I've got a $100 Amazon gift certificate burning a hole in my pocket. Right now, I'm thinking of grabbing a bunch of the PS2 games I never played on the cheap.
I only got a PS2 last year, so I haven't played most of the older games (beyond the classics), or even the reasonably recent ones. It would be excellent to hear some ideas about which of the older games are worth getting, as I can get a whole ton of the old games used. For instance, I'm probably getting Jak 2 and Jak 3, as they're about $8 total.
I'm not tied to any single genre, but anything co-op would be appreciated, as well as anything involving strategy that isn't a NIS title (I like them, but Phantom Brave almost killed me. I want more tactics, less
oh my god level level level).
Any recommendations?
Edit: To be clear, the PS2 is also my only console whatsoever. I also have a PC, obviously, but demos tend to make me need fewer recommendations there.
Do what you can to elect Harris/Walz and downticket Dem candidates in your area by doorknocking, phonebanking, or postcarding:
Guitar Hero
Final Fantasy X
maybe Metal Gear but I haven't played those yet
I think that rounds out my must have list.
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Oh, and abuse the hell out of Amazon Marketplace (people selling used games)... I've been doing that for years and haven't had bad luck yet.
Okami (actually like 30$ when i got it new)
God of War 1
Tekken 5
GTA trilogy if you haven't played them.
Final Fantasy 10 (don't get x-2, for the love of god)
Okami is a long, beautiful, creative game that takes many cues from the Zelda series. It is very easy, though.
Guitar Hero I and II are great, and II has a co-op mode.
Zone of the Enders 2 is a short, pretty and mostly very fun game. The first you can skip.
What other consoles do you have? Multiplatform games generally weren't best on PS2, but they're still perfectly good. Prince of Persia, Soul Calibur and Beyond Good and Evil are all worth checking out.
Actually, I suppose I should say that I am pretty much taking the advice given in the giant robot thread for PS2, Armored Core Last Raven, and Front Mission 4 and such. I haven't really finished the RPG one.
Sly Cooper always looked entertaining, and I was convinced Ratchet and Clank would suck, but have heard nothing but praise for it. Much like Jak and Daxter. Sooo, thank you all so far.
Also, god do I love the marketplace... some of these games are listed at $0.01.
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus
Look, if you want to make a point, say it three times, then bold the last one. :P
Shadow of the Colossus
But yes, while not everyone will admit to this being a fun game, it is definitely an experience you shouldn't miss out on. Personally, I loved it and had alot of fun completing the game, so please, get it.
MGS, certainly.
I think Okami (plays like Zelda) is wonderful. A few people don't... tell you what, go watch some youtube videos of it. If you're enchanted by the art style/game world, you should be good.
I dug FFX, then again I'm not completely sick of "random encounter" RPGs. Plus it's darn pretty. I was on my way to liking FFXII more, but a couple hours after I got the gambit system my new TV died and it hasn't come back from the shop yet. Grrr.
Also, Disgaea 1/2, Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, Final Fantasy X/X-2 and Guitar Hero 2.
What I probably don't have are any of the earlier games that people just assume everyone got when they came out. I think my earliest game might be MGS2.
But, yeah: Damn did SotC rock hard. Back to you people.
Guitar Heros are good, if you want some also excellent rhythm games look for Amplitude and Frequency. They're probably cheaper, as well as not requiring an extra peripheral.
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. I think SotC is sorta overrated, but it's still definitely worth getting.
Final Fantasy 10 isn't bad, but if you can I'd recommend looking a little farther back and getting 9, or 7. You'll need a ps1 memory card, but they'll run fine.
Psychonauts is hilarious, though the gameplay can be kinda glitchy at times.
I've only played the gamecube version, but Resident Evil 4 should be just as excellent on the ps2. One of the few games I've played through more than once.
Rez is also very trippy and awesome, if you can find a copy without paying an arm and a leg for it. I haven't checked prices lately.
I personally like Steambot Chronicles, but it's pretty strange and may not be for everyone.
Steambot is something that very much intrigued me. The only reason I never picked it up is because it kept being described as "Interesting but...", and as sort of a Japanese imitation of GTA.
That said, steam robots and also musicians and stuff. It appeals to me. So, why was it fun for you?
Don't worry about it, I don't remember the PS2 having any real early system sellers.
Edit: I'm seconding the suggestion for Katamari Damacy and its sequel, but if you're getting both, make sure to play the original game first. We Katamari makes enough improvements to the gameplay that going back to Katamari Damacy is less fun.
Well, take my opinion with a grain of salt, because I honestly didn't get too far in - maybe...15-20 hours. I stopped for a while because I started getting DRE's, and just haven't gotten back into it since i got my pstwo.
A lot of why I like it is because I love rhythm games, and you can do a decent amount of that type of thing. You acquire different instruments, each one has a different kind of 'game' associated with it when you play it. My favorite way to make money was just to go to street corners and play instruments for the coins people would throw.
I also enjoyed the trot customizing and battling, though of course it's not as deep and fulfilling as it could be if it were the whole game. It was good enough for me to enjoy.
I wouldn't really compare it to GTA - it's not THAT open-ended, at least not as far as I got. That may easily change later on. I would say it's more like a regular jrpg, except for way more things to do, and customize. I'm not ashamed to say I loved dressing Vanilla up in weird clothes and things.