Ever been drunk? Have a story to tell about your alcoholic adventures? This is the thread for you!
Got a story to beat all others, or one to put them all to shame?
Anyways, I went out drinkin' with some mates since it's like the national holiday when everyone gets wasted. Space Jesus bless this country.
Anyways while starting the boozening we hooked up with some friend of a friends^2 chicks (hot blond all up ins!) and shoot the shit for a hour while waiting for the rest ofour group to get together.
I had a pretty good game going on with the blond till they decided to go to have a bite to eat while we had to wait for few other guys to get there.
Like hojillion beers and several places later I saw the chicks nearby the taxi-line after every bar closed and they were like "whatever, nice to meet you, we were waiting at the XXX and YYY bars for you guys then and there", and of course our group were at YYY and XXX at then but not there.
Argh argh now I'm drunk and lonely and making a new thread for you suckers to read!
Also it seems like drunken meditation beats the onset hungover headaches. Who would have known?
PS: To get the thread started, last vacation I had I did about 5 to 8 shots around 8 to 10am before going out. That way ended in a fucking disaster all over my friend's place. Urgh.
if you have any, go ahead.
I mostly drink my friends under the table, but they're passed out so no bjs or other SE++ activity happens. Usually.
Sometimes we wrestle since we're drunken males. :winky:
Whenever I visit my cousin who's 16 I bring huge loads of booze so he'd learn the facts of life: hungovers suck.
Maybe later I'll remember something else.
I never heard them.
And good drunks always tell the same stories over and over and over again.
Dammit it's like 5 am I need more beer or sleep.
Wii U NNID: MegaSpooky
1: Get drunk you stupid teenager. It's good for your growing or sumthin'
2: Gogo drunken grandma! She sounds much cooler than you.
Like there's anything in between benders? Pfft.
What the fuck is up with that? They're half as greasy as normal double cheeseburgers and taste better too.
I still peed on stuff though.
A week or so ago I discovered that doritos nacho cheese flavored tortilla chips, when crushed and covered in convenience store chili and cheese, look exactly the same coming up as they do going down.
even a day or so later.
sup longbaugh
I once did shots of 80% because I was shitfaced. Of boy did that turn out to be a fun mistake.
Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midsummer is going on now.
"A great many people get very drunk and happy." SHIT THIS IS TRUE. I think like 80% of the goddamn nation get's drunk tonight.
EDIT: In Finland I mean.
Boy was Pony's face red
said something about how, since adults in america tell kids to never drink even a little bit because its bad, you get kids drinking because its more illicit and might make them seem mature or such. and when americans are having problems they are more likely to turn to alcohol to drown their sorrows
but when they looked at alcohol in italy, where parents give their kids wine with meals when they are younger, they dont become alcoholics when they are older since they dont see alcohol as some immoral thing and so dont turn to it to drown their sorrows
but its volume 2 so it probably doesnt have all the good stuff
Shit we just have teenagers getting wasted and 50 year olds having knife-fights at the food carts that are still open at 5am.
My imaginary friend apparently.
But hey you look like a smart fella, got any fun stories?
i'm more of a smoker than a drinker though
yeah i buy literature when i'm drunk all the time
and got wicked sick burned.
Also yeah I've got a couple stories, but I think a picture will be fine instead.
i said you had a small ding dong
Mighty fine picture, I'd love to hear the stories.
Off to bed now if the damn thing stops spinning.
I'll vomit into this thread tomorrow once I get up. Uuurgh.
that's not a burn that's a matter of fact
wait no i mean
Come Overwatch with meeeee