So I was heading down to the Wal-mart that's about a 5 minute drive from my house to pick up some Starbucks Frappuchino's for the upcoming weeks mornings, and since I have room in my motorcycles saddlebags, I figured I'd take it.
So I come to a red light, and I'm doing maybe 20 on the road ahead, so I'm slowing down, I hit 10, and then as I'm around five...
BAM My back ends nails some gravel(I think), and comes sweeping around to the right. So I do what they taught us, try to keep the bike stable, and just ride out the slippage. But then the back end suddenly(I think)
un-slips, so the bike flips around, and next thing I know I'm lying on the road, and my bike is on it's left side, with the motor still running and the rear wheel spinning like hell. (EDIT: After some thinking on the subject, I'm fairly sure that the bike spun 270 degrees, because I ended up 90 degrees turned from where I should've been if I'd just fallen.) So I crawl over and flip the engine-kill switch, before righting the bike. I notice that the left turn-signal covering is broken, and my left saddlebags lock was snapped off, as well as my handlebars being knocked a little bit to the left. So I repair what I can out there, and head home with some scratches and scrapes, after getting asked by a really nice cute brunette if I'm ok.
So... anyone else have any fun Vehicle problems in the past? Air them here!
"Oh god! I can't feel my penis!
Will you feel it for me?"
What's wrong with Wal-Mart, you spoiled hippy faggot?
Slippageslippage sli-sli-sli slippage.
dey tuk ur jaaaaahbs
Suddenly being stung in the back when you're riding around at 60mph can suck...
Even more so for a 50 year old man.
i mean sure we have our clones and similar chains, but that detatched from the rest of the world, open almost always, magnet for the dregs of lif feeling just cannot be recreated. when you're in a wal-mart you're in another dimension of foreignly inappropriate prices and unheimlich aisle layouts, where a stretch of wall-length mirrors stands opposite an aisle of Spiderman exercise books
strange days
Pf, you kidding? I'm ordering the new turn signal cover tonight, taping it until I get the new one, re-riveting the saddlebag lock, re-aligning the handlebars tonight, and riding it to work tomorrow... assuming that my arm still having pain shooting up and down it doesn't mean that it's broken.
You sure do.
Splint it with two sticks and a length of electrical tape and stop crying about it you pussy.
I downshifted and floored it, VROOOOOOOOOOOOOM, I flew past her and came back over into our lane just in time to see the road dissapear in front of me. I hit the gravel and ditch, cut the wheel, flew back across the road and went airborne at around 100-110mph. I launched about 20 yards and hit and rolled over a fence, onto the southbound lane of I-55, through traffic, over the median, onto the north bound lane and came to stop in the far breakdown lane on the drivers side.
7-8 flips, and over 100 yards. I walked away. Not wearing a seatbelt actually saved my life as the cab was crushed after I was pinned to the floorboards. Massive head injuries and a dislocated shoulder and hip, but other then that no life threatening shit. I was astronomically lucky.
This si what happens when you make way too much money at that age and want to show off. You do incredibly stupid shit.
98... I didn't loose use of my legs until 2003.
Plus just recently I've regained use of them limitedly. I can get around with just a single cane now.
Regardless, I kinda shuffled and hopped away as my left hip was 7 kinds of fucked.
i was gonna come in here and be like "stale i wish i was as lucky as you" (knock on wood) before you posted this but that is awesome!
I've actually improved in condition in this case. I can fucking walk now. kinda.
Well when I shit on your mom you don't really seem to mind.
crossed the middle of a four way intersection and the bike slipped. fell into a huge puddle that formed, flat on my back. rain pouring down at my face.
man, that was kinda funny, though. pretty melodramatic moment.
Nah, I just like riding, and I like getting 40 mpg, and free parking.
somethings you can get to use again with nerve damage, provided you train and do a lot of rehab.
your dick is not one of these things.
I thought you were going to turn into goo in the next month or something.
are you mocking him?
his dick can't work.
naw, I got a couple more years at least before I gelatinize.