New Avengers is a Marvel title written by Brian Michael Bendis. It follows the exploits of the Secret Avengers, a superhero group opposed to the Superhuman Registration Act.
It's members are as follows:
This character created by Bendis is basically a no strings attached alter ego.
Doctor Strange:
The Sorcerer Supreme is bar-none the most powerful member of the group, and evens the odds against the Mighty Avengers.
Iron Fist:
KUNG-FU BILLIONAIRE. Luke Cage's buddy Danny Rand takes care of the Secret Avengers financially. Also: clearly capable of handing you your ass.
Luke Cage:
Cage is a comeback story like no other. He went from relative obscurity to becoming the leader of the Secret Avengers.
If you've had a shit day, keep in mind you've never had a
shit lifetime. Spider-Man is the burden racked member of the group who also serves as moral compass. They'll need one seeing as how Cap is dead.
Her allegiances are shaky at best, but she certainly someone you'd want on your side in post Civil-War Marvel.
What can I say about Wolverine that hasn't already been said? Long story short, he is the team's designated shit kicker. He'll also the go to guy for a hypocritical means of killing people without getting blood on your hands.
Echo was just rescued by the Secret Avengers in an awesome fashion. She'll be an asset in the future, as she posses photographic reflexes on the level of Taskmaster.
Here's where we'll finally have a place to espouse all of those wacky theories you might have in terms of who is or isn't a Skrull. I'd ask you to keep them plausible
and for fucks sake try to be civil when you speak to one another!
I'd like to open with a question:
Who do you suspect will leave the team first?
My money is on Wolverine.
Avengers: The Initiative.
Tony Stark's brainchild. The 50-State Initiative will put a government-sanctioned superteam in every state, allowing for greater protection of the nation as a whole.
Avengers: The Initiative, the title follows the exploits of the New Recruits and Administrators of the Initiative training base, Camp Hammond, built on the site of the Stamford tragedy.
The CounselorsYellowjacket
Pill-poppin', wife-slappin' scientist. He is one of the chief administrators of Camp Hammond. A Dick, but one you can sympathize with.
Former New Warrior Vance Astrovik. Really the only nice guy at Camp Hammond.
New Warriors hating drill sergeant of Camp Hammond. Dude's a dick.
War Machine
Former Iron Man, Jim Rhodes. Field Leader who assists new recruits on missions. As far as dicks go, he's not that bad.
Baron Von Blitzschlag
He's an ex-Nazi scientist. Yeah.
Moving on...
Henry Peter Gyrich.
The government official who is behind the curtain that you should not pay attention to. He is the king of dicks.
Fresh Meat.Cloud 9
Abi, she joined the Initiative so she could fly. She's also a total fattie.
Currently expelled student who was quite good at shooting spheres of energy. ALSO OTHER THINGS BECAUSE SHE HAD A SYMBIOTIC GUN-ARM THING
(Picture is classified information under Henry Gyrich's orders.)
Possibly super-powered ex-student. Surprisingly vulnerable to deadly spheres of energy to the head.
His name is right there.
This little emo can make your worst nightmare become reality, currently undergoing special training by Dani Moonstar.
Roger, a jokester and cocky bastard. He can create "hard energy" balls. Please try to keep the 5th grade jokes to a minimum.
Melati, used the same serum as Dr. Curt Conners, aka The Lizard. A victim of the oft-heard of but seldom seen Spider-Verbal-Beatdown.
The Mighty Avengers
The Mighty Avengers are a government sanctioned superhuman team led by Carol Danvers (Ms. Marvel), and backed by Tony Stark (Iron Man), the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
The Mighty Avengers are tailored to specifically deal with the highest of threats, being comprised entirely with powerhouses in their respective fields.
Ms. Marvel:
Leading the Mighty Avengers, Ms. Marvel is capable of flight, superhuman strength and energy manipulation/absorption.
Iron Man:
Tony Stark's had the most interesting year of his life, and it shows no sign of slowing down now that he's going to be juggling his duties as Iron Man along with being director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Black Widow:
You need a spy/ninja? There you go.
Oddly, he is a Wolverine
AND a Thor.
He is not a cyborg.The Sentry:
Sentry is the team's strongest member. He is also batshit loco.
The Wasp
The stylish member of the group. Ares is fairly confident he can hit that. I know because I read his mind.
Wonder ManYET ANOTHER POWERHOUSE! Wonder Man is to be admired for the audacity to wear such awful red coats.
Ronin is now Hawkeye.
Echo is her own character.
I doubt Strange is a skrull, if only because I don't see a skrull learning magic that well. Though I suppose that can be countered with an 'elektra-skull did dark magics!'
Other than that, I could see it being any one of them.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
Bendis included her in the little roster he made out.
Also Dr. Doom is totally a skrull.
They're in for a rough ride.
about 10 billion times more confusing.
I enjoyed that part of Cap's funeral as well. Despite everyone telling Peter what a TERRIBLE idea going to the funeral would have been, all he can say is "We still should have gone."
I'm also gonna have to agree with Wolverine leaving. He has no real reason to stay, and now that he can't trust anyone on the team leaving is an option he would take.
Oh shit, zombie scott lang is joining the Secret Avengers
(Scott Lang is my favorite Ant-Man.)
Not including the ones that are dead, there'd still be Daredevil missing.
And Speedball.
And the other Spider-Woman.
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
I also love Cassie Lang.
What I am saying here is I am a fan of the Lang clan.
Wait except for Scott's ex-wife.
She's a fucking bitch.
I know they're supposed to be decaying, but doesn't(Who I assume is) Namor look a bit then the others?
She-Hulk not withstanding.
But if we are all of a sudden going to have some kind of zombie invasion event.
please, just no.
Hell, Thor #1 had a Zombie Variant.
The solo title is why he is a Skrull.
Danny should be in the Seven Heavenly Cities having epic kung-fu battles wearing his new streamlined costume.
and yet we see him with the New Avengers beating up ninjas in Japan wearing his old one.
It would be easy for a Skrull to wait for a week or so after Danny's disappearance and just show up to Luke and say "Yo. I'm back."
Now I'm gonna update and rename.
Speculation at the moment.
The cover with the female Daredevil has me worried that it's Echo filling in as a replacement for a dead Matt Murdock. I would be really put off by another iconic character's death being so close to Cap's; especially someone who is just getting their shit put back together after hitting rock bottom a year or so ago.
EDIT: Murdock's a skrull, lol.
Cage when he was in a tiara, Spider-Man when he was a kid, Wolverine when he was in Japan, Jessica Jones when she was Jewel, Doctor Strange when he was a doctor or wore a suit for some other reason, Iron Fist when he was... in cold mountains and needed to bundle up, Hawkeye when he was dressed as Captain America, and Echo when she was dressed as Daredevil or maybe just when she was last involved with him.