So for those of you that know me, you all remember that I've been trying to get into the military for a very long time. If you don't remember, I had a bogus disqualification from enlistment because some other dude's paperwork got stapled to mine.
Well today, after working with a recruiter for a while, I went down to meps and did all my shit again, and the cmo basically said, "Hey, that's a huge fuckup," and rescinded my disqualification.
So, today after like two freakin' years of trying, I finally got in. I signed my contract and was sworn into the army today.
I ship to Fort Benning, Georgie, in 9 days. I am so fucking stoked, so I just
had to make a thread.
I am going to go watch In the Army Now thirty times to get ready for basic training
@Bryceforvice on Twitter Facebook
Like, fucking seriously out of my mind happy for you.
I know you've wanted this for so goddamn long, and it makes me just fucking giddy that you got it. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
i think we all thought you were in the army
Congroots though what are you going in as
Oh. I thought just about everyone knew I hadn't enlisted.
I'm going in as infantry
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
I have just been on a cloud ever since I was sworn in.
I don't.
Welcome to Georgia.
I also had that six month absence. Congrats, though, and keep us posted.
Now don't fuck this up by getting shot.
Send me a letter or something, I don't know. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
For sure. PM me your address. I definitely want some people to write to so I can have a lot to read at mail call.
That'd be a pretty dick move to pull at this point.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
^ This
somewhere in the back of their mind
or ______ from shitty world war II movie
Have fun (I didn't, and I was only there for 3 weeks).
live the dream for me
whatever happened to the marines?
Nothing really happened with them, per se. I could have enlisted with the corps if I had wanted to, but after finding that the only recruiters who were really working to help me clear up the problem were army recruiters, that kind of sealed the deal.
nonetheless, fuckin' a.
it's badass.
the food isn't that bad. i had to go up to fort carson for a recruit event a couple weeks ago, and we had mres for breakfast and ate in the chow hall for lunch. Both were pretty good.
This is pretty cool.
Fucking finally
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I'm going based on a close friends experience becoming a Marine. I can't remember where he was at but he said that was the worst part.
Thought you guys didn't want to get him shot.
Oh I went there.
well from what i hear Marines have the worst food.
They're pretty damn good. He loves the food.