So I go to the gas station this morning and I'm paying for my stuff and this guy rolls down the road on a motorbike, crotch rocket style
I don't know why but I was really looking hard like I might be ga-
I was really looking hard because man, that looked like the way to travel, I don't have a fun car but the motorcycle just seemed so personal. Like owning a horse in the older centuries was. The motorbike wasn't a mobile office or room (with climate control and mp3 player drink coolers leather seats sunroof, etc like a car can seem.
And I got to thinkin'
Why is freedom so ingrained in us? You would think our entire race (humans) had been enslaved for thousands of years as a whole or something but why is our desire to be free so strong? Our best punishment besides death is imprisonment for life, and if you act up in prison we imprison you even more (solitary confinement)
We seek financial freedom (jobs) to afford the things we want
This is why marriage seems so burdensome to some because you feel chained to this other person (not in all cases)
Just somethin' I was thinkin' about
kinda struck me odd at the gas station
i don't know where i am headed but i think i got this ticket it goes somewhere
space trains
well unless you work for THE MAN
it's a really strong feeling and it represents ultimate freedom in a way
if we are so constantly desiring ever more freedom
what are we trying to be free from
shit i just blew my own mind:!!:
he's got a knife!
Free from all the crushing ties to people and places we know?
Free from the weight of sin and guilt which bears down on the soul?
Who can say, really?
or underdog
he has wings
3DS: 5241-1953-7031
that's 1 hour of sleep for each day
i went outside this morning and the sun looked really weird and it felt like it was rising in the west
it looked like sunset light
it felt weird before i even got the store
3DS: 5241-1953-7031
I think it's fairly straight forward.
Sometimes what we want can be self destructive and we limit our own freedom to help ourselves (drug rehab centers). Sometimes what the things we want conflict and so we have to make a tough decision. On a societal level this results in laws, (government, religion).
But ultimately, people just want to do exactly as they wish.
I think this sort of feeling is shared by all living things.
Let us hold hands.
Secret Satan
oh i saw like 4 eps of that show
kind of boring tbh
No you are wrong
it's not a desire to have ultimate power or to have 50 virgins or a pile of gold
it's a desire to go someplace and there everyone has it all right and it's all different
there they haven't even heard of apples
they are too busy eating blue transparent fruit
and figure out why we feel all these things
Let's hop us a deep cruiser and head to the black.
It better not be lame like star trek
captain kirks quest to sleep with everything in the universe before i die
they should have called it that
go crawl up your own ass and leave me alone
i think sleep is like kryptonite
it steals your laser powers
right now i have laser thinking
The plot thickens.
Secret Satan
Hey, me too.
Fuck you, I can't wait to get married and start a family.
Good times.
Bascause that was a dumb generalization to make, even if you qualified it.
Look, basically this thread is bad and you should feel bad for making it.
People want to be able to do stuff?
Holy shit, no way.
See, this man's got it figured out.
why are you getting angry at someone even suggesting and pondering the idea of what real freedom even is
who knows what real freedom is and why do we crave it
thats all im saying
then you go off and your like "yeah but that won't pay the rent, *burp*"
saddest handjob
It's a fundamental truth of all higher life forms, they like do do shit. It's not really complex, and it inspires internet anger.
Why are you so offended that someone on the internet is angry? What's wrong with you?