So after some initial thought of making a Robotics/Traps MM villian type character, I booted up CoH only to find I didn't know what to make him look like. I had a basic idea of his background (Mad Professor who started experimenting with robotic parts/pieces, exchanging parts of his own body for manufactured limbs, etc.) After about 2 hours of experimental costumes (yeah, I suck) I decided to give up on trying. I was kind of going for something like this, except more human looking.
So for everyone reading this, any thoughts/suggestions? I asked in the PA channel earlier and everyone seemed to agree on some sort of robot with a top hat and monocle.
Also, use this thread to post up some experimental costumes that you'd like some guidance on.
Monocle and top hat is the suggestion for everything.
I'll provide some constructive ideas as soon as I come up with a few.
Oh, human face with the "Kano" style metal faceplate might be good. That way his face remains human but has metal on it.
Use stuff that nobody else does and come up with creative combinations. Maybe use something that wasn't intended to look like something but does.
For example, I have a character who wears an orange gas mask because at a distance it looks like a duck bill, and the character is supposed to be a bird. Most people get a kick out of that type of stuff.
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
Throw up what you've got now and some basic things you're looking for. I designing costumes.
Not sure if Kaju is looking for something more polished, the rest of the body is rather ramshackle, but I think the head works out pretty well.
Yeah, very Borg-esque.
I was just kind of messing around earlier, and came up with this:
I thought it looked pretty cool, but it still feels incomplete for some reason. Any thoughts?
edit: if I do get around to making the character, maybe he can use the extra costume slots throughout his life to further his bio/technological advancements so he'll end up looking sort of what Sponge posted.
For example.
As for Wiggin I tossed together a design for ya. I have no idea what your current guy looks like so I went with the default height but changed around the other sliders, the stuff that can be changed at Icon.
Aeon Overdrive. Basically a Mutant that finds himself without an arm and an eye (gets his arm replaced, obviously) who discovers that combined with the super strength from his mutation, can manipulate the electricity his arm uses to function. Brute SS/Elec
I plan on using the cool costume method of "aging" this character. Like, upgrades to his arm over time, different battle wounds, etc.
Edit: Any thoughts/suggestions for the costume and or future costumes welcome
Basically, go with the one full robot arm upper body, and the zombie texture. Use one consistent skin for the legs, boots and arm (I think I used cyberpunk, if that's what it's called.) The mechanical bits were black/grey.
Then do the single monocle eyepiece, but make the eye red. Use whatever face seems appealing; I went with bald, and IIRC the "scarred" faced texture.
I did some more detail work, but that's the gist of it.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I give to you my 2 minute take on Protoman!
edit: Supposed to look like this:
It was red with a white accent.
EDIT And the suit was gray.
There's bright light shining on Protoman in that picture.
This is my HARM corrupter, he's an outcast(though I may not stick with it, they're awfully plain looking).
Any recommendations?
I know I'd need to change that chest emblem to white to be a snow flake.
Do any of the Outcasts have weird skin colors? I thought they all had normal human fleshy-tones.
The flesh-colored gloves on the blue skin are weird.
And yea, flesh-colored gloves look creepy. Also, he's too skinny to pull off that 5 o'clock shadow.
Edit: Just way too skinny in general. Did you turn his waist/hips all the way to the left or something?
Sliders All The Way To The Left is for girls only!
I made him average, because all the outcast pictures I looked at, seemed pretty average.
But yeah, strange that average puts sliders all the way to the left.
Edit: And I would have given him a costume, with blue skin color, except even the pictures of Outcast bosses wear normal clothing. But if you guys think it fits the outcast theme still, I'll definitely go for a real costume.
That's Frostfire, that's as special as they get.
Then I decided to switch a few things around... and got this
but pretty much I think I am just unhappy with the whole robot thing. And have no idea what to make him look like, so any ideas are welcome. His name is Kirab, which is the name of my Undead Ice mage in WoW, so I may go the zombie route, or may not. But I really have no idea. And while his origin is Tech, that doesn't really mean shit to me as I just pick at random for all my characters anyway.
I rather like both of those, for the most part. But I think the mech feet are too much, especially on non-huge characters, and "goggles-over-tech-helmet = robot" is a cliche. The suggestion that popped to mind when you mentioned zombies is taking the second costume, changing the feet to something that matches the legs/body more closely, and then ditching the helmet for a zombie-faced head. IE, zombie in a robot suit. Which is potentially awesome.
> turn on light
Good start to the day. Pity it's going to be the worst one of your life. The light is now on.
Zombie/pirate with robotic arms to hold the Ice Sword as well as shoots the fire. And apparently part ghost too cause he flies.
I'm semi happy with him. I used banded leather for the chest with lt grey and dark purple, as well as for the offhand. I was gonna do pirate hook but that seemed over the top. I'm still completely lost on the shoulder pads.
The legs are now shredded pants with zombie feet and light green camo, for the rotting moldy look.
Apparently, I'm a trendsetter.
I suppose I do it from time to time, but most of the time I don't even think about it, or it's more due to the nature of the concept (my stone tank Nordic looks like a rock because, well, he's a rocky golem).
I went with outcast, because at the time, Scooter or Accault listed them as a villain type that had not been used in HARM, so, nyah.
I match colors to powers about 50% of the time. I have a Blue & white Fire/Mace tanker, and a Red/White Fire/Axe tanker, so... go figure.
My MA/INV scrapper? X-men-ish blue/yellow.
God I miss this game.
I do it 98% of the time. My brain screams in repulsion at some of the costumes I see when people start to use their powers. A red costume on a Regen? Ugh. A bright blue costume for a Fire tanker? Punch that man. Ghostalker? The green elec aura throws me over the edge of sanity. :P
I really do want to shake people who's power colors clash with their costume. It is one thing to be black and red shooting blue and white balls, it is another thing entirely to be wearing a Santa costume with Regeneration auras on.
Other than Sonic Squadron all of my guys at least have a highlight color that matches up to one of their power sets. The only reason Sonic doesn't is because the defender graphics got changed from white to orange.
The only ones I can think of that don't are Jean Grey, but her powers aren't always conveyed as being pink, and Iron Man...though his repulsers sometimes have a hint of yellow and his boot rockets obviously work.
I think many of them do have small portions of their outfit that match(Psylocke has a tiny little belt that matches), and many have powers with no associated color.