The political situation in the Democratic Monarchy island of Arulco has gone from bad to nightmare. The country has been taken over through a coup-de-tat by Queen Deidranna Reitman, the wife of Enrico Chivaldori - rightful heir and son of late King Andreas Chivaldori. Enrico was reportedly killed in an assassination attempt during his trial for the murder of his father. Enrico however is alive and has contacted The Association of International Mercenaries (A.I.M.) to help him retake the island. Making contact with Miguel Cordona, the head of the resistance team, A.I.M. will hire mercenaries and coordinate battle plans to control towns, organize militias in a quest to overthrow Queen Deidranna.
Hey all, as most of you know, Jagged Alliance 2 is, like, my favorite fucking game ever. Why, do you ask? Probably because it combines a cheesy b-movie storyline with an extremely robust combat system to make an incredibly entertaining game.
We shall be playing with the
fan-made v1.13 patch, which adds a fuckton of weapons, items, and even a few characters (ones that were included in the standalone expansion pack "Unfinished Business"), as well as sharpening the AI even more, adding new hotkeys, and, well, basically there's an assload of new features added to the game.
Ja2 isn't merely about combat and killing, oh no - aside from the custom mercenaries you can create (I'll get back to that in a few paragraphs), any other mercenaries you hire
got to get paid, son. With A.I.M., the standard mercenary outfit, you can pay the mercenaries for a day of service, a week of service, or two weeks of service. You can also take out life insurance policies on them, so if they die in your service, you get the money you paid for them back, minus the time they already served.
How do you pay them? You take over the various mines scattered around Arulco. You won't make much money, at first - the people are scared that the queen will take over the towns again. However, you can gain their confidence by training militia and winning battles.
Your heroes are:
Ranken "Murderer" Phile
Samantha "Synth" Orange
Munkus "Guts" Beaver
Miguel "Big Boom" Valdez
Current chapters:
Chapter 0 - IntroductionsChapter 1 - Early KillsChapter 1.5 - The Calm Before DrassenChapter 2 - DrassenChapter 3 - Yay, SAM sites!Chapter 3.5 - Adventures in San MonaChapter 4 - The Taking of ChitzenaChapter 5 - Chitzena SAMChapter 6 - Defending Chitzena SAM, Weapon overview, and killing hillbilliesChapter 7 - Cambria!Chapter 8 - Cambria SAMChapter 9 - Jesus fucking christ it took me long enough to make the Alma updateChapter 10 - Taking down KingpinChapter 11 - TixaChapter 12 - BalimeChapter 13 - Mo'Fugging Orta!Chapter 14 - Goddamn, finally Grumm
Last Name:Willington III Esq.
Nickname: "Mr. Snuggles"
Specialization (pick 1): "soldiering"
Skills: Stealth, Hand-to-hand.
Use that portrait of the really huge looking black dude.
Oh god, I just realized that I still have this installed on my machine! :O
And yeah, this game is seriously awesome. I love it to pieces.
Last Name: Calger
Nickname: Poolstick
Specialization: Sniping
Skills: Rooftop Sniping, Night Ops
Seriously, JA2 is in my "top ten games of all time" list.
You can get it on Steam, although I hear that version sucks, since you can't really use the 1.13 mod. I think you can still find it in compilation packs of various games - I know Strategy First sells one, but their site is down right now.
Yeah, both work fine with the 1.13 patch, IIRC.
Yes. He's an asshole, though, but he always was.
Last Name: Phile
Nickname: The Murderinator
Specialization (pick 1): Sniping
Skills: Stealth, Night Ops
yer god damned right he's in JA2
also, I'm going back to the Ivan avatar. I needed some sort of motivation to do so, and god damn if this ain't just the ticket.
Last Name: Beaver
Nickname: Guts
Specialization (pick 1): ( soldiering)
Skills(pick 2, or one if you want to be an 'expert' in said skill, or none if you want to have more points for me to distribute to your various attributes): (Heavy Weapons Knifing)
I was thinking of switching to Igor myself.
Last Name: Madrovich
Nickname: "The Euthanizer"
Specialization: Medic
Skills: Knifing, Ambidextrous
Mori, if you want you can move me over to explosives or engineering or whatever you want.
Last Name: Orange
Nickname: Synth
Specialization (pick 1): Medic
Skills(pick 2, or one if you want to be an 'expert' in said skill, or none if you want to have more points for me to distribute to your various attributes): Camoflage, teaching.
Last Name:jordan
Nickname: Longwinded
Specialization (pick 1): sniping,
Skills(pick 2, or one if you want to be an 'expert' in said skill, or none if you want to have more points for me to distribute to your various attributes): Rooftop Sniping, Camouflage
Dude, I will even write a backstory.
of course he would
he's got a pulse, right?
fuck, now I'm going to have to find those fucking discs again.
Going into that first encounter you get once out of Omerta. It's usually dead easy.
Except with the patch you've got several dozen enemy troops running into the battlezone from the adjacent sectors.
Granted, whoever survives is probably going to be swimming in loot.
Which reminds me, selling stuff via the map screen is a nice addition.
The people who've replied first are the most likely to be interested in updates.
Last Name: Bishop
Nickname: "Preach"
Specialization: Soldiering
Skills: Ambidextrous, Auto Weapons
I'm a little late...