This is a very borderline comic so i am going with NSFW. I would really appreciate a critique. It is called Three Cheers for Richard and it is a comedy. How you guys enjoy (if at all) the humor and concept would be nice to know! There are 5 strips out and here are links to each in order:
there they are! thank you all for your critiques and comments!
The art is simple, MS Paint, I assume.
I find this horribly childish, both in humor and in style. Maybe the kids like this, I sure as hell don't.
I really don't think he should post images, the links at least save the lazy.
Art = terrible
Jokes = well, nonexistant
What on earth drove you to make a comic about a penis having adventures to kill the evil lord Titties?!
see what I did there? Should I make my own comic now?
None (at all). You know who'd get a big laugh? Your drunk friends, after a night of serious drinking. But only your friends, as I'm sure you've made these in-jokes with them a bunch of times and they already think thay're comedy gold.
Anyone else should be sheieded from their hideous glare.
Aside from the art, which seems to be created solely using the ellipse tool in MS Paint.
And the writing, which primarily consists of grade-school phallic puns.
@ OP: Are you 13? Because that might explain this.
sketchyblargh / Steam! / Tumblr Prime
Is there some sort of pun here?
Because, ew.
A) I felt a "too detailed" penis character will turn the little joke into obscenity
I only have one hand seeing as my dominant hand is in a cast for 6 weeks from surgery so I'm making the best with what I have.
Again, thanks to the people who did not act like they were in grade school by needlessly insulting me. You could have just said you're not into innuendos of any kind.
Good times.
But I hate your comic because it's not clever, it's childish, and it's stupid.
Oh, and not funny.
Help! Drowning... in... irony!
OH! Now I get it!
BTW, drawing a penis and making penis jokes isn't innuendo. Innuendo implies that something is insinuated or hinted at. Not "Hi, I'm a big penis! Ha ha! Penis!"
The plot of your comic is the kind of thing that would be funny if it were a one-shot joke in a comic with a better sense of humor that is making fun of bad comics.
There's no room for critique in your work as it currently exists; you need to burn it down and rebuild, hopefully creating characters that aren't made solely with shape tools and that are not, for preference, genetalia.
Pffft, excuses! I bet you couldn't draw a realistic penis to save your life. C'mon, I dare you, make yourself even gayer.