Hey, posted this in the Advice Forums, but figured I'd toss it here too for those that didn't look there.
This is blowing my mind. I was playing WOW last night and in the middle of a group my computer just freaked out. The screen turned a whole barrage of colors .. mostly purple, green, and gray. The sound kept going, but the video froze. Then the sound started looping and I bluescreened.
I got the nv4_disp.dll bluescreen saying something about it getting caught in an infinite loop.
I haven't had a bluescreen in almost a year. This really took me by surprise. I have installed anything or even downloaded anything in almost a week.
It's even started being extremely distorted on the boot up ASUS screen and windows loading bar screen. Also every time I try to get into WOW, I get this weird display, followed by a blue screen or just a black screen. I booted into Enemy Territory, Quake 3, and Warcraft III Frozen Throne and everything is working fine.
However, about an hour ago, I was talking on AIM, and I saw a streak rip across my screen, kind've liked pixelated and purple/green/gray. I was confused as shit. So I smacked my desk and it got worse. I did it until my screen bluescreened. I think my computer is posessed. I also clicked on the corner to resize a window and it blew up into a mess of pixels and bluescreened too. I am so confused. I cannot express it in words. Along with frustrated.
Here's a screenshot of what it looks when I boot into safe mode. I uninstalled my nVidia drivers and redownloaded them, only to still have this problem.
System Specs:
GeForce 6700 GS 512mb AGP
3.2gHz Pentium 4
1gig PC3200 RAM
Seagate 160gig HD.
I'm not as computer savvy as a lot of you are, but yeah .. this problem is elusive. Here's a screenshot of safe mode when I boot into it.
If anyone has ANY suggestions or comments seriously, I'll love you forever. Thanks a bunch.
UPDATE: It was running fine for almost 2 hours (Outside of Gaming) in Windows. Had a ton of firefox Windows Open with various forums open for a long time. Got an error out of nowhere. BSOD'd. But weird enough, lately it's just been going straight to black without the BSOD. It only seemed to BSOD when it errored out of WOW. Gah.
EDIT: Also, apparently what it's doing right before it BSOD's/Blackscreens .. is "artifacting." Never heard this until today, but yeah ... big ugly mess on the screen.
I would check your case for dust and make sure the fan is working correctly. What do the temps look like?
Worse, they have "hot image picks" and this was one of them:
If you are getting artifacting then the problem is with your video card.
I never asked for this!
Case temperature is at 89 degrees farenheit, CPU temperature is at 116 degrees farenheit. GPU temperature is 66 degrees celsius. All of these temperatures are at bootup.
I think I'm getting the polygons across the screen. Look at the posts above at the screenshot. I can't get a screenshot of what it looks like when I open WOW because the PC is frozen at that point. It's just large chunks of purple polygons with grays/greens thrown in.
That's the thing. I can't start up WOW without it exploding on me. BSOD's as soon as I hit the login screen. I don't play any other games that are as graphically demanding as WOW. I have Quake 3, Enemy Territory, WarCraft III ... Doom 3 and Quake 4 laying around here somewhere.
I forgot to mention that my BIOS fucks up in the top gradient part when it loads, there's distortion there like in the screenshot I posted. Also when I select if I want to boot into safe mode, there's teal boxes behind the white highlight of the text selection. Any ideas about that?
The weirdest shit about it all is that I can play Warcraft III, Quake 3, and Enemy Territory with no issue.