I saw the post in the other thread regarding LARPing, and decided to one-up it.
How about something less dorky and more fun? How about a PAX-wide game of
Assassins, modified for a conference center full of games and gamers?
The modified rules are as follows:
- Open season begins when the doors open on Day 1, and runs 24 hours/day until PAX closes. Action should be relatively fast, as we want to have a Master Assassin by Day 3.
- One exception to the previous rule is for games & tournaments. You may not assassinate a player while they are engaged in a game or tournament. This is incentive to play games damn near nonstop all through PAX, and to watch your back closely when making a Pocky & Bawls run.
- Kills are made by taking your target's
watch (
8.5x11 PDF). Every player prints out the PDF in color, at 8.5x11, cuts it out, and wears it
on the outside of their clothing, in a grabbable area. It's big, but that's so assassins can grab it without fondling you too heavily (unless that's part of their plan to get it).
indoors only. We don't want someone getting sent to jail for menacing passers-by with a rubber band gatling. Indoors means the Mydenbauer. Outdoors is
all the way outdoors. Diving for the door to avoid assassination won't save you.
- Should disputes arise as to 'who killed whom first', they target may appeal, and the dispute will be settled by a game of the assassin's choice, limited by availability. The appeal game goes for one round (if applicable, if not, one game), and the results are final and merciless. I don't care if a horde of chihuahuas grabbed your nards and made you let go of e. honda's turbo button. You lose, you lose.
Interested? Let me know here.
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Though, if the Doubletree is in-bounds, I'd be taken out when I was drunk during a party, easily.
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but one question... how do you tell apart the people who are playing and the ones who are not?
Participants put their names into a hat (or in this case, spreadsheet with pictures, because for the most part we've never met), and then each is matched with a target.
Players do not know who is hunting them, only who they are supposed to hunt, and the objective is to score a 'kill' on your target, at which point he or she is out of the game, and you take his or her target as your own.
This continues until two people are left, hunting each other. When the final kill is made, the surviving assasssin is named "Master Assassin" and goes home with nothing to show for it but glory among a small group on an internet forum.
(Moved to general rules)
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9 people are playing, we'll call them 1 through 9.
9 names are put in the hat and everyone pulls a name.
1 pulls 2, 2 pulls 3, 3 pulls 1.
4 pulls 5, 5 pulls 6, 6 pulls 4
7 pulls 8, 8 pulls 9, 9 pulls 7.
Now you have 3 seperate groups who will never interact with each other because they will never "assassinate" someone who has a picture in the other groups.
1 kills 2 and then 3 and gets his own name back
4 kills 5 and then 6 and gets his own name back
7 kills 8 and then 9 and gets his own name back
And with the possiblity of hundreds of people playing this at PAX, you're gonna end up with more than just 3 seperate groups.
That's why you don't pull a name...
You make a tournament bracket. Or something like that.
That's the best, cause then you have to kinda be an assassin. It's not like you wouldn't be distributed a picture of what your target looked like...
That's how I'm seeing it at least...
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1) Like The Geek pointed out, you can kill off a group and end up with your own name,
2) you can kill your own assassin in self-defence, leaving that person's assassin with no live target,
3) or worse yet, your target gets the flu and never leaves their hotel room, leaving you no live target for the whole duration.
There's gotta be a system to get folks back into "assassination circulation". Since this is a pretty old game, I'm gonna bet there's some tried-and-true methods out there I don't have time to look up before I leave work.
Also, for those that are intrigued, lemme tell ya that 3/4 of the fun is picking out a gun (or several), strutting around like a badass, devising the optimal quick-draw rig, and then trying to keep your toy pistol at the ready while you go to the john.
1) You won't end up with your own name
2) Then they'll be notified and new assignments will be handed out for them.
3) Check-ins every day.
Or we can just do teams, like in the PA Forums Assassins games...
This sounds like alot of fun!!!!
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Of course, whipping around and ripping off some guy's watch is tougher than whipping around and shooting him with a band gun, beaning him with a tube sock, etc.
I suggest that if you see your target, and he's not wearing his watch (make DAMN sure!), you're well within your rights to assume he's been counterkilled, and to ask him for his target. If he's still in play and not wearing his watch outide his clothing, in plain sight, on his wrist, he's both a dick and not considered to be playing anymore.
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hehe.. oh man that sounds cool. I would really like to participate in this, and watches sound like a great way to go about it. fake guns and the like just cause too many hastles with all the paranoia going around.
There's two methods of determing the winner in this way, there's either the final killer standing, or the most efficient killer, i.e. the one with the most watches.
Gamer Transit Authority
We could have a central intelligence of sorts. So after you kill a target; you report your kill into intelligence, and intelligence would assign you a new target. As well as stamping "Terminated" over the target's picture on the website.
Communication with intelligence could be through text messages, emails, instant message, or whatever else.
I’d be willing to help get a system running if it sounds like a good idea to everyone else.
This sounds like a ton of fun.
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From all the ideas, it sounds like there will defninitley need to be some repository of faces to assign. And the use of watches is fantastic...