Cyberpunk 2077 is a first-person RPG by CD Project RED, developers of the Witcher series. It is based on the Cyberpunk 2020 tabletop RPG created by Mike Pondsmith, who was a consultant for the video game.
All your favorite streamers are in the game, like Keanu Reeves and Johnny Mnemonic.
You play as V, and your overaching goal is to steal a computer program that contains the key to immortality. You can drive a car around, something the AI is less adept at. Your dick size is customizable.
The developers have apologized for the buggy state the game was released in. They blamed QA, which is like blaming the servers for bringing out food that the chefs couldn't finish cooking. The 2.0 patch was recently released which aims to fix everything and rebalance even more things. The DLC, which by all accounts is amazing, is out too.
Since Payday 3 was having "issues" yesterday I reinstalled Cyberpunk and started a new guy, the 2.0 patch changes are pretty great so far still super super early in. Driving feels way better than it did before. The skill trees are quite different.
But I did notice everyones favorite shortstack shotgunner as an icon for a shotgun ability called Die! Die! Die! under the Body tree.
Switch SW-6182-1526-0041
jungleroomxIt's never too many graves, it's always not enough shovelsRegistered Userregular
I'm really really liking their enemy level scaling in 2.0.
For me, I like hard games, and this kind of thing will hopefully ensure it stays hard and I can't take out an entire fire squad with teledildonics.
It also means people who play on Very Easy will be able to maintain that easiness throughout.
I'm not feeling the changes to inventory and certain skill/attribute calculations. Especially inventory. I suppose the intended point is to scrub your game and start over, and it's nice that it's not required (though you'd have to go to some considerable lengths to avoid this mandatory update), but all that time collecting high-end cyberware and most inventory items seems mostly wasted. It's more balanced, I'm sure, though for me balance isn't really a high priority in a singleplayer story-driven game, especially one that I'd been making a point of breaking.
Performance seems slightly better on an RTX 3080 TI, when combined with the latest Nvidia drivers. Granted, 5 FPS more at 2160p isn't that much, but it's something.
I'll probably wait until CyberEX, etc., mods are updated, and the in-game console is active again, and just give my 'V' the stuff she lost. The Edgerunners references in the skill trees are cute though.
Does anyone know why I have roughly 3 million quickhack dupes? Was there a reason past-me was saving these things or something? Pretty sure I don't need like 5 Cyberpsychosis or w/e...
Also, I have about 1200 of each crafting material, but 12 of the legendary one. No guesses which is the only one I need...
A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
FencingsaxIt is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understandingGNU Terry PratchettRegistered Userregular
Monowire counts as blade, right? I think I'm going that route.
Also, I forgot you can't add cyberware to cosmetics after character creation.
Monowire counts as blade, right? I think I'm going that route.
Also, I forgot you can't add cyberware to cosmetics after character creation.
Yeah, pretty sure monowire's its own thing. Though it could totally count as a blade, I haven't tried those. (Because I have a silenced sniper rifle and a very very good deck...) Monowire just felt thematic.
Zilla36021st Century. |She/Her|Trans* Woman In Aviators Firing A Bazooka. ⚛️Registered Userregular
edited September 2023
Maximum wanted level gameplay is insane in a weaponised vehicle now.
Monowire is kind of a meme right now, because there's only two perks that boost it and both are in different sections of the attribute tree entirely. One that regens RAM on hit and one that enables you to perform a finisher at a vaguely defined health level. You'd figure the intelligence tree would have more but they apparently decided to tie intelligence to smart weapons instead.
The DLC hints that there will be more support for monowires however, as one revealed perk in the relic tree on the CP2077 site references uploading control hacks via monowire.
Me: (Before 2.0 is released) "Alright, totally going to romance someone else other than Judy this time around."
Me: (Post 2.0, arriving to Lizzie's Bar): "Oh my god there she is! Alright V. . .be cool, you got this!"
As much as I am enjoying replaying this, and maybe it's just now I have an "eye" for it after playing STARFIELD, but I'm starting to see some of the seams in NC. Like, it's totally believable that corporations would mass produce and display vending machines, a la any street in Tokyo, but when the machines have the SAME graffiti right next to each other - it breaks the aesthetic. Same with some of the really odd grammar and translations for the in-game lore (which, again, after playing SF, has been a breath of fresh air).
. . .having said that, playing this as a solid 60FPS at 4K (I was just running around KABUKI and laughing like a madman that I had no stutters) has me just excusing a lot of the little stuff I'm now noticing a real second time through the game.
I'm really really liking their enemy level scaling in 2.0.
For me, I like hard games, and this kind of thing will hopefully ensure it stays hard and I can't take out an entire fire squad with teledildonics.
It also means people who play on Very Easy will be able to maintain that easiness throughout.
Yeah you could have some challenging fun times before by doing pacifica or heywood stuff early before but it usually came at the cost of badlands stuff being super easy or whatever.
So netrunner builds have a new perk called Counter-A-Hack, which allows you to identify netrunners that are trying to hack you and you can hack them back - even if it's through a wall.
There's also a connected perk called Copy-Paste, which spreads any quickhacks you throw at that netrunner to all of their allies.
Yes, this means setting an entire building on fire when a netrunner tries to hack you. It's exactly as insane as it sounds. It's so much fun.
Monowire is kind of a meme right now, because there's only two perks that boost it and both are in different sections of the attribute tree entirely. One that regens RAM on hit and one that enables you to perform a finisher at a vaguely defined health level. You'd figure the intelligence tree would have more but they apparently decided to tie intelligence to smart weapons instead.
The DLC hints that there will be more support for monowires however, as one revealed perk in the relic tree on the CP2077 site references uploading control hacks via monowire.
I get the feeling that the monowire isn't designed to be a blender weapon; smack people, regen RAM, blind them while you're doing it, then press overload and make them all kill themselves!
Monowire is kind of a meme right now, because there's only two perks that boost it and both are in different sections of the attribute tree entirely. One that regens RAM on hit and one that enables you to perform a finisher at a vaguely defined health level. You'd figure the intelligence tree would have more but they apparently decided to tie intelligence to smart weapons instead.
The DLC hints that there will be more support for monowires however, as one revealed perk in the relic tree on the CP2077 site references uploading control hacks via monowire.
I get the feeling that the monowire isn't designed to be a blender weapon; smack people, regen RAM, blind them while you're doing it, then press overload and make them all kill themselves!
Certain higher tier cyberdecks have bonuses to monowires such as a %increase in damage per expended RAM unit, so it looks like the on-paper monowire playstyle will be alternating between throwing out as many hacks as possible, swinging away with the monowire for a while, throwing out more hacks, etc.
But I feel like in practice if you're a heavy netrunner build monowire is still a weapon of last resort in the event you get caught, not for running in trying to be some kind of melee mage. Hacks are perfectly capable of clearing a building alone before monowire even enters the picture, so aside from being thematically neat I'm not sure what niche these are really supposed to fill that a smart shotgun can't clean out.
Olivawgood name, isn't it?the foot of mt fujiRegistered Userregular
edited September 2023
I started this game again, having only gotten roughly a third of the way through it at launch and halfway through it several years later when I figured they weren’t going to fix it more
For as much as they’ve done to smooth out the game design by untying crafting from perks, redesigning the perks themselves to be actually interesting, rebalancing the combat and healing mechanics, and making clothing almost entirely cosmetic… apparently there’s only so much they can do to fix the actual game
Melee enemies still bounce up and down by rising or sinking through the floor as they swing, and on my way out of the mega tower for the first time, I literally fell through the floor and got stuck at the bottom of the world and had to reload a save
I think Cyberpunk might be a genuinely cursed project, the antithesis to polish itself
Thinking of the monowire as a last resort is a mistake. What the monowire is is a finisher. The reason it’s a finisher is that out of combat RAM regen sucks. And every hit with a monowire against a debilitated target adds 1 RAM and then another 5 for the finisher.
This means that you’re ready to fight the next group of baddies.
A general pathway for a group might be to start out with sonic shock on isolated ones and then static shock/overload or synapse. You overload to keep this going and then the last guy gets a weapon lock and movement lock and then you hit him 10 times and rock the finisher for +15 RAM.
Even tough enemies will be debilitated for longer than it takes the wire to recharge.
The things keeping the wire from being a primary weapon is that it doesn’t have precision damage. But like… this barely matters because stop movement makes enemies very susceptible to melee finishers and suicide costs 4 ram for 30 seconds after two melee finishers. (And if leg heals you 10% of your HP which is enough to use it again in overload!)
Playing this for 2.0 and, at least early game, there's already like weirder cyberware in the shop and the enemies feel like a good mix between bullet sponge nonsense RPG foes and at least vaguely dying at a rate which works for Cyberpunk.
RAM issues may have been the case in 1.6, but RAM has a gigantically increased number of regen and recovery methods in 2.0, and Overclock is absolutely busted. Currently the only time I'm ever momentarily short on RAM is on extreme ends like HP wall cyberpsychos or where I have to attempt to DoT up more than like 5 people at the same time.
At least on PC I'm having no real issues and the game performs far better than it did at launch. I will say there are odd design issues or maybe just weird UI bugs (scrolling through saves - which you can't control the number of - doesn't go top to bottom, but top to slightly in the middle; same with going from the bottom) or design choices. Like the controller in menus feels worse than before, and I only think that because I don't remember having an issue with the controller at launch.
. . .having said that, they've never been good with UI's at all.
I started this game again, having only gotten roughly a third of the way through it at launch and halfway through it several years later when I figured they weren’t going to fix it more
For as much as they’ve done to smooth out the game design by untying crafting from perks, redesigning the perks themselves to be actually interesting, rebalancing the combat and healing mechanics, and making clothing almost entirely cosmetic… apparently there’s only so much they can do to fix the actual game
Melee enemies still bounce up and down by rising or sinking through the floor as they swing, and on my way out of the mega tower for the first time, I literally fell through the floor and got stuck at the bottom of the world and had to reload a save
I think Cyberpunk might be a genuinely cursed project, the antithesis to polish itself
I can honestly say I have not encountered any of these issues in my new playthrough. I’m going katana/thrown weapons so I spend a lot of time in melee and it feels buttery smooth compared to pre-2.0. The only problem I had was a weirdly timed quick save that caused me to crash when using a machete on the final enemy of a combat sequence.
Monowire is kind of a meme right now, because there's only two perks that boost it and both are in different sections of the attribute tree entirely. One that regens RAM on hit and one that enables you to perform a finisher at a vaguely defined health level. You'd figure the intelligence tree would have more but they apparently decided to tie intelligence to smart weapons instead.
The DLC hints that there will be more support for monowires however, as one revealed perk in the relic tree on the CP2077 site references uploading control hacks via monowire.
I get the feeling that the monowire isn't designed to be a blender weapon; smack people, regen RAM, blind them while you're doing it, then press overload and make them all kill themselves!
Certain higher tier cyberdecks have bonuses to monowires such as a %increase in damage per expended RAM unit, so it looks like the on-paper monowire playstyle will be alternating between throwing out as many hacks as possible, swinging away with the monowire for a while, throwing out more hacks, etc.
But I feel like in practice if you're a heavy netrunner build monowire is still a weapon of last resort in the event you get caught, not for running in trying to be some kind of melee mage. Hacks are perfectly capable of clearing a building alone before monowire even enters the picture, so aside from being thematically neat I'm not sure what niche these are really supposed to fill that a smart shotgun can't clean out.
oh definitely.
I'm only level 28 with purple gear and every fight is me pressing overload and just force feeding all the quickhacks into everyone.
then people start dying, i'm back at full health with full RAM!
I assume this is only going to get even sillier as soon as I have legendary quickhacks.
Oh. I can think of one edge case where the monowire might actually be a good idea:
the cyberware malfunction legendary hack now stacks and does stuff at different stack levels, culminating in a massive explosion at 8.
you can just load that into your monowire and go to town on boss type enemies who can usually eat a few rotations of all your quickhacks.
RAM issues may have been the case in 1.6, but RAM has a gigantically increased number of regen and recovery methods in 2.0, and Overclock is absolutely busted. Currently the only time I'm ever momentarily short on RAM is on extreme ends like HP wall cyberpsychos or where I have to attempt to DoT up more than like 5 people at the same time.
Huh. Maybe it’s because I am on a higher difficulty but I find I run out pretty fast even with tier 4 equipment. This is especially true as I use better quality hacks. What is giving you all your ram back?
Goumindong on
Ninja Snarl PMy helmet is my burden.Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered Userregular
I started this game again, having only gotten roughly a third of the way through it at launch and halfway through it several years later when I figured they weren’t going to fix it more
For as much as they’ve done to smooth out the game design by untying crafting from perks, redesigning the perks themselves to be actually interesting, rebalancing the combat and healing mechanics, and making clothing almost entirely cosmetic… apparently there’s only so much they can do to fix the actual game
Melee enemies still bounce up and down by rising or sinking through the floor as they swing, and on my way out of the mega tower for the first time, I literally fell through the floor and got stuck at the bottom of the world and had to reload a save
I think Cyberpunk might be a genuinely cursed project, the antithesis to polish itself
I can honestly say I have not encountered any of these issues in my new playthrough. I’m going katana/thrown weapons so I spend a lot of time in melee and it feels buttery smooth compared to pre-2.0. The only problem I had was a weirdly timed quick save that caused me to crash when using a machete on the final enemy of a combat sequence.
About twenty minutes into the game on brand-new post-patch game and I already had cars driving through solid objects and a game crash when grabbing somebody from behind in the tutorial. And movement around angled objects is still fucky, the game still lets you kinda push the side of them and then instantly drop back down to the ground, giving weird shuddery movement.
The improved skill tree seems interesting though. If all the skills and cyberware actually fucking work now, maybe the game will be worthwhile. Also interested in seeing if the cops will finally do more than just teleport to your vicinity slightly out of sight around corners or Maxtac actually will send flying cars after you like they were clearly meant to all along.
I started this game again, having only gotten roughly a third of the way through it at launch and halfway through it several years later when I figured they weren’t going to fix it more
For as much as they’ve done to smooth out the game design by untying crafting from perks, redesigning the perks themselves to be actually interesting, rebalancing the combat and healing mechanics, and making clothing almost entirely cosmetic… apparently there’s only so much they can do to fix the actual game
Melee enemies still bounce up and down by rising or sinking through the floor as they swing, and on my way out of the mega tower for the first time, I literally fell through the floor and got stuck at the bottom of the world and had to reload a save
I think Cyberpunk might be a genuinely cursed project, the antithesis to polish itself
I can honestly say I have not encountered any of these issues in my new playthrough. I’m going katana/thrown weapons so I spend a lot of time in melee and it feels buttery smooth compared to pre-2.0. The only problem I had was a weirdly timed quick save that caused me to crash when using a machete on the final enemy of a combat sequence.
About twenty minutes into the game on brand-new post-patch game and I already had cars driving through solid objects and a game crash when grabbing somebody from behind in the tutorial. And movement around angled objects is still fucky, the game still lets you kinda push the side of them and then instantly drop back down to the ground, giving weird shuddery movement.
The improved skill tree seems interesting though. If all the skills and cyberware actually fucking work now, maybe the game will be worthwhile. Also interested in seeing if the cops will finally do more than just teleport to your vicinity slightly out of sight around corners or Maxtac actually will send flying cars after you like they were clearly meant to all along.
I have not run into any of that and crashes were only after significant play time.
Cops absolutely no longer teleport to your position. They run in on foot and drive in on cars and motorcycles.
Also cops now don’t like it when you murder people (even bad people) in broad daylight
Honestly I hope this re-boot of a kinda bad game does well enough to make people think about what inventory management should mean.
Ninja Snarl PMy helmet is my burden.Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered Userregular
edited September 2023
So I'm through getting as far as the chip and thus far I've had characters walking through vehicles, vehicles turning invisible, vehicles going through solid objects, objective markers not really pointing where they should, people hanging through the floor by their head, people with their feet through the floor, a crash from grabbing an enemy, and a crash from just going into the pause menu. So in terms of bugginess, the game is still real fuckin' buggy.
But it does feel noticeably better to play. I remember my first time through the hotel section and it was flat impossible to sneak through it between the guard awareness and the bugginess. This time, it was reasonably straightforward. And I feel like the hacking works much more smoothly in realtime? Did they add bullet time to scan mode or something? Because I don't think I remember everything coming to a stop before when I went into scan mode and it's a big help. Armor system seems to have some actual goddamn logic to it now; my armored skin matters a lot more than my clothes. Combat seems improved a fair bit, or at least I'm not feeling useless with various weapons without skills in them specifically. Oh, and explosives! Explosives fucking work! Reliably! No more of that dumb shit where explosions that happen out of LoS wouldn't happen at all, which meant throwing grenades with clutter around made them about a 50/50 shot of actually exploding. Much better variety on augs, I feel like there are 2x-3x the augs there were before and there's a whole perk path that strengthens augs further. And since they did some proper classification of augs weapon arms as compatible with relevant skills, I'm already feeling like this my intended gorilla arms build will be far more viable than when the game came out.
Also, was this "skill" system in here before? I'm not talking attributes and perks, I'm talking the smaller incremental bonuses for repeated actions of a certain type. I don't remember them, but they're nice regardless. Something like that really helps give a character more texture because your skills end up a result of your actions.
I won't even call the attribute/skill systems improved because they've been wholly removed and replaced with something tremendously better. Build variety seems both much more rewarding and more achievable now for the most part, with progress feeling much more significant. I'm playing on Hard and thus far it seems a very good mix of decent enemies, taking damage, and dealing damage. I feel like any given combat action genuinely influences a fight, and you can't get away with standing in the open and soaking damage.
Patch 2.0 is pretty dang significant but make no mistake, this game is still a shadow of what was promised or should be in an open-world game. It's still buggy and unpolished and there are still plainly unfinished pieces. However, I would say the game is solidly worth thirty bucks now without a sale. It seems to actually be reliably playable and the odd bug or so doesn't bother me much in open-world games. But this ain't anywhere near a "restored" Cyberpunk and the ragged edges can still be pretty apparent. I'm not floored, I'm not amazed, but I'm not necessarily disappointed either. Not a high-quality game, but at least now maybe properly enjoyable.
EDIT: And the idea that this patch is enough to encourage me to buy the overpriced DLC is utterly laughable. It's a big patch and a good patch, but they burned me pretty bad before and the game is still problematic in many ways. Maybe when the DLC is like five bucks I'll take a look at it.
Ninja Snarl P on
Olivawgood name, isn't it?the foot of mt fujiRegistered Userregular
So I'm through getting as far as the chip and thus far I've had characters walking through vehicles, vehicles turning invisible, vehicles going through solid objects, objective markers not really pointing where they should, people hanging through the floor by their head, people with their feet through the floor, a crash from grabbing an enemy, and a crash from just going into the pause menu. So in terms of bugginess, the game is still real fuckin' buggy.
But it does feel noticeably better to play. I remember my first time through the hotel section and it was flat impossible to sneak through it between the guard awareness and the bugginess. This time, it was reasonably straightforward. And I feel like the hacking works much more smoothly in realtime? Did they add bullet time to scan mode or something? Because I don't think I remember everything coming to a stop before when I went into scan mode and it's a big help. Armor system seems to have some actual goddamn logic to it now; my armored skin matters a lot more than my clothes. Combat seems improved a fair bit, or at least I'm not feeling useless with various weapons without skills in them specifically. Oh, and explosives! Explosives fucking work! Reliably! No more of that dumb shit where explosions that happen out of LoS wouldn't happen at all, which meant throwing grenades with clutter around made them about a 50/50 shot of actually exploding. Much better variety on augs, I feel like there are 2x-3x the augs there were before and there's a whole perk path that strengthens augs further. And since they did some proper classification of augs weapon arms as compatible with relevant skills, I'm already feeling like this my intended gorilla arms build will be far more viable than when the game came out.
Also, was this "skill" system in here before? I'm not talking attributes and perks, I'm talking the smaller incremental bonuses for repeated actions of a certain type. I don't remember them, but they're nice regardless. Something like that really helps give a character more texture because your skills end up a result of your actions.
I won't even call the attribute/skill systems improved because they've been wholly removed and replaced with something tremendously better. Build variety seems both much more rewarding and more achievable now for the most part, with progress feeling much more significant. I'm playing on Hard and thus far it seems a very good mix of decent enemies, taking damage, and dealing damage. I feel like any given combat action genuinely influences a fight, and you can't get away with standing in the open and soaking damage.
Patch 2.0 is pretty dang significant but make no mistake, this game is still a shadow of what was promised or should be in an open-world game. It's still buggy and unpolished and there are still plainly unfinished pieces. However, I would say the game is solidly worth thirty bucks now without a sale. It seems to actually be reliably playable and the odd bug or so doesn't bother me much in open-world games. But this ain't anywhere near a "restored" Cyberpunk and the ragged edges can still be pretty apparent. I'm not floored, I'm not amazed, but I'm not necessarily disappointed either. Not a high-quality game, but at least now maybe properly enjoyable.
EDIT: And the idea that this patch is enough to encourage me to buy the overpriced DLC is utterly laughable. It's a big patch and a good patch, but they burned me pretty bad before and the game is still problematic in many ways. Maybe when the DLC is like five bucks I'll take a look at it.
Yeah this is basically where I'm landing after a few hours. It's still not the game that was promised, but outside of some clumsiness with melee it feels firmly on par with the modern Deus Ex games (which is basically what Cyberpunk is, cuz it really ain't an open-world game) and I will happily play through it
I'll probably pick up the DLC though, in spite of myself and what they did, because reviews are strong and if I'm gonna play through this friggin' game just the once, I'm gonna play through it with everything
OK so i solved me "maybe i will run out of RAM" problem and it most definitely was not from just having more ram to work with (though more RAM is nice)
It was the combination of Blood Daemon, Data Recycler, and Queue Mastery
Data Recycler gives you the base cost, which is nice. And Blood Daemon gives you 40 health. This means that when you flatten something when overloaded by spending a bunch of health, you get a good chunk of the health back. Either 120 for Combat Dmg -> 3x Control or 80 for Control -> combat damage -> Control x2. But you also get enough RAM back that you're not spending the entire set of health for the set of things you do. Sure this costs 4+8+4+2 = 18 RAM. But you get 8 ram back so it only costs 100 health before any other RAM regen... and you also get 80 health back for having two in the queue...
I think that Synapse Burnout is best for damage (so long as you're OK going lethal though like... enemies aren't laying like they're dead) because it does simply an absurd amount of damage and because each kill gives you 5 more seconds of overload and -2 to total cost... and they need to die with hacks in the queue. The damage bonus for Synapse is based on the amount of RAM you have when it finishes not when it uploads so its almost always peak (which is 800% if you're overloadedc). And the total cost goes down to 10 after killing three enemies, which isn't quite overheats 9 but its way more damage and adds time to your overload.
(and it only costs 8 with tier 4 sonic shock to lay it up)
Also, was this "skill" system in here before? I'm not talking attributes and perks, I'm talking the smaller incremental bonuses for repeated actions of a certain type. I don't remember them, but they're nice regardless. Something like that really helps give a character more texture because your skills end up a result of your actions.
Yes. But they were far more specific, like separate skill progression for blades, SMGs, handguns, etc.
OK so i solved me "maybe i will run out of RAM" problem and it most definitely was not from just having more ram to work with (though more RAM is nice)
It was the combination of Blood Daemon, Data Recycler, and Queue Mastery
Data Recycler gives you the base cost, which is nice. And Blood Daemon gives you 40 health. This means that when you flatten something when overloaded by spending a bunch of health, you get a good chunk of the health back. Either 120 for Combat Dmg -> 3x Control or 80 for Control -> combat damage -> Control x2. But you also get enough RAM back that you're not spending the entire set of health for the set of things you do. Sure this costs 4+8+4+2 = 18 RAM. But you get 8 ram back so it only costs 100 health before any other RAM regen... and you also get 80 health back for having two in the queue...
I think that Synapse Burnout is best for damage (so long as you're OK going lethal though like... enemies aren't laying like they're dead) because it does simply an absurd amount of damage and because each kill gives you 5 more seconds of overload and -2 to total cost... and they need to die with hacks in the queue. The damage bonus for Synapse is based on the amount of RAM you have when it finishes not when it uploads so its almost always peak (which is 800% if you're overloadedc). And the total cost goes down to 10 after killing three enemies, which isn't quite overheats 9 but its way more damage and adds time to your overload.
(and it only costs 8 with tier 4 sonic shock to lay it up)
Don't forget Speculation, which only grows in value as higher tier quickhacks increase in RAM costs.
Also don't be afraid to downrank - for example Tier 3 Reboot Optics is 5 RAM, but Tier 2 Reboot Optics is only 2. Using it as your control opener on unaware enemies is effectively(with Icepick) investing 1/0 RAM to increase your quickhack damage by 60%. It's been a very RAM-efficient way to remove trash enemies.
Anyway I like tier 4 sonic shock because it cuts enemies off from their allies which means they don’t run alarms when they explode. Not that works matter much. But like. It helps the vibe
Ninja Snarl PMy helmet is my burden.Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered Userregular
edited September 2023
Ah, here's the thin mission design I remember after you get past the first couple of scripted ones and into the actual game.
Cyberpyscho case. Eeeeevery building top surrounding the scene is mysteriously, conspicuously, and lamely topped in barbed wire to try and force the player down into the danger area. And why? Because the psycho wakes up, can't be grabbed after they wake up, instantly knows where you are and labels you a threat regardless of LoS, simply runs at and slashes away for tons of melee damage, and dodges half your shots and heavily resists damage that does land. At this point in the game there is absolutely zero way to outpace her DPS, so this is just suicide for me. And rather than let the player be clever, they just try to force you into the fight in a way that favors the psycho.
I just got double-jump so I'm gonna look for a spot to cheese this fuckawful fight. I'm guessing it's going to be flat impossible for me to knock her out considering I haven't even seen a non-lethal projectile weapon yet, and even the weapons I have aren't doing a lot of damage.
EDIT: Oh for fuck's sake. The high ground you can reach is outside the hostility zone. Moving outside the hostility zone despawns the psycho and stepping back in auto-spawns her. She respawns with full fucking health. Yeah, this is just some awesomely lazy design.
EDIT EDIT: Was able to hang out on a girder that only just overlapped the hostility zone from above. The melee-only psycho, naturally, manifests a high-powered pistol from nowhere if you're somewhere they can't reach. Fortunately, a light pole gave me enough cover to survive while I chipped away. So glad I bought the cyberware to let me bounce bullets right before this, let me hit her a ton from out of her LoS. No way would this have worked without it, unless I wanted to spend like an hour waiting for grenade respawns and throwing them at her. Added bonus: I managed to plink her armor low enough that I was able to melee her with a rifle butt, which apparently counts as nonlethal.
Instead of trying to cheese it you could just come back later when you're strong enough.
Just remember that half the people you meet are below average intelligence.
Ninja Snarl PMy helmet is my burden.Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered Userregular
edited September 2023
Very, very small chance I would a) remember to do that the ten or so hours from now where that would be more feasible and b) this place is in the middle of industrial nowhere and I have zero interested in trekking back here for this one dumb fight.
Wouldn't have been an issue if the mission wasn't so damned determined to force you into fighting into this small boxed-in area with poor cover but giving Lady Melee a ton of advantages. If the devs are gonna cheese the setup to force a certain confrontation in a horribly contrived way, I'm just gonna break the fight with more cheese.
Ninja Snarl P on
FencingsaxIt is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understandingGNU Terry PratchettRegistered Userregular
But I did notice everyones favorite shortstack shotgunner as an icon for a shotgun ability called Die! Die! Die! under the Body tree.
For me, I like hard games, and this kind of thing will hopefully ensure it stays hard and I can't take out an entire fire squad with teledildonics.
It also means people who play on Very Easy will be able to maintain that easiness throughout.
Performance seems slightly better on an RTX 3080 TI, when combined with the latest Nvidia drivers. Granted, 5 FPS more at 2160p isn't that much, but it's something.
I'll probably wait until CyberEX, etc., mods are updated, and the in-game console is active again, and just give my 'V' the stuff she lost. The Edgerunners references in the skill trees are cute though.
Also, I have about 1200 of each crafting material, but 12 of the legendary one. No guesses which is the only one I need...
So as far as I'm concerned patch 2.0 is 10/10
Also, I forgot you can't add cyberware to cosmetics after character creation.
There's some monowire perks in the intelligence tree now, fwiw, including a finisher.
Yeah, pretty sure monowire's its own thing. Though it could totally count as a blade, I haven't tried those. (Because I have a silenced sniper rifle and a very very good deck...) Monowire just felt thematic.
The DLC hints that there will be more support for monowires however, as one revealed perk in the relic tree on the CP2077 site references uploading control hacks via monowire.
Me: (Post 2.0, arriving to Lizzie's Bar): "Oh my god there she is! Alright V. . .be cool, you got this!"
As much as I am enjoying replaying this, and maybe it's just now I have an "eye" for it after playing STARFIELD, but I'm starting to see some of the seams in NC. Like, it's totally believable that corporations would mass produce and display vending machines, a la any street in Tokyo, but when the machines have the SAME graffiti right next to each other - it breaks the aesthetic. Same with some of the really odd grammar and translations for the in-game lore (which, again, after playing SF, has been a breath of fresh air).
. . .having said that, playing this as a solid 60FPS at 4K (I was just running around KABUKI and laughing like a madman that I had no stutters) has me just excusing a lot of the little stuff I'm now noticing a real second time through the game.
Yeah you could have some challenging fun times before by doing pacifica or heywood stuff early before but it usually came at the cost of badlands stuff being super easy or whatever.
There's also a connected perk called Copy-Paste, which spreads any quickhacks you throw at that netrunner to all of their allies.
Yes, this means setting an entire building on fire when a netrunner tries to hack you. It's exactly as insane as it sounds. It's so much fun.
you can already check out the perks in the character builder:
I get the feeling that the monowire isn't designed to be a blender weapon; smack people, regen RAM, blind them while you're doing it, then press overload and make them all kill themselves!
Certain higher tier cyberdecks have bonuses to monowires such as a %increase in damage per expended RAM unit, so it looks like the on-paper monowire playstyle will be alternating between throwing out as many hacks as possible, swinging away with the monowire for a while, throwing out more hacks, etc.
But I feel like in practice if you're a heavy netrunner build monowire is still a weapon of last resort in the event you get caught, not for running in trying to be some kind of melee mage. Hacks are perfectly capable of clearing a building alone before monowire even enters the picture, so aside from being thematically neat I'm not sure what niche these are really supposed to fill that a smart shotgun can't clean out.
For as much as they’ve done to smooth out the game design by untying crafting from perks, redesigning the perks themselves to be actually interesting, rebalancing the combat and healing mechanics, and making clothing almost entirely cosmetic… apparently there’s only so much they can do to fix the actual game
Melee enemies still bounce up and down by rising or sinking through the floor as they swing, and on my way out of the mega tower for the first time, I literally fell through the floor and got stuck at the bottom of the world and had to reload a save
I think Cyberpunk might be a genuinely cursed project, the antithesis to polish itself
This means that you’re ready to fight the next group of baddies.
A general pathway for a group might be to start out with sonic shock on isolated ones and then static shock/overload or synapse. You overload to keep this going and then the last guy gets a weapon lock and movement lock and then you hit him 10 times and rock the finisher for +15 RAM.
Even tough enemies will be debilitated for longer than it takes the wire to recharge.
The things keeping the wire from being a primary weapon is that it doesn’t have precision damage. But like… this barely matters because stop movement makes enemies very susceptible to melee finishers and suicide costs 4 ram for 30 seconds after two melee finishers. (And if leg heals you 10% of your HP which is enough to use it again in overload!)
. . .having said that, they've never been good with UI's at all.
I can honestly say I have not encountered any of these issues in my new playthrough. I’m going katana/thrown weapons so I spend a lot of time in melee and it feels buttery smooth compared to pre-2.0. The only problem I had was a weirdly timed quick save that caused me to crash when using a machete on the final enemy of a combat sequence.
oh definitely.
I'm only level 28 with purple gear and every fight is me pressing overload and just force feeding all the quickhacks into everyone.
then people start dying, i'm back at full health with full RAM!
I assume this is only going to get even sillier as soon as I have legendary quickhacks.
Oh. I can think of one edge case where the monowire might actually be a good idea:
the cyberware malfunction legendary hack now stacks and does stuff at different stack levels, culminating in a massive explosion at 8.
you can just load that into your monowire and go to town on boss type enemies who can usually eat a few rotations of all your quickhacks.
Huh. Maybe it’s because I am on a higher difficulty but I find I run out pretty fast even with tier 4 equipment. This is especially true as I use better quality hacks. What is giving you all your ram back?
About twenty minutes into the game on brand-new post-patch game and I already had cars driving through solid objects and a game crash when grabbing somebody from behind in the tutorial. And movement around angled objects is still fucky, the game still lets you kinda push the side of them and then instantly drop back down to the ground, giving weird shuddery movement.
The improved skill tree seems interesting though. If all the skills and cyberware actually fucking work now, maybe the game will be worthwhile. Also interested in seeing if the cops will finally do more than just teleport to your vicinity slightly out of sight around corners or Maxtac actually will send flying cars after you like they were clearly meant to all along.
or maybe theres a weird bit of night city lore I've missed
Cops absolutely no longer teleport to your position. They run in on foot and drive in on cars and motorcycles.
Also cops now don’t like it when you murder people (even bad people) in broad daylight
Quickhacking sure is a lot more fun this time around, though.
And I adore than my inventory isn't constantly overflowing with crap to dismantle/sell.
But it does feel noticeably better to play. I remember my first time through the hotel section and it was flat impossible to sneak through it between the guard awareness and the bugginess. This time, it was reasonably straightforward. And I feel like the hacking works much more smoothly in realtime? Did they add bullet time to scan mode or something? Because I don't think I remember everything coming to a stop before when I went into scan mode and it's a big help. Armor system seems to have some actual goddamn logic to it now; my armored skin matters a lot more than my clothes. Combat seems improved a fair bit, or at least I'm not feeling useless with various weapons without skills in them specifically. Oh, and explosives! Explosives fucking work! Reliably! No more of that dumb shit where explosions that happen out of LoS wouldn't happen at all, which meant throwing grenades with clutter around made them about a 50/50 shot of actually exploding. Much better variety on augs, I feel like there are 2x-3x the augs there were before and there's a whole perk path that strengthens augs further. And since they did some proper classification of augs weapon arms as compatible with relevant skills, I'm already feeling like this my intended gorilla arms build will be far more viable than when the game came out.
Also, was this "skill" system in here before? I'm not talking attributes and perks, I'm talking the smaller incremental bonuses for repeated actions of a certain type. I don't remember them, but they're nice regardless. Something like that really helps give a character more texture because your skills end up a result of your actions.
I won't even call the attribute/skill systems improved because they've been wholly removed and replaced with something tremendously better. Build variety seems both much more rewarding and more achievable now for the most part, with progress feeling much more significant. I'm playing on Hard and thus far it seems a very good mix of decent enemies, taking damage, and dealing damage. I feel like any given combat action genuinely influences a fight, and you can't get away with standing in the open and soaking damage.
Patch 2.0 is pretty dang significant but make no mistake, this game is still a shadow of what was promised or should be in an open-world game. It's still buggy and unpolished and there are still plainly unfinished pieces. However, I would say the game is solidly worth thirty bucks now without a sale. It seems to actually be reliably playable and the odd bug or so doesn't bother me much in open-world games. But this ain't anywhere near a "restored" Cyberpunk and the ragged edges can still be pretty apparent. I'm not floored, I'm not amazed, but I'm not necessarily disappointed either. Not a high-quality game, but at least now maybe properly enjoyable.
EDIT: And the idea that this patch is enough to encourage me to buy the overpriced DLC is utterly laughable. It's a big patch and a good patch, but they burned me pretty bad before and the game is still problematic in many ways. Maybe when the DLC is like five bucks I'll take a look at it.
Yeah this is basically where I'm landing after a few hours. It's still not the game that was promised, but outside of some clumsiness with melee it feels firmly on par with the modern Deus Ex games (which is basically what Cyberpunk is, cuz it really ain't an open-world game) and I will happily play through it
I'll probably pick up the DLC though, in spite of myself and what they did, because reviews are strong and if I'm gonna play through this friggin' game just the once, I'm gonna play through it with everything
It was the combination of Blood Daemon, Data Recycler, and Queue Mastery
Data Recycler gives you the base cost, which is nice. And Blood Daemon gives you 40 health. This means that when you flatten something when overloaded by spending a bunch of health, you get a good chunk of the health back. Either 120 for Combat Dmg -> 3x Control or 80 for Control -> combat damage -> Control x2. But you also get enough RAM back that you're not spending the entire set of health for the set of things you do. Sure this costs 4+8+4+2 = 18 RAM. But you get 8 ram back so it only costs 100 health before any other RAM regen... and you also get 80 health back for having two in the queue...
I think that Synapse Burnout is best for damage (so long as you're OK going lethal though like... enemies aren't laying like they're dead) because it does simply an absurd amount of damage and because each kill gives you 5 more seconds of overload and -2 to total cost... and they need to die with hacks in the queue. The damage bonus for Synapse is based on the amount of RAM you have when it finishes not when it uploads so its almost always peak (which is 800% if you're overloadedc). And the total cost goes down to 10 after killing three enemies, which isn't quite overheats 9 but its way more damage and adds time to your overload.
(and it only costs 8 with tier 4 sonic shock to lay it up)
Yes. But they were far more specific, like separate skill progression for blades, SMGs, handguns, etc.
Don't forget Speculation, which only grows in value as higher tier quickhacks increase in RAM costs.
Also don't be afraid to downrank - for example Tier 3 Reboot Optics is 5 RAM, but Tier 2 Reboot Optics is only 2. Using it as your control opener on unaware enemies is effectively(with Icepick) investing 1/0 RAM to increase your quickhack damage by 60%. It's been a very RAM-efficient way to remove trash enemies.
Anyway I like tier 4 sonic shock because it cuts enemies off from their allies which means they don’t run alarms when they explode. Not that works matter much. But like. It helps the vibe
Cyberpyscho case. Eeeeevery building top surrounding the scene is mysteriously, conspicuously, and lamely topped in barbed wire to try and force the player down into the danger area. And why? Because the psycho wakes up, can't be grabbed after they wake up, instantly knows where you are and labels you a threat regardless of LoS, simply runs at and slashes away for tons of melee damage, and dodges half your shots and heavily resists damage that does land. At this point in the game there is absolutely zero way to outpace her DPS, so this is just suicide for me. And rather than let the player be clever, they just try to force you into the fight in a way that favors the psycho.
I just got double-jump so I'm gonna look for a spot to cheese this fuckawful fight. I'm guessing it's going to be flat impossible for me to knock her out considering I haven't even seen a non-lethal projectile weapon yet, and even the weapons I have aren't doing a lot of damage.
EDIT: Oh for fuck's sake. The high ground you can reach is outside the hostility zone. Moving outside the hostility zone despawns the psycho and stepping back in auto-spawns her. She respawns with full fucking health. Yeah, this is just some awesomely lazy design.
EDIT EDIT: Was able to hang out on a girder that only just overlapped the hostility zone from above. The melee-only psycho, naturally, manifests a high-powered pistol from nowhere if you're somewhere they can't reach. Fortunately, a light pole gave me enough cover to survive while I chipped away. So glad I bought the cyberware to let me bounce bullets right before this, let me hit her a ton from out of her LoS. No way would this have worked without it, unless I wanted to spend like an hour waiting for grenade respawns and throwing them at her. Added bonus: I managed to plink her armor low enough that I was able to melee her with a rifle butt, which apparently counts as nonlethal.
Wouldn't have been an issue if the mission wasn't so damned determined to force you into fighting into this small boxed-in area with poor cover but giving Lady Melee a ton of advantages. If the devs are gonna cheese the setup to force a certain confrontation in a horribly contrived way, I'm just gonna break the fight with more cheese.
For some reason, their NPC generator likes to produce multiples.