So, I've been playing Fable as of late. The game has a serious bad rap due to the insane hype it had on release, and I suspect many people are still bitter about it.
But the PC version + $20 + Extra content = Bought.
And really, it's one of the best $20 I've spent in a long time, really. Probably one of the only english RPGs I've ever really enjoyed.
Anyone else jump on this game again? There are a few issues (such as character age, eek), but all around it's a great game.
Oh, and for those who have beaten it.
I've beaten the first Jack, and I'm on my way to taking on the second Jack. Any tips? I'm grinding right now, I maxed all my strength related stuff, and I'm not about to up the combat speed one in "skills." I haven't done much spell grinding yet, unfortunately, but as soon as I get the weapon speed up I'm gonna concentrate on that.
Hmm? You mean the last part?
I'd say the most annoying thing is the fact that you can't control the color of your hair, or the fact that you get a shit load of scars. They made a nice system for customizing your look, but there are a few problems.
I'm having fun though, woo.
Yeah, this is one of my complaints as well. Though, I can understand the staying scars.
I hope they do away with the age system next time, and just have your character change more dramatically. as he chooses good or evil.
Wear a helmet or learn to block. You'll get a lot less or no scars on your face.
Question. Spells that imbue your weapons (multistrike, etc), do they stack?
Oh, and where can I buy more potions? Every store is out.
Wonder how you ran out of potions, though. Don't you use the healing spell or something?
Yeah, but unfortunately I didn't spot it until later in the game. I've hardly ever used it, in fact.
That's another one I need to level up.
Yeah, the keyboard controls kinda suck. It's much more natural on the xbox. And I don't really like the lack of customizability, or the small change in appearance between good/evil.
Does anyone know what Fable 2 is planning to include that was left out of the first one?
I tried using my game controller (PS2 in this case) to PC dongle to use my PS2 controller to play it, but it didn't work.
Maybe fable 2 will be what they said fable 1 was going to be.
cause fable 1 is not what they described
Archery + Personal Shield + Slowtime + Multishot = Super WTF easy-mode.
Beating the game without any scars, plus still relatively young.
Played like that on my second run, after my Sword-Spell style run.
I hope not. Because half the shit they talked about in Fable 1 was entirely pointless and I'm glad it's not in there.
I don't remember most of what was supposed to be in it, but Fable 2 has this stupid ass dog. What the hell kind of evil person has a puppy?
Aging wouldn't be so bad if it didn't happen so fast.
Not to mention you can get the Blutane (sp?) really early this way and at that time it will be the strongest weapon you get for 80% of the game. =P
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
Not really, people were trying to figure out how to make tatoos and such, but it was some overly complicated process and wasn't worth th hassle. I think the most people did were make trainers that could change your age and how many scars you have. I think they may have also found out a way to change eye colours.
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
Was anyone else turned off by the goofy, cartoonish look but tried the game and found it enjoyable anyway?
The Xbox "zelda-esque" game. It's very fun if you just kick back and have a fun time with it, trying not to get caught up in what it could have been.
When I finally found
Also, it wasn't a factor for me originally, but it's also hard to play evil. Even just wandering around between cities and getting attacked by creatures, killing them gets you 'good' points with the citizens. The only way to maintain evil is to act like an ass to everybody. Too much work to keep the horns if you ask me.
Did they do anything about that for the Lost Chapters?
Do not engage the Watermelons.
Steam: MightyPotatoKing
I was more impressed with the intro to the game (childhood) than I've been with the game itself.
Pokemans D/P: 1289 4685 0522
That was kind of the whole point Mr. Belushi.
Well, I managed to play Psychonauts and like it depsite the art style. I can see why Fable might put other people off too.
It won't win any prizes for design or originality, but I found it thoroughly enjoyable. Then again I'd completely missed all the original hype...