Oh God I love this show.
It's hands down my favorite television show.
Constantly funny, genuine twists, and great drama. I hear it's also one of the few animes with good dubs.
It is a cruel as hell show, though.
Major spoilers, don't read ahead if you plan on watching the series:
The biggest shockers for me in the series are (last chance to turn back):
"Big bwutha?" The dude killed his daughter just because he could!
Hughes dying. "Why are they burying daddy? He's got a lot of work to do! Why are they burying daddy?!" Seriously, this came out of nowhere.
The Philosopher Stone is people!
The Furor is a Humonculous.
Envy is a son of Hoenheim.
The story takes place in parrallel Germany.
The Furor snapping the neck of his son.
I really do love this show.
I have not seen the movie, but I plan on doing so eventually.
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
I haven't seen much of the show, to be honest.
The episode I watched was...well, fucking creepy.
However, somewhere early on in the anime,
Hopefully the manga does not turn out like the ending of the anime. I am incredibly behind on the manga, though. One of these days I'll get on purchasing the English version from where I left off. But really, I tried reading through the ones I read already, and they seemed pretty new/fresh... I've forgotten a lot already...
Something I'll always remember and try to bring into film with me (warning: spoilers of the coolest thing I've ever seen):
I love it when shows do dark shit like that.
The last thing I remember, I think...
really exspencive dvd's though... cost me a very large amount of money to get them legally. 40 bucks for the whole thing illegally.
thats way back, maybe half way? if even that. it gets sooooooo good later in the story.
That's right before shit starts to hit the fan.
Anyway, yeah, if it's only 52 and not Bleach's "150 and still going strong!" or whatever that's at, maybe I should pick it back up again.
is there any swanky new animu
something for adults maybe
You think Bleach is bad? Naruto: 240. DBZ: 292. Detective Conan: 485. Bleach is simply one of the few series that stays good with that many episodes (fillers excluded of course).
Another great series with 51 episodes? Eureka seveN.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
And everybody loves that!
I still enjoy Bleach's main storyline. I think the Arrancar and the Vizards are some pretty nifty shit. Naruto, though: No. Just no. Stop. You're killing what once was a fantastic series.
Oh, and One Piece is just getting better and better.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
My roommate watched the movie and gave me a synopsis.
(middle of show spoilers)
The other one I can distinctly recall is right at the end of the series
Man, the more I think about it, the more I realize that I may like that series even more than Bebop or Samurai Champloo (to be fair, the endings to each of those were a little ruined for me before-hand, so that affected how I watched them to some extent.) The movie was not very good, though.
if shinichiro watanabe made more stuff
The series as a whole was a pretty good tragedy...and I liked how the movie sort of ended the series.
But yeah, all your spoilers....crazy stuff.
Secret Satan
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
The only thing I know of is that he has a short film coming out as a piece of the larger movie "Genius Project," a collaboration by various anime directors.
But seriously, someone should lock that man in a cage until he decides to make another series
was absolutely incredible.
I missed Al's involvement in the later episode, but it was kind of cool when he was the
Back in the 90s, titles were few and far between, and anything that anyone bothered to translate into english with only minor exceptions was fantastic. Now, it's just a gigantic tidal wave of shit titles. The only new things I watch are remakes of shows I already like (GitS, new Evangelion movies, new Fist of the North Star Movies, certain Gundams) or by small studios or directors I like (Paprika, Eureka 7, that really terrible Highlander anime).
I really didn't like FMA much when it began because it went on week after week with nothing new happening. As time went on, I started to watch it less and less, even though I got more interested towards the half way mark. Some day I'll have to go back and watch it all.
I actually wound up enjoying champloo more...in some ways. Mostly in the animation and setting. I also think the smaller number of characters, and the more artsy themes, gave it a little special something.
That and the music was more foreign and new to me.
Secret Satan
52 episodes is many episode, but things do develop to a distinct conclusion
The anime is good. I liked the movie quite a bit, considering that it really was set completely after the events of the series, so I don't exactly get the hate...
The manga is significantly different at this point, and extremely awesome. If you think things were messed up at the end of the TV episodes, well. Yeah. Pretty awesome.
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Half the fucking anime shows now start off at an all-girls school or something. Same shit everywhere. What happened to new imaginative worlds? Anime that tackled adult topics? Stylized anime? Shit.
I love both animes to death.
Hey, maybe Watanabe can do something about pirates next? :P
The plot was pretty nonexistent though.
I've been enjoying that a shitload. It's got a few quirky episodes that are retarded, but it's the only anime I wait for every week now.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
Mind spoilering some of the manga stuff?
Secret Satan
True...basically every episode was just filler with some added bonus plot material tossed in, except the beginning and end.
But really, Bebop wasn't much different in this regard.
In both series the story didn't matter to me so much as the how the characters were developed.
Secret Satan
Hadji: Elaborate on the SAC stuff. New content?
Secret Satan