Server Subforum. Other forums have it, why don't we?
SA has a great server subforum limited to registered users-- while I don't know if we need to make anything so drastic (since somebody could just make an account to see it anyway) why doesn't PA have a Servers Subforum?
Lots of PA'ers play games with their friends, and we have quite a few games with small, PA servers (SS13, GMod, CS, BF2, etc). A servers subforum would be a great place to put info for these-- even if we don't own the server, it makes it easier to find places to play games with other PA'ers, and without searching the forums for the most recent threads, then scanning the posts for a good server.
I did a search, and didn't see any topics relative to this. Is there a reason why we haven't made one?
Like, how would it make it easier?
additionally, there aren't as many PAers as there are goons so private servers aren't used enough to be useful
and if we don't own a server, there's no point in making a thread about it since we'd just jump in a random one through a Game On thread or Vent
SA is a pretty well-run forum - i have my issues with its userbase, but the administration knows what they're doing - but because of the size of their population it is necessarily run differently than ours
tl;dr: copying SA is a bad idea unless we suddenly jump to 99500 users overnight
Just for the record if you start your post out with this argument I'm going to stop reading it.
it was in G&T
Thanks -- I didn't mean to request that we emulate SA, it simply occurred to me that the server list was a handy concept. you're right, though about the likelihood of PA'ers buying servers like that, so I suppose it would go relatively unused.
Sorry about placing it in the wrong forum; it seemed most relevant to Games, and I never considered posting it here.
XBL: LiquidSnake2061
we had a CS server for about two months, then it died
It was an idea ahead of its time.
I think it predated the consoles being online. I don't own a console so I don't know to what degree this argument holds water.
I am merely playing Devil's advocate here (on both sides, no less!), but look at the number of Game On threads in G&T. If a subforum were to exist, it would no doubt have a fair share of threads to populate it.
The only consequence would be that it may cripple the amount of threads in the regular G&T board.
Necessary, absolutely not.
Nice addition, definitely.
Is that a good enough reason?
Maybe you should pick a more popular game to Game On. If a Game On thread gets buried it's usually due to a lack of interest.
I dunno, the LOTRO thread gets buried all the time, and it's still posted in at least once or twice a day. :P
That or people are hitting F5 in other threads and post more frequently?
This is one of the most ridiculously active forums I participate in. People post like it's an aol chat conversation.
I'm just sayin' - a separate space for game on threads, which there would be a lot of, can compete vs. each other instead of conversational threads. I post up in the game on thread "im on to play" and in 5 minutes it's at the bot - meanwhile people are wondering whether anyone is on or not.
I mean - it doesn't matter much - i'll adapt - I just thought a separate game on forum would be kinda neat and more organized.
People are going to G&T anyway. They see a game on thread, post away, play, have fun. People don't happen to visit a game on forum.
Just a suggestion for a pet forum that where someone could go and see all the Games with PA communities on them without having to trudge through to other threads. Like Henroid's [Game ON] directory sticky.
yeah, we actually used to have a lot more private servers back in the day, but they're a lot more expensive to run nowadays and no one really wants to shell out for it.
Even the servers in SA's PGS are usually dead or empty after the first week or so (except for the really popular games like CS and DoD), and there's a hell of a lot more people playing games at SA than we'll have here for a long time. It's better for us to just use game on threads, in G&T, because it increases the likelyhood of someone happening to see it and joining in on the game.