After 18 months of playing around with a gen 2 fellow ode, and an aeropress, a bunch of drippers (eventually ended up mostly using a basic, plastic v60), I realized a needed a bigger hole to throw money in.
Not particularly sober, in the wee hours, I ended up ordering a Profitec Go, basically a Rancilio Silvia with a PID, and a random DF64 gen 2.
It's been interesting. After a few weeks I'm frequently get decent espresso and almost having some sort of control over how much foam milk drinks end up with.
And of course steadily accurring a pile random tamping and puck prep and dosing and serving bits.
So, what are folk getting up to with coffee?
They moistly come out at night, moistly.
It has actually been working really well despite internet assurances that these things wouldn't cut it.
Only thing I'm worried about is longevity of the machine. So we will see.
Lattes have been very tasty though.
but they're listening to every word I say
that or I just use a programmable drip coffee maker.
An Aeropress.
I’m gonna make so much coffee.
We call this thing here a forum on the internet.
but they're listening to every word I say
Got new cups that have a rounder base so theyre less likely to look like weird penises
Win some lose some
Hitting em with the feet
but they're listening to every word I say
Like other Bone's, good flavor working being too fake or cloying. Regular is Starbucks Green Apron which is very good.
All just in a boring drip machine.
cafe bustelo instant, two Splenda, 4 tablespoons of vital nutrients
milk frother until incorporated
where does the flow number come from?
Well, apparently we'll be getting a new French press, as his sister in law somehow knocked it off the counter tonight.
Almost makes me wonder if it was sabotage, but he said that he liked using it. Just baffling.
Meanwhile, I miss frothing milk, so I'd mostly like a machine to pull shots and steam milk, but I drink decaf since I metabolize chemicals in unpredictable ways. *shrug*
I default to electric moka for brewing. Four or five tablespoons into the basket, a little round aeropress/espresso filter attached to the underside of the top with water, make a full thing (four little cups).
Then half the coffee, some hot almond milk, and whatever combination of sugar free torani-style syrups/cocoa powder/imitation almond extract/equal packets I need.
Or, half the coffee, whatever combination of powdered creamer/flavors/packets, hot water from the electric kettle.
I tend to prefer light coffees, breakfast blends and the like, with vanilla or vanilla and caramel, but variety is important. Even when the coffee is really good I still want a smidge of vanilla creamer or vanilla flavor+almond milk.
Can do stevia+milk, but not for every cup. Also can't drink real milk, not lactose intolerant but I have EOS so consuming uncooked dairy leads to GERD symptoms and a host of other issues.
Sometimes I'll pull out the clever dripper but I prefer the moka Americanos as a base most of the time.
I also found that, when we're talking dirt cheap budget options because I drink too much coffee, I quite like the Great Value (Wal-Mart Brand) ground coffee that's Honey & Almond flavored. Tastes like it's got the milk from a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats infused into it. Would get sick of having it all the time, but it's fun.
I've heard instant coffee has gotten good somehow? Is that true? I've been tempted to try it.
I’ve become rather suddenly completely lactose intolerant this year, and my preferred coffees are lattes and cafe au lait
I was gifted a nice latte just this morning by a colleague and within thirty minutes was nearly shitting myself
Buuuuut my local "why would you put a building there, much less a coffee shop" non-chain coffee shop recently put a rosemary syrup on the seasonal menu, and then took it off the week before I went back to have it a second time. But I can report that rosemary makes an incredible complement to coffee. Toss some rosemary leaf or ground rosemary in with the grounds on a drip brew and you get that pine-y flavor without overwhelming the coffee itself (which I find to be a perennial problem with trying to add additional flavors to coffee). It absolutely lights up with a bit of sugar, or, in my case, the cinnamon coffee cake flavored creamer I bought against my better judgment (because it makes the coffee taste like coffee cake instead of like coffee).
I'm "kupiyupaekio" on Discord.
50 grams of the cold brew in a cup and then fill the rest with water.
I gave up on grinding my own beans a while back. These days I just buy a bag of beans from a local roaster and have them grind them then
I'm def also sensitive to lactose, but oat and hemp are tasty, fairly neutral subs that foam reasonably well. Seems most coffee places now offer minimum of one non-dairy option.
i like my daily morning coffee costing me less than dime and ready in less than thirty seconds.
flavor is so far from considerations, fortunately bustelo and my tongue tango.
Pressure sensor in line with the pump.
I wouldn't say it's good, but it's cheap, easy, and quick which makes up for it
we save our fancy kona coffee for special occasions (tomorrow being one such day!)
Yeah and I keep oat milk at the house for just such an occasion, but my personality dictates that I stew and gripe about a thing for at least a year before accepting it
Is there any chance that chicory might somehow be a factor instead?
In the intolerance? Oh nah. It’s milk. Milk on its own, even in small amounts, leaves me sprinting for the terlit
Yeah, I fully switched to drinking/cooking with oat milk for the better part of a decade, and I refuse to give up on dairy entirely. I was vegetarian for a decade (pisco-ovo); I never even tried to be vegan because I love cheese, so I'm still clinging to my hard cheeses, and occasional dairy ice cream or gelato. My partner regularly gives me shit for this.
So I hear ya.
Breville grinder
Breville espresso maker
We signed up for 3 bags of beans delivered every 2 weeks as well
I drink 4 giant mugs of coffee every day now
A hario hand grinder. And then use the James Hoffman method.
It makes a nice cup of coffee.
I did a lot of research into getting an espresso machine and realised, I'm not doing that shit first thing in the morning
No trying to pour water in a little hole, and your still weighing out and grinding beans and transferring them into a little thing, and everything still needs to be knocked out and wiped down.
and all the puck prep stuff you're trying to make as repeatable as possible anyway.
What does SMEG stand for
Smalterie Metallurgiche Emiliane Guastalla