Break out your 12-packs of Diet Dr. Pepper and smash that F5 for shit you wouldn't buy anyway, but love to watch other people do so. It's the Woot-off*, a favorite of our little community these past few months.
I am not ashamed to say I sometimes wear the shirt I originally bought to resell on eBay. I cannot resist screaming monkey advert clothing.
*What the hell am I talking about? you trollop!
bad sign
means they're drowning in shit they can't get rid of otherwise
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
This is the most laughable junk I've ever seen.
It's like QVC for nerds
Because now there's an HDMI upconverting DVD player for $40.
Too bad I already have one.
(besides f5)
edit: it's called ReloadEvery
is there any way to tell how many there are?
I have this feeling my cats would beat the shit out of it.
I will make a fortune. A roomba in the shape of a goomba.
Nope, just a huge fuck who thinks Achewood is funny.
(hint: its not funny, by a long shot)
Well played, Dru.
Oh that explains everything.
as such my desires to buy useless but cheap shit will be diminished
Yeah, I just made a huge credit card payment, otherwise I'd be buying one of these roombas. I've got hardwood floors, and they're impossible to keep clean when you have two cats.
That reminds me, don't they make regular fuckin vacuum cleaners any more? Or just this bagless shit.
Bagless more like Fag....less.
they warn you right in the instructions that the first time you use it you will be horrified at how much crap it finds
"this is normal"
Good job today, wootoff. Let's get the crap out early.
not always funny, but always very good
It helps if you start at the beginning and work your way forward.