All Pokemon trading can be done here: READ THE RULES
I'm cutting the crap and just posting resources. PLEASE head to these links so we don't have a lot of questions repeated. It makes everyone happy.
Serebii. Can load very slowly, as it has high traffic.Marriland. Loads quicker.Psypoke -Ziz
Veekun -Narian
PokeGoons -Angrylinuxgeek
EV Training
My Guide to Ev TrainingAshton's Funtastic Guide Art Resources
Sprites from every game.Ken Suigmori art of every Pokemon. Community
PA Pokemon Treehouse, courtesy of Keith.Platformers host their own events.Smogon is big on competitive battling. Not much for D/P Articles, but forums are a good source of information.
We now have an IRC Channel at #paforums_pokemon. Server is slashnet.
Serebii forums will melt your soul. Beware.
Wi-Fi Help
FAQ on trading and GTSSerebii has one for battling. Everything
Bulabpedia...everything about Pokemon. Has high traffic, so load times will be long-ish.Wi-Fi Stuff
Friend Codes!
Taya - 1718 9628 0144
ShimSham - 2277 3108 1546
_J_ - 1504 2167 6165
Kreutz - 1246 5188 8968
Seafood Soup - 0430 4750 9951
BahamutZero - 2620 9084 7352
Emerlmaster999 - 5455 5864 6503
Scrumtrulescent - 0215 7267 9214
Red Mage Darion - 3479 8999 3332
Gilder - 5154 9392 4062
KKProfit - 4639 5434 8775
KiTA - 3007 4559 0152
Ronzo - 4467 7445 6826
Weedlum - 2148 4624 0914
Glenn565 - 5154 9396 0499
ManetherenWolf - 3222 2043 7434
Neliwood - 0215 7266 8563
SirToasty - 0645 2240 5346
Rorus Raz - 3651 7009 8401
aken129 - 5240 8392 0439
Backlash - 2320 2615 4086
Vann Diras - 5412 6380 5736
Houk - 4682 4935 6791
Mushroom Pie - 3694 6498 9606
Fleck0 - 0258 6767 3511
Steel Angel - 4510 6940 8625
Wombat!! - 3222 2039 2250
Blue Penguin - 1633 0657 3055
Zarcath - 4295 9462 2844
Redhalo - 1418 3181 7899
Sir Toons - 3565 8009 8556
The Muffin Man - 1718 9672 3285
FunkyWaltDogg - 3136 3045 1612
Kor - 3694 6523 4012
TheBlackWind - 2363 2122 7580
AshtonDragon - 4596-5912-3966
JustinChar99 - 2749 7579 5931
His Corkiness - 0859 9749 0495
Clawshrimpy - 1074-7231-4268
Rohaq - 3651 7029 0899
Joeslop - 2105-5148-3996
Box - 4167 0965 7399
Lord Jezo - 2234 3633 0875
DharmaBum - 3265 1538 4874
SpaceDrake - 3909 3989 2737
Speakeasy - 4124 1470 4744
DeathPrawn - 4381 8470 7393
Zeromus - 0043 9290 5583
DeVryGuy - 5369 6910 9799
DarkPrimus - 1890 7686 0995
SNES - 3222 2050 0417
Zealous One - 1718-9697-4714
TVs_Frank - 2749-7605-3849
Snork - 0043 9308 4766
MinionOfCthulhu - 1504 2176 1969
Spore Cloud - 4295 9498 7354
arcath - 3565 8044 1313
JetBlackCenter - 3136 3474 8555
meatflower - 4338 9382 4619
Mordrack - 5154 9733 9927
Vegeta - 5069 0519 6451
Tiptree - 2406 2098 6005
Sorenson - 4338 9483 4190
And don't forget about the SE++ vs. G&T Pokeman throwdown.
That was a grammatically shitty question.
Yeah, it will most likely fade away into oblivion with people only posting once.
The Pokemon I am considering using for them are:
Which of these six should I take and what movesets should they have? I am currently trying to grind them up to level 50+. (Also suggestions for where to grind would be appreciated.)
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Well right now I am leaning towards:
So what sort of movesets should I use?
Most of them are only early 40s right now so they have a while to learn their last couple moves...
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
NEVAR FORGET, 05-31-2007.
So I'd definitely get a good grass Poke in there (Torterra?), keep the Blastoise and Charizard, and maybe get a good quick Dark Poke (like Weavile) too. The other two can be whatever you want, long as they can hit hard (Electric is pretty good to have).
edit: Also, for your own sanity, get a Poke or train a Poke with Embargo. You'll find out why when you get there.
This question is very, very important right now. Okay, not really, but I'd really like to know.
Well I tried going through before and got owned pretty bad throughout but managed to pull through to the Champion, and some of their Pokemon had some pretty interesting movesets. I was wondering if I could get some diversification like them, y'know not be all "four fighting moves on my fighting Poke".
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
I'm trying to beat the trainer in Hearthome with her ghost pokemans....what is the best counter to ghost? Psy?
Psychic is a terrible ghost counter, ghost is more of a psychic counter. Dark and ghost attacks ruin ghosts' days. Dark is resistant to ghost too.
And normal types with other types of attacks.
Heck, the poke I'm currently EV training was never intended to be on my team.;-)
Macho Brace is free if you get one burmy. A burmy and pokerus can set you up pretty nicely.
Use the vs. seeker against the Rich Guy Trey, I think is his name, east of Valor Lakefront and west of Sunyshore for 19,000 currency with the amulet coin. Shamelessly stolen from gamefaqs....
He's the dude in white clothes standing with his back to some grass.
Edit* grrr
Not only does it not arrogantly prevent you from right clicking (I always open thing I might want to read later by right clicking and opening them in a new tab, I know there's other ways but I don't care) but...
The organization is nice, it has just as much info, maybe more, but I find it easier to find what I'm looking for.
It's easier to find the entry for a Pokemon. Just search for it, you don't even need to have the spelling right.
The suggested breeding chains and movesets are nice.
I prefer
Any dark type pokemon I can catch at this point of the game? The only Dark anything I have is Gyarados with Bite...which is a great move but that's not going to get me through the whole gym battle.
I would just grab more Pokemon with Bite or Crunch. Actual dark types aren't too common unless you have a Murkrow in Diamond. Which I guess you have. So get a Murkrow/Honkrow if you still have trouble. I just used Dark attacks on non-dark Pokemon since I had easy access to those.
Steam Profile
3DS: 3454-0268-5595 SteelAngel#1772
JetBlackCenter - 3136 3474 8555
BRAWL CODE: 3866-7685-8500
JetBlack, I will add you in a second but for everyone else, I'm not going to be able to read every post in the thread as it goes on.
Oh and make a list of shit you need in the PokéMart because it's actually really helpful.
I posted that stuff, and I'm on WiFi with your eggs. No hurry, and if you don't have any of that stuff trash ones is fine.
Just thought I'd repost this, but MetalKid made a IV Battle page to connect two people looking for a IV battle.
Yeah haven't tried it yet but as soon as I start pumping out Elekids I'll give it a go.
geek I'm on WiFi come back...
EDIT: Oh god geek getting errors left and right
Maybe something effective against ghosts so you don't get shut out by them?
remember me when I decide to work on my 'dex