin, clearly growing frustrated, goes all in: offering to Swims not only the shortcut he had originally sought, but “a touch of favor from an Old Soul” as well, whatever that means. Swims considers briefly, then calls. The two flip their hands at the same time: the otter gives a shout of excitement as Xavier let’s out an almost pitiable groan!

    The frogkin is a good sport, however. He eagerly shakes Swims' paws, and gives the otter a playful bow. “Well, fair is fair! Should’ve known better than to bargain with such a wily creature as you, Mr. Swims. So!” the Goblin claps his hand together with delight, and turns to rifle around through his pack. “It's settled! We will escort you all west, and give you a proper ride that should get you nearly from here to the Dragon’s Drop!”

    Nearby, the Vodya Gidgit (who has stood stoically in the rain for the last ten minutes) gives a visible shiver, and lets out an unpleasant bark, as though his tail had been stepped on. “Hrrrm…you know I don’t like going back there, Xavier!”

    The Goblin dismisses his companion with an eyeroll. “Bah! You don’t need to come the whole way, then…just remain in the cart when we arrive.” Turning back to the otter, Xavier withdraws from his bag a pouch of strange looking coins. “Now, Mr. Otter…I believe I promised you a “favor”…”

    Swims-to-Glory, you are offered a coin from the Traveler’s bag. Which do you take? There is: A Star, a Shield, a Goblet, a Heart. You may take one: it’s use will be as a one-time-interrupt in battle, the effect currently undetermined

    The cart fixed and the location of the shortcut revealed, your party will soon be ready to hit the road, once @AustinP0027 and @kime check-in and introduce themselves to the Old Travelers/get some rest out of the rain/whatever else they’d like to pursue here before hitting the road once more

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Ember steps forward as he is summoned, moving slightly closer to the group, but hesitating. His eye narrow ever so slightly. He had seen this group before, multiple times of his memory is right. Something was off here.

    "Hello there." The Trogg says as he draws a little nearer. "Not sure we have been formally introduced, though we've seen each other a few times. Name's Embergaze."

    Late night flight for vacation travel sapping my creative juices today but don't want to hold us up

  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    Finally caught up. Got back home and then things kept coming up, sorry!
    mrpaku wrote: »
    The dragonkin looks warily at his friend for a brief moment, but decides to say nothing, shrugging with resignation. Instead, he turns towards the others in the group. “An’ you ken invite your shy friends ta join us out of the rain, if they’d like…we won’t bite! I know I’ve seen the horned fellow before, and I believe I may have met the gentle Lopen once upon a time…but the fiery little one is new to me!”

    Eiko steps forward with a smile, as the two seem friendly enough. "Hello! My name's Eiko, and you both seem fabulous! It's wonderful to meet you." She grins for a while at their chatter with the group, and partway through tries to find a dry spot to furiously take notes.

    She starts to almost vibrate with excitement as the Travelers reveal more about their extensive knowledge, and when there's a break in the conversation she can't help but butt in. "Hi-- so it sounds like you all know some amazing things! It's been a while since I've met anyone like you all. Can we trade mysteries? A secret for a secret? Something you think few other people know?"

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    edited October 2023
    "Hello there." The Trogg says as he draws a little nearer. "Not sure we have been formally introduced, though we've seen each other a few times. Name's Embergaze."

    The Goblin turns from the card game (fully exposing his hand to S-T-G for several seconds), grin wide at the Trogg's approach. "Ah! It's "Mister Bighorner" again! A pleasure, then. Usually the solitary lad, aren't you? But you seem to have been quite popular these past few days!"

    The Vodya rolls his eyes as he greets Embergaze. "Forgive my yapping companion over there. When we took note of your travel over with the House Ophidia, I'm afraid he'd assumed they'd recruited you to their number. But if you walk here as Watcher..." Gidgit smiles at Ember, the teeth chipped and yellow, but the grin kind.

    Xavier takes a deep drawl out from his pipe, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke that quickly dissipates in the rain. Secretively, he adds to the conversation, "...the Gatekeepers did have the right of it, I think; with Watchers. These roads need guardians, not rulers: open travel for seeking travelers, but independence for the people."

    The Goblin, for the first time showing a flash of anger, roughly bashes out the ashes from his pipe into the fire. Growling, the frog croaks, "...but really, anything is better than that rotten "General" claiming this place..."

    kime wrote: »
    Eiko steps forward with a smile, as the two seem friendly enough. "Hello! My name's Eiko, and you both seem fabulous! It's wonderful to meet you." She grins for a while at their chatter with the group, and partway through tries to find a dry spot to furiously take notes.

    She starts to almost vibrate with excitement as the Travelers reveal more about their extensive knowledge, and when there's a break in the conversation she can't help but butt in. "Hi-- so it sounds like you all know some amazing things! It's been a while since I've met anyone like you all. Can we trade mysteries? A secret for a secret? Something you think few other people know?"

    The Vodya and Goblin both give Eiko a warm welcome along with the rest, and invite her to join the group near the fire. The Thyrnn spends much of that afternoon in the rain listening keenly to the insights of the ancient pair, the lass practically bouncing in place as she gleams bits and piece of deep lore on the Valley!

    When the card game between S-T-G and Xavier comes to its dramatic end, and the pair of Travelers begin to break down their campsite to load onto the repaired cart, Eiko for the first time pipes up, and propositions a bargain to the two.

    Both the elderly Kin turn back towards the lass like a whip, Xavier's fingers tapping against each other excitedly and Gidgit stroking his chin in growing anticipation within mere moments. A tarp has been carelessly tossed aside, left to accumulate rain. An irritated Tin-Beak, rain pelting off his feathers like a steel drum, shakes off a layer of water with clear irritation.

    "Did you just say..." Gidgit assures himself.

    "You'd like to trade?" Xavier finishes with obvious glee.

    "For mysteries?!" both beam in turn.

    @kime : What Whispered Hint...Cryptic Clue...*Appalling Secret*, do you seek from the Travelers? Decide what question you'd like to ask them, and I'll decide what inquiry/bargain they'll make in return. I haven't decided what rolls, if any, might be involved here, but obviously the more sensitive the information you seek, the more risk will be involved in what the ancient pair ask of Eiko...

    mrpaku on
  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    Eiko is looking for secrets from the Green Age. Relics (not the ICON keyword :lol: ) or treasures or artifacts that may be left behind and discoverable!

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    kime wrote: »
    Eiko is looking for secrets from the Green Age. Relics (not the ICON keyword :lol: ) or treasures or artifacts that may be left behind and discoverable!

    Xavier and Gidgit exchange a wary, careful glance. For the first time, the pair becomes momentarily cold towards your party; mysterious. Eiko watches as the dragonkin turns to the frog, overhears the whispered warning of, "What? And yet another seeker?..."

    The Goblin seems to dismiss the Vodya's concern with a flippant wave of his hand, and spins back around towards the lass. The elder Kin has a cunning look about him now. Stroking his chin in contemplation, Xavier states worriedly, "...hrrm, you and half the Kin to come to the Valley these past decades! Can't say I've much cared for the results of it, overall. If we had our druthers, the past would have stayed well-and-buried." The frog assesses the party with a renewed intensity, looking each of you directly in the eyes for an uncomfortable amount of time, and ending standing in front of Eiko. The warty frog's gaze seems to pierce the Thyrnn's very soul.

    Finally, Xavier declares to the Thrynn, "I believe we may be able to come to an arrangement. But only if..."

    @kime I'll allow a Charm or Study roll here: Charm being Eiko getting the best deal from the Goblin through her winning charisma and personality, Study being Eiko sussing out the Traveler's motives for the bargain, and keeping one step ahead in the negotiation. On a total success, Xavier will reveal a Great Secret of the Valley, and in exchange will ask an important question about the party's motivations and where their current loyalty lies for his own secret. On a partial success, Xavier will refrain from sharing *anything* until Eiko completes an important task for him first. On a failure, the secret will be revealed to Eiko only on the condition that she first take on a Solemn Promise from this pair: essentially, you'll owe the Travelers a debt, a favor that they may attempt to cash in at *any time* during your adventure...

    @Glal Still to you choice of coin from Xavier's pouch, between the Star, Shield, Goblet, and Heart

    As the party takes to the repaired Cart and prepares to continue along the sodden trail of Amra's Folly, the Big Clock ticks, large hand now on the seven. At this pace, reaching Kapok's Crossing before nightfall should be a simple matter!...
    Geth roll 1d20 Weather
    Geth roll 1d100 Main Road

    1d20 12 [1d20=12]
    Main Road:
    1d100 91 [1d100=91]

  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    Geth roll 5d6k1 for pushing that Study!

    pushing that Study!:
    5d6k1 6 [5d6k1=[6], 3, 2, 2, 1]

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    The otters looks particularly pleased with himself. Truth be told he tends to have rotten luck with cards, but for once it all aligned. Packing the cards away he looks at the proffered coins with interest- not the usual currency these. Relics?

    Slipping the deck back into his pouch he gives Xavier a nod, then snatches the coin with the Star from his hand, giving it a look and a flick before packing it away with the cards, "Appreciated!"

    With the rain dying down he puts two fingers between his lips and lets out a shrill whistle. Several minutes later, a tired-looking and very much slower koi slinks out of the forest, leaves and smaller branches clinging to its side.

    Swims-to-Glory sighs, brushing his mount clean, "Vsakic isto..." Right. All clean and ready for travel.

  • mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    Swims-to-Glory, add x1 “Traveler’s Coin (Star)” to your Inventory!

    The lighting flashes in the sky grow further and further apart, booming sounds of thunder disappearing into the eastern distance. The clouds, dark-gray and oppressive, still blot out the sun above the forest canopy cover. Humidity hangs thick in the air.

    Gidgit begins to harness up an increasingly-irritable Tin-Beak, and motions over his shoulder for the party to find their seats within the cart. Meanwhile, Eiko and Xavier stand among the puddles, haggling over secrets. The Thyrnn soon learns that this Goblin could “trade the horns off a Trogg”, as the old saying goes: Eiko suspects that it’s the rare tourist coming through theses parts that meets Xavier and doesn’t end up “owing him a favor”, for one contrived reason or another. However, the lass is patient, unbending,: no, your group doesn’t owe these two a “Gimme” for a simple fire in a rain; no, you don’t think Watchers of the Way owe the specific details of their lineage and families to old-Valley-dwellers “by-right”; no, Eiko is not interested in swearing any Blood-Oaths, “even just for funsies”

    “Alright, alright…”, the Goblin eventually concedes, pleasantly enjoying the verbal-jousting despite his losing position. “Hrrrm. Well, I suppose it’s something a Watcher with bright eyes, strong heart, and an’ eager mind such as yours is like to find out, sooner than nought...”

    ”The Warren”
    ”…you ask of the Green Age, child? Well, I was there…and I tell you, it ended here, right in this very place!…”

    “The Churners delving Ruin’s Prism back then…they awoke something down there, deep down in the dark where the Old World still lives. A sort of “swarm”, much like the Aether bees you and your friends encountered earlier. Clockwork creations that, when disturbed, broke off into a million individual splinters, dispersed even further into the earth, seeking out their creators to awaken them from their slumber…”

    “So rarely are the drones sighted, the mechanical creatures are thought to be a thing of pure myth. The robotic lot are small enough to escape notice, impossible to corral or capture: most are wholly-consumed in the process “awakening” of ancient ruins, or simply explode when sighted or caught.”

    However! It is known to those who plumb for long enough the Valley that a few score or more of the mites’, rather than tunneling into the planet elsewhere, still remain scouring the Gran Umbras: creating roads hundreds of yards beneath our feet, digging a strange grid, like’ in search of something still down there.”

    “Hrrrmph…those trails, carved deep below, the Warren….they connect every corner of this Valley, in an unseen web beneath our world. But the things that haunt those tunnels still remain, waiting in the dark. And the Clockwork Termites still dig their endless tunnels down there somewhere, seeking to draw the Wonders out of the Valley like slivers from an old wound.”

    Xavier and Eiko now seated within the cart (the frog up front, the Thrynn in back with her companions) and Pridi floating alongside the crew, Gidgit gently pulls the reins to coax Tin-Beak, nodding along with his friend’s tale. The wagon slowly begins to pull forward, wheels sinking slightly into the mud along the trail.

    At this point in the story, the Goblin turns back towards your party within the cart, and meaningfully inquires, “…and now to my secret, Miss Eiko! The Clockwork Termites…the many Wonders in the Valley, sought by the natives and outsiders alike…were you lot to find them, what would you do with them?” The dragonkin stares forward unflinching, but is clearly listening intently for the answer. The frog glances back about each of the four of you, looking for any tic or twitch to betray your group’s true feelings on the matter…

    The question the Goblin puts to the group: if you were to discover one of the Great Wonders of the Old World down there within the Warren, what would you plan to *do* with it? Share it with one or more specific groups? Keep it all for yourselves? Weaponize it? Donate it to a worthy cause? Destroy it? Sell it? Use it as leverage to gain power? Deploy it with extreme prejudice? Something ever better? (Your answer is obviously not set in stone, should your group later have a change of heart, or somehow fall to in-fighting)

    Feel free to discuss your motives amongst yourselves, preferably in-character! If you choose to lie or withhold when answering the Travelers, please provide an accompanying Charm roll!

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    "He asks a fair question. We're not so well traveled that we know each other's purposes." Ember responds mostly to the group, ignoring the others.

    "Myself, I hope if we find the relics, we're using them to better the valley. I don't like the thought of any one sect owning the valley, and I'm concerned what might happen should these mercs take control."

  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    Eiko nods. "Yeah, finding something lost only for it to be hoarded by one group defeats the whole point of discovering them! The treasures and knowledge and artifacts of the past are the only real way for people's voices from those times to continue forward. If we, as a people, don't find things that have been buried, then it's really like everyone is dead. Dead forever! Their works have no more impact on the world.... So yeah, the whole point is to reveal the mysteries for people to see. And with any luck, that'll help find--or create!-- new mysteries!"

    It's not exactly a very well-thought-out perspective, but I think it is what Eiko'd believe.

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    The otter sits with the rest, keeping an eye on the koi following behind, "I'm not really sure how one could harness exploding termites effectively, but as for the rest..." He gives the idea of powerful relics more of a thought, a shadow of a smile playing over his lips before melting away to his regular sullen expression as he looks back at the goblin, "Our task is to retrieve them for the good of the valley."

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler VARegistered User regular
    Eirlys waved her hand, as if dismissing the question. "Better to leave that answer to younger folk. You know me, I'm a simple old Lopen. Peace on the roads, food in the cookpots, and welcoming folk to your fire with open arms." She shifted in her seat, then went back to applying linseed oil to her old gnarled walking stick with a rag. "You remember what it gets like when folk get too focused on all this dirt-covered nonsense. Brother against sister, with tooth and claw bared. If I could destroy every last one of those blasted things, I would." She muttered that as if to herself, but said it loudly enough for folk to hear.

    The aging Lopen put the rag down and poked a finger at the Goblin. "What's the sense in making the world a better place when young folk who won't learn from the past charge headlong into the same mistakes? Damned fools." Eiryls went back to the polishing with a vengeance. "Maybe keeping just one of those things out of the hands of a would-be warlord is enough."

    I apologize for the delay! Had a very exciting road trip that took twice as long as we thought it would.

  • mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    The two Elder Kin exchange many meaningful glances as the party discuss how they’d handle discovering one of the Great Wonder of the Valley. There’s a twinkle to Xavier the Goblin’s eyes through many of the team’s revelations, but (until Eirlys shares her two cents) Gidgit the Vodya glares about the group with caution, the frills on his neck standing straight up, the ongoing grumble in his throat conveying the dragon’s obvious concern at your party’s motivations.

    “Well,” the frogkin chuckles, turning back to the road nonchalantly. “Most of you lot should certainly be popular among the Natives of the Umbras, such a generous attitude as all that! ‘Specially the Architects…”

    Not the Children of the Root,” Gidgit sulks at the frog. Secretively, the dragon adds, “You know they’ll be none too pleased, another group of Watchers looking to dig up their homes!”

    “Perhaps,” Xavier responds coyly. “Or perhaps it will be as your long-eared friend said,” the frog nods to Eirlys, “…and the next generation will make a different choice than their fore fathers. The past won’t stay buried forever, my scaled companion, despite your protests to the contrary!…And the future is bearing down harder each day…”

    Hrrmph!” Gidgit snorts, annoyed. “Be that as it may…best to hope that the Sister Cities don’t discover where the loyalties of Brother Kuma’s new hands lie, or the future might arrive much quicker! You think yourself clever, my foolish fellow, but mark these words…if Zrebus and Rovel catch hint of a conspiracy from the Old Guard, they won’t wait the year…they’ll make their move now, and it will be bloody!”

    The frogkin sighs, looking back at the Watchers sympathetically. “You’ll have to forgive my pessimistic partner, I truly believe he can’t help himself sometimes! I assure you he’ll likely burn out on his grumbling here in the next few miles or so…”


    The journey that follows along Amra’s Folly is damp, but uneventful. The smell of Xavier’s pipe and the ringing of his harpsichord fill the air, and many in the crew nearly find themselves nodding off in the back of the cart. Gidgit and Tin-Beak expertly carve their way through the winding, wet road, the wheels occasionally cutting through puddles and whipping water into the back of the carriage. Before long, you’ve arrived at your destination.

    “Wake up back there!” the frogkin calls out pleasantly as the wagon slowly drags to a halt. “We’re here! The Dragon’s Drop! Well, nearly there…” Using his pipe to point, the Goblin informs: “Through the rubber tree grove…past the boulder that looks like an overturned horse’s skull…just west of the red poppy field…but make absolutely sure to stop before you’ve reached the top of the strangely arid hill!” Xavier laughs, punching Gidgit playfully in the arm. “A lesson that the poor Amra learned the hard way!”

    Gidgit knocks the frog’s arm away impatiently. “There’s a cliffside, stretching some miles west to east. Overlooks a forest of kapoks, far as the eye can see beneath, growing right along the banks of the Blackbrook. At the top of the rise, head due north, far as you can. There’s a single tree there…a lone, great redwood, which doesn’t belong. The Native peoples keep a secret climbing route beneath that tree…ropes, vertical overhangs, caves peppered along the rock walls, which descend deep, deep into the basin. Take care along that climb, “Watchers of the Wood”…”

    The pair of Elder Kin wish your group a fond, brief farewell, assuring you all that you’re certain to meet along these roads again one day! As the group departs off the main path, they turn back momentarily to see stretched shapes riding the front of the cart, unnaturally elongated and covered in leaves and moss, impossibly old, and certainly not Kin. Then, the sun pushes out from behind a cloud overhead, splaying a blinding flash of light across the landscape. The Elder Travelers sit in the cart, playfully ribbing one another as usual as they fade into the distance, and you wonder if it was all maybe a trick of the light…

    Dragon’s Drop

    The path through the jungle is just as Gidgit had described it: your party travels through a verdant grove, over a gigantic boulder (which looks more like an insect than a skull, in the group’s opinion), past a blooming field of red flowers, and up a nearly vertical hill.

    The cliffside at the top overlooks what is easily an eight hundred foot drop. The top of the hill is mostly clear of foliage, save for occasional patches of grass and the single great redwood that the dragonkin had told you of. Below it, the group discovers a pair of sturdy looking hempen ropes, placed within feet of each other, set into the walls with metal rivets every fifteen feet or so, and descending probably a hundred feet down. The path any further below is difficult to make out, given the tops of the kapok trees, and the rough nature of the rock walls. You can catch glimpses of handholds in the rock…rough steps carved into cliff-face…and is that, light you see some ways down?

    The descent is still slightly wet, but despite the potential for a dizzying fall, it seems to be a rather easy climb, at least the initial section you can all see. It also isn’t the only way to enter the basin: the group takes note of rough dirt path beaten out and descending down towards the Blackbrook a ways north of here as well, although the walk is winding and treacherous, and the loose rocks along the way look as though they could give at literally any moment.

    Clouds pass quickly overhead, the sun winking in and out of the sky and a cool mist rising about your feet. How do you Watchers of the Way proceed?

    You’ve now arrived at the Dragon’s Drop! Once you get down from this location, it should be less than a mile until you reach Kapok’s Crossing, well ahead of schedule. But first! How do you choose to descend? What order would you go in? Do you attempt to survey the area first? Do you sense a trap? Do you need to prioritize moving quickly, lest the rains return? Or maybe you should take the other route you can see further north, and chance the steep descent and the loose rock? Be careful: this is the location “Amra’s Folly” claims it’s name from!

    Ask questions! Try things! Welcome back!

  • mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    Additional Question: Are the Watchers clearing brush behind themselves, leaving markers, and revealing the way to Dragons Drop to the "general public"? Or are you leaving the path concealed, taking care not to break branches or leave footprints behind yourselves, and attempting to keep the hidden route secret?

  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    Gonna guess "yes," but learning of the Clockwork Termites counts as discovering something "hidden, forbidden, or secret," yes?

    Eiko's vote would be to just plunge on ahead, eager for what the rest of the journey will bring, right where we are and right now. But, happy to go with something else if someone wants.

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    Hm, how would the koi get down? I know it technically floats, but it's always a certain distance above ground. Maybe if dismounted it'd just slowly sink down the side until it hit bottom?

    Swims-to-Glory wouldn't really care about either revealing or hiding the path, he just wants to reach the destination sooner rather than later.

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Ember would be surveying the path down, as well as cleaning up behind them. So, he'd go last after first checking that the ropes seemed secure. Assuming general knowledge of the wilderness, he'd strongly advise the group against a different path, trusting this was the safest possible way but still checking to make sure.

    Also, would seeing the two travelers in their weird forms count as "Saw something truly unique"?

  • mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    Gonna guess "yes," but learning of the Clockwork Termites counts as discovering something "hidden, forbidden, or secret," yes?
    Also, would seeing the two travelers in their weird forms count as "Saw something truly unique"?

    Hm, how would the koi get down? I know it technically floats, but it's always a certain distance above ground. Maybe if dismounted it'd just slowly sink down the side until it hit bottom?

    Interested to hear what others think about the fantasy-physics involved, but I agree that Pridi would slowly sink, like a balloon? So the fish wouldn't really be in real danger of anything except extreme-unpleasantness (and maybe a slightly bruised belly) from a great fall, unless he was *shot* out of something or someone was riding him...*but*, like a balloon, brushing against the rock wall the wrong way, or landing in the wrong spot in the trees is gonna be a *very bad time* for the delicate creature?

    As far as the koi safely getting down, I see a lot of potential options on the table for the party: someone could try to Command the fish on the descent, guiding it safely along the cliff face like a well-trained/terrified pet with whispers and nudges and treats; someone could Tinker something together from your current equipment, maybe a special harness or rope and pulley device that you could lower every fifty feet or so; someone could Study a path downwards that would be safe-ish for a floating fish to bounce off of if pushed, etc etc. If you land on an appropriate solution, I'll consider the matter solved for this part of the expedition

    That all said...dangerously losing Pridi unseen into the basin below and the conflict that would create is *absolutely* on the table here, not gonna lie!

    Ember would be surveying the path down, as well as cleaning up behind them. So, he'd go last after first checking that the ropes seemed secure

    @AustinP0027 Please make a Traverse, Sense, or Study roll to take careful measure of the Dragon's Drop!

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Geth, roll 2d6 for Sense

    2d6 5 [2d6=2, 3]

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    As for a suggestion for Pridi, maybe a backpack type strap that someone could use to drop with the Koi attached to them (Tinker). That should/might be able to keep it away from the cliff side safely

  • mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    Geth, roll 2d6 for Sense

    Ember inspects the area: sees the initials of foolish young lovers, carved deep into the redtree trunk, and all along the cliff face leading down...bouquets of tied-and-dried flowers long abandoned, rotted and unrecognizable wooden figurines, locks of hair woven through strings of beads and shoved into stone recesses along the crevasse...colorful, fading graffiti down the entire expanse, some exquisitely beautiful, some obscene in nature (some, in truth, both)...discarded bottles, crushed pipes, next to hastily abandoned fire pits....

    This place is not a "major road" in the sense that the Sister Cities would ever define it, but for the Valley Natives, this climb may as well be a highway. The Dragon's Drop is clearly in regular use by both young and old living within the Elwood: the ropes are well woven, the handholds in the rock walls beginner-level and forgiving...and Ember suspects he even sees safety-nets, hanging just above the treeline. From the Trogg's brief estimation, the group is likely safer here than they *ever* were along Amra's Folly...

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Ember checks the ropes, tugging on them a bit to inspect their security. His eyes scan over the cliffside below, picking up bits and pieces of a civilization, but more importantly, showing the frequency that this route was used. "This is the right way down." He says to the rest of the group. "We'll be safest descending here. Swims, you should go down first, I'll follow up at the rear to make sure we aren't making a mess. "

    The Trogg left it unspoken, but his concern with the Sister Cities had grown a bit more since hearing Xavier and Gidget talk. He was already on edge based on what they had seen before they were assigned this job, but the Elder Kin's conversation pushed him into the realm of actually being directly suspicious of either faction. Maybe they were already aware of this path, but if they weren't, it wouldn't be their group that opened it up to them.

  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    Well, given that the Sense roll was a failure (Austin forgot to set the Keep Highest, so the actual roll was a 3), the real question isn't how the fish can fly, it's whether the otter can... ;)

    I was thinking of an Excel roll that would encompass both of them getting down (both to climb and to keep the mount secure against him), however I'm not sure how that failed Sense roll will figure into it? Worse position?

  • mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    I was thinking of an Excel roll that would encompass both of them getting down (both to climb and to keep the mount secure against him), however I'm not sure how that failed Sense roll will figure into it? Worse position?

    You're now looking at a Risky roll (the light rains; the stead and rider descending together; what Ember may have missed in his primary assessment, and *other* hidden factors), with a Powerful effect here (because: barreling headfirst into the unknown; protecting/being protected by your scaled companion; taking strong forward initiative and ignoring the potential dangers involved):

    6, 6: You not only get down safely and secure the way for your friends at the bottom of the ropes, you *also* notice things Ember may have missed on the first 100 feet of the vertical path
    6: After a struggle, Pridi and S-T-G arrive below safely; secure the route behind them; take assessment of the route leading further down and help their friends descend
    4-5:...the Otter and the fish both get down to the next area eventually, and rather *treacherously*...but you'll *all* find the route further below becoming more difficult, now...
    2-3: ...a handhold that misses, or Pridi bucking and panicking beneath S-T-G at an inopportune moment, or a sudden gale of wind that slams the pair of you into the wall and loosens your hold, or a rivet that gives and leaves you swinging 700 feet above the basin...(Add +2 Strain)
    1: S-T-G's legs give out: Pridi falls from under the Otter, plunging, *flailing* into the basin deep below you all, crying out in betrayed fear and panicked confusion! The Otterkin remains unsteadily upon the rope, shaken, but able to descend to the next level unhindered, his companion lost to the forest beneath...

    mrpaku on
  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    He's got Extra Rope as one of his kit items, could that be used for a bonus die? Or not, given that he's already descending down a rope anyway?
    I'd push, but he's already on 2/3 and who knows what's ahead... :)

  • mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    Glal wrote: »
    He's got Extra Rope as one of his kit items, could that be used for a bonus die? Or not, given that he's already descending down a rope anyway?
    I'd push, but he's already on 2/3 and who knows what's ahead... :)

    Extra-rope=bonus die on this roll sounds fair to me! B)

  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    Swims-to-Glory leans over the edge, peering down, "Embergaze, if I end up a splat on the bottom I'm coming back to haunt you." The otter begins unpacking the koi, taking all the straps and packs off and attaching them to himself, making sure they're all safe and secure before walking to the edge again.

    He gets the fish's attention and uses an extra piece of rope to secure the mount to him with some wiggle room, helping him keep it from floating (or falling) too far away before looking back over the edge once more, "No... pa gremo."

    The otter begins his descent, the koi looking oddly... confused, as it's dragged over the edge after him.

    Geth roll 4d6k1 for Otters Were Made For This

    Otters Were Made for This:
    4d6k1 5 [4d6k1=[5], 5, 4, 2]

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Glal wrote: »
    Well, given that the Sense roll was a failure (Austin forgot to set the Keep Highest, so the actual roll was a 3), the real question isn't how the fish can fly, it's whether the otter can... ;)

    I was thinking of an Excel roll that would encompass both of them getting down (both to climb and to keep the mount secure against him), however I'm not sure how that failed Sense roll will figure into it? Worse position?

    Yeah I screwed up the roll, but Ember doesn't know that Geth screwed him, so he's pretty confident he's right. :smile:

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler VARegistered User regular
    "Hm," the aged Lopen said as she peered down the cliff side. "I prefer roads to ropes, and significantly less verticality to those roads." Eirlys eyed the carved steps, weighing lack of hand holds over lack of solid footing.

    Eirlys wouldn't want to leave obvious signs of passage if we could avoid it; it sounds like that's covered though. She'll go with the group, but would prefer taking the steps over climbing down.

    Geth, roll 1d6 for an assessment of those stairs

    an assessment of those stairs:
    1d6 2 [1d6=2]

  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    I'm just picturing the otter reaching the bottom safely, immediately followed by Eirlys landing on top of him.

  • mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    A rueful smirk to his face as they sink, the Otter and his floating fish friend take the lead down into the Drop. In soundless tandem, Swims-to-Glory and Pridi wrap themselves in the vertical-ropes trickling lower upon the cliff-face, securing an extra rope about the otter's waist and the koi's left fin before they depart. It is immediately obvious to everyone in the party watching from the heights above that the otterkin and his wide-eyed pet have probably done things much like this before...

    The Koi acts as nervous buffer and trilling alarm-system against the jagged stone cliffs, while S-T-G, the intense focus of a professional on his whiskered face, hand-over-careful-hand drags the duo further down the rocky and treacherous walls of the cliffside, the pair guarding and guiding one another fiercely until they eventually reach the safety of the stone balcony far below...

    As the companions arrive to their narrow destination, Swims-to-Glory observes the surrounding, smoothed walks underfoot, and the darkened caves which pepper the cliff face before him. There are hints of lights and lanterns still further down the hollows, maybe another hundred feet or so below his feet; a strange and oddly cloying scent fills the air nearby, which seems to emanate from the plant life that makes it's home here; on a brief glance, the cave-system seem to be a confusing, labyrinthine jumble, but the walkways are all marked with an overabundance of painted symbols (a purple arrow here, a blue question mark there, a red triangle circled twice...)

    ...Yet another thing has gotten the Otter's immediate attention: *bells*, tinny and lingering, went off during S-T-G's descent, tied hidden into the hempen rope lines somewhere. The Otter's ears perk up, and even further down still he can hear the echoes of the noise in the basin. Swims-to-Glory's whiskers twitch, involuntarily. The Islander Sell-Sword is no spring chicken: those simple bells are the sort Bandits and Mercs lay as alarms...someone knows you're all coming...

    Swims-to-Glory and Pridi have successfully secured this part of the Dragon's Drop! The rest of the group may descend unhindered down to the Cave Area at their leisure...*except*...

    "Hm," the aged Lopen said as she peered down the cliff side. "I prefer roads to ropes, and significantly less verticality to those roads." Eirlys eyed the carved steps, weighing lack of hand holds over lack of solid footing.

    ...Eirlys, the steps you see far below seem well-carved, clear of debris, and have mostly dried in the sporadic light of the midday sun...but as your eyes cast down into the forested basin far below, your stomach *lurches* and ears *twitch* along with the hiccups now threatening your belly, and your head swims and threatens to escape from you for but a moment...

    @jdarksun : Vertigo swims in around the Lopen, threatening to overwhelm her senses! A few deep, concentrated breaths sets the feeling temporarily at bay, but the rabbit's heart *flutters* as they descend further down into the Drop...

    mrpaku on
  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    Oblivious to Eirlys' problem, Eiko happily descends down the ladder. The bells mean people know the group is here already. No sense worrying about it! Either the party meets new friends, or Eiko and the group make the bandits regret their decisions....

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Ember waits for the others to drop down, then cleans up the path behind them as best he can. Following down the rope, the bells grap his attention. "Shit." Now at eye level, he sees where they were hidden, and wonders briefly if he should have seen them when he looked over the rope.

    Putting both feet down on the stone at the bottom, he immediately starts to look around. The bells were a symbol to someone, but the question was going to be, who were they meant to get the attention of.

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