So that first Tuesday of November really fucked us all up and I think the one positive I took from it is that I've actually changed a lot about my self in a very positive way. Old Riptor would have wallowed in sorrow but I said fuck that had a week long panic attack and started making friends and making
plans many of these plans have come to fruition. I am going to Japan. I am now legally female on most of my important documents. My dog has a pull rope toy. I have a group of friends that I really gel with and I'm working on myself in important ways. It's weird and good. I think I'm finally not the person I was anymore when I joined this place.
So I ask you forum peeps how have you
changed this year? Was it good? Bad? Are you now beyond mortal comprehension? Do tell
I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it
And yeah...November was rough. I'm not happy about my attitude towards people. I get cranky and bitter due to world events and external matters outside my control.
I'm happy with a lot in my life and things are going well for me.
I just have a longing for deeper purpose and fulfillment, either my work or artistic ambitions.
That's me in the vaguest terms!