Right, so I've not done this before, but here goes
October 9th, 2007:
Orange Box HL2:E2, TF2, Portal comes to PC, PS3, and Xbox 360
Shacknews has posted a great
3 page article that goes into depth about TF2. They interview the team, give some more details about classes and maps, etc. It's mostly what we've been hearing recently, but I think it deserves note. Some points:
- All three versions will be released simultaneously (PC/PS3/360) but will not be cross-platform
- Scouts can change direction mid-air with their second jump
- Snipers can move while zoomed, albeit slowly
- Staying zoomed increases a damage bar, while being unzoomed decreases it, thereby rewarding a Sniper for waiting for a kill
- Engineers can gather scrap metal to upgrade turrets (3 levels of turret)
- Sudden Death mode after time expires: no respawns
- Detailed statistics at round end. It is not clear if these are universal or per-map
Heavy Weapons Guy Trailer:
There's some more info, but I'm not sure if it is new or old. Dynamic maps are explained a bit better (ie Hydro) and they talk alot about the amazing graphics. Anyways, a good read. Feel free to discuss.
"Friends are just enemies in reverse."
- Gary Busey
A Glass, Darkly
But I may have missed it.
Then the trailers came out!:D
There will be more, right? They can't just stop at the Heavy, man.
I'd say I'm eagerly awaiting TF2 but I've been waiting since like 99-00ish so really at this point it's like whatever. It does look cool though.
And yes they are making a trailer for each class.
The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
- Gary Busey
A Glass, Darkly
Just thinking of playing this makes me want to go back to try TFC, it's probably ugly as sin now.
- Gary Busey
A Glass, Darkly
And are there any exact PC system requirements yet? I found this, but it's nearly a year old, so I wonder if they haven't been increased. Or in my perfect world, decreased as the game is more refined at this point.
With cross platform play, I'd imagine Vista will be required.
Jeez I hope that isn't the case. I don't want to have to upgrade my OS to play TF2.
- Gary Busey
A Glass, Darkly
I thought that implied PS3 and 360, I'm almost positive I read that 360 and PC users would be playing each other in an earlier preview.
I'd be totally fine if they didn't though. Ecstatic even.
I have no idea and could be absolutely wrong, but I don't imagine you would need Vista to play this game online, only to play it cross-platform online.
That seems to be relatively reassuring. I don't know about getting prompted to save it, but I'm sure that is going to be configurable. Valve seems to have a handle on things like that.
- Gary Busey
A Glass, Darkly
I'm fairly sure they're not. Someone from valve talked about it, saying it would be possible but Microsoft weren't giving the code out to allow other developers to implement it. And then with the Games for Windows Live fiasco I'm fairly sure very few developers want to be cross platform play titles now.
But I want this, a lot. Even if it is to just gawk at the art style (yes, I am an art-style whore. Half my time playing Okami was just looking around open-mouthed)
Should that be my bench-mark?? If HL2:Ep1 ran decently, should I expect the same from TF2?
HL2's recommended specs were offically beyond my setup but it still ran pretty well.
ShimSham wrote:
I hate it when Liliputians try to start shit.
Apparently cut from bits of a preview on Gamevideos.com but I can't find the source video.
Unfortunately this seems to focus a lot on the medic class, and also unfortunately it makes it look really boring =(