Ok, so I've had this bad skin condition ever since I can remember. It started on my feet when I was little and went away eventually. It was a wet itchyness that felt great when scratching but was very painful when I moved.
When I was a teenager I got it on my neck. It was a big red oval right under my jawline that would weep and itch. I went to the doctor and he said that what I had was a "cousin of psoriasis" and prescribed me a topical corticosteroid called triamcinolone. It seemed to help, but I only ever used it off and on very sporadically. The neck rash went away and I then got in on the folds of my arms and the backsides of my kneecaps. I'd only use the cream when it got bad.
Then later in high school I began to get it in between my upper thighs, my penis, and my testicles. Suffice to say, this is the worst place I could think of to have this rash; not only is it not very pleasant looking, but when it gets bad, every step I take HURTS.
I can't remember the last time it was bad but this past week it has been a nightmare. I got off work early today because I just couldn't walk around any more.
I am no longer insured and would use a friend's corticosteroid cream if I had a flare up (which wasn't very often). Lately, I realized it might have been adverse to an anxiety condition I've been re-experiencing lately (the first starting when I began getting the rashes). Having not used any cream for a month now, I've been relatively anxiety free.
However nothing seems to soothe this inflammation. Ive replaced my soap with a mild moisturizing lotion, and covering myself with a second petroleum based moisturizer after showers. However, it seems like moist or dry skin, I get this same painful rash.
Does anyone know what I can do to get relief from this without the use of corticosteroids, which I have recently suspected having adverse effects?
Your previous diagnosis could have been incorrect, or there may be newer creams or actual medication for whatever it is you have. "cousins" of psoriasis have names so it's odd that the old doc wouldn't tell you what it was. Unfortunately, seeing a doc for it means you pretty much need insurance.
Does it change at all when you wear different clothes? Do you wear tight clothes? Loose clothes? Boxers/briefs? I know some people with eczema get the rash in different parts of their legs depending on whether they're wearing pants, socks, shorts, short sleeve shirts, long sleeve shirts, and so on. Do you bathe too often? not enough? do you have other allergies?
It just seems like these episodes come and go whenever they want. The last time it was this bad was roughly 2 years ago, and in high school sometimes it would be every other month.
Is there reason to fear Triamcinolone Acetone? I heard it thins the skin (I have bad stretch marks on the insides of my thighs, but that could be from growing), and I'm not sure or not but it seems like the anxiety disorder I've had has been proportionate to my usage of this drug, although that has only occurred to me recently. Any more incite would be rockin.
Also, my sister has bad psoriasis that makes her legs have these huge, scaly white rashes all over her legs. That doesn't accurately describe what I have, nor does my condition have any similarities to what she has visually, but I thought it might help to mention.
There are a number of psoriasis medications that you can buy over the counter. Most will treat psoriasis and other similar skin problems. Dermarest is one to have a look at. http://www.dermarest.com/
This kind of stuff is very sensative to stress. Working some kind of breathing exercise into your daily routine may help.
UV light may help too. It is supposed to help psoriasis.