Penny Arcade - Comic - Chromodysmorphia

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin


Penny Arcade - Comic - Chromodysmorphia

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here


  • MagicalGoatsMagicalGoats Registered User regular
    Papa Nurgle is so proud!

    There is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life, that cannot be improved with pizza.
  • OverkillengineOverkillengine Registered User regular
    Papa Nurgle is so proud!

    It does look rather muculent.

  • Anon von ZilchAnon von Zilch Registered User regular
    The fig was originally a lot more subtly messed up, glad Mike gooped it up.

  • see317see317 Registered User regular
    Papa Nurgle is so proud!

    Nurgle and Tzeentch sitting at a table looking at the Rubric Death Guard.
    "I really thought this would work better."
    "Yeah, we shouldn't collaborate in the future."

  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    I'm not sure if this is the intended joke, but you can legit paint the best model in the universe, and if you aren't also an expert model *photographer* it will look like garbage in the picture.

  • PyrianPyrian Registered User regular
    I came here to write "Thousand Sons of Nurgle" only to find it's been said better, and repeatedly.

  • Steel AngelSteel Angel Registered User regular
    edited October 2024
    As someone that's been on the verge of "trying out" 40k for a while, I've binged a lot of videos and podcasts on the topic. There's a reason one that put painting the different factions into a tier list had a category called "Chaos Trim."

    . . . that hasn't stopped me from making the plunge after finding a discount box on further discount.

    Though lore wise, hubris leading to catastrophic results seems to be pretty on brand for the franchise as a whole.

    Steel Angel on
    Big Dookie wrote: »
    I found that tilting it doesn't work very well, and once I started jerking it, I got much better results.

    Steam Profile
    3DS: 3454-0268-5595 SteelAngel#1772
  • v2miccav2micca Registered User regular
    Goddamn I felt this one. Spent an entire evening pain-stakingly applying washes to a mini to blend the coloring just right. Was really happy with the results, so took a photo to send to my sister and it looked like absolute trash.

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