Judging by all the comments on
Kotaku's coverage of this (an executive saying that the three-year warranty is an advantage over the competition), gamers think that the XBOX 360 is covered for any warranty issue for three years. Microsoft should have never used
the word "warranty" because it only covers a VERY specific problem: The partial red ring of death failure. They only ever offered to refund people who paid for fixing that specific problem. They should also put out a statement correcting the exec or I'd argue that the general warranty really should be three years. Otherwise, people will read his statement and behave as if it were.
Seeing as how gamers and even a Microsoft executive seem to think that this is a three-year general warranty, I figured that I must say something lest someone attempt to rely on the three year thing. If you already procrastinated RMAing your XBOX 360 for a different issue, I'd argue to MS that they should have issued a clarification statement... especially seeing as how one of their execs was even under that impression. Argue that this is the reason you held onto it!
In a nutshell, THERE IS NO THREE YEAR WARRANTY. It is only a three-year promise to cover that specific failure. That specific failure is not a reason to buy an XBOX 360 as implied by Chris Lewis, Microsoft's XBOX VP in Europe and all the commenters on
Kotaku's coverage.
It's very clear that Kotaku understood the difference
when they originally reported this. They make it clear that they will only refund for out-of-warranty RROD failures and say that "Now any customer whose console gets three flashing red lights will be covered by a three year warranty from the date of purchase." Damn skippy.
So why should they cover other things that haven't been shown to be a real issue?
What else would you have them call it? It is a warranty against that error and was pretty clearly stated as such from the beginning. It's just an issue of people not paying a damn bit of attention before they open their mouths.
why so mad? when I read the press release about the 3-year warranty I understood it was just for the 3 lights of death failure. Thats the only real problem that continues to pop up anyhow. It was pretty obvious to most of us what they were talking about I think.
Call it what it is: an offered solution, NOT a warranty. Sony didn't call their willingness to fix DRE PS2s out of warranty a "warranty extension."
It wasn't obvious enough to Chris Lewis, Microsoft XBOX VP in Europe. It was clear that the Kotaku follow-up article didn't clarify to readers and the commenters were still defending the VP's rational for page after page. Clearly, there is a massive amount of people that don't realize this and it's only going to get worse with the VP making erroneous statements like that. I've seen PA forumers make that assumption too, so I figured I'd do you a service and clarify it for everyone.
No one said they should. The problem is that all their customers and even one of their executives believe that it is an extended standard warranty and they are spreading that potentially damaging misinformation.
Chris Lews has issues. Must have missed the memo.
It is a warranty? Do you drive a car? Are you pissed that after (to use my 2004 car as an example) 3 years your power train is still under warranty but nothing else is?
A warranty doesn't need to apply to the entire product to be a warranty. They said it covered the ring of death for free for three years. That's a warranty. Maybe some of the people bitching should learn how to read.
Smells like a game of semantics to me. Warranties aren't required to cover everything, and in most cases they don't. That's why you, as a responsible consumer, are supposed to read your warranty before you try to take advantage of it.
Christ this is like trying to sue McDonald's after they put the "Caution: Hot" sign on their coffee cups.
[Ed] Beaten but whatever. It's a pretty open and shut case.
I know this because I bothered to read it.
yay for reading!
And issue a public clarification. Either that or expect people to be quoting that VP with every failure within two-three years of purchase.
Are you dense? Because they are saying the opposite now and it's already having an effect. Just look at all the Kotaku commenters defending Cris Lewis' rational and saying that he's "just saying something gamers already know."
The problem is that one of the things they WILL read is Chris Lewis', their VP's, statement. I'm bitching that everyone is getting it wrong and this is going to burn a lot of people.
Just stop, just stop with all your fancy-pants reading. If NeoGAF has taught us anything it's that gamers are supposed to irrationally explode, flame each other, then go outside and kick puppies the minute things aren't the way we expected them.
Could we please start catering to the lowest common denominator, please? All this... comprehension... god I feel I could sick up.
A lot of illiterates who probably shit-talk in Halo 2 and fuck their Xboxes deserve to fucking die. I hope they go out in droves to drag their 360's from the backs of their mom's shitty cars cuz "hay free Xbox".
It's not Microsoft's fault that lots of people can't or won't read. Their statement was clear. And anybody who tries to escalate their claim will hear the same from technical support.
I can't read the story because the site is blocked from work, so I dont know what this dude said but he sounds like an idiot.
Anybody who dosen't read the warranty for thier 400 dollar piece of electronic equipment to find out exactly what it covers is also an idiot.
I have never been under the impression that it was a full coverage thing, and nothing this douchebag said is going to give me that impression because I actually read the fucking warranty.
That's not the issue I have with it anyway. My issue is with the public and the continued misrepresentation of it by even their own Chris Lewis without a clarification for the MANY people that do believe it is a three year warranty. It's a limited problem-specifc warranty to avoid a class-action lawsuit.
For the millionth time: NO IT'S NOT. When a Microsoft executive implies that it is a full three-year warranty, anyone can point to that as easily as they can't point to Perter Moore's letter. Fortunately, they may be able to point to it and demand service by claiming that they purchased on these grounds. Without a clarifying statement, MS would be misleading people into believing that the warranty is an advantage over the competition when it is not. It can't be an advantage if it only covers a problem the competition does not have.
If you're too lazy and stupid to read your warranty, then you're not someone I want on Live! with me.
I fucking win all around.
A Microsoft exec can pull monkeys out of his ass and call it the new Live! Anywhere.
It doesn't matter. The black and white of the warranty is all that matters.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but any of the sites linking or containing an interview or statement or whatever it is with this dude, is probably a gaming or entertainment site and so I'm sure they also posted or linked the story about the warranty extension. The information is there, it's not like this was some big secret or they tried to "fake out" anyone.
Limited. As in, not full. Limited to certain parts or failures. Specific ones. Such as the "three red lights" error.
It was obvious ever since they announced it.
Then many gamers who read Kotaku are stupid. What else can I say?
How is it illiterate to see, nay, read, what Chris Lewis said reported on all the blogs and make a purchase decision based on that?
ARGH! The problem is that they WILL read... they "WILL read" misinformation coming from the horse's mouth because it's front-page on all the gaming blogs RIGHT NOW.
Then Microsoft is the only one not to blame.
"So guys, you know we said that the 3-red-light error is now covered for 3 years? Yeah, just to make sure, 3 red lights, 3 years. Three. After two. Lights, those glowy things on the front. Got that? Here's a memo, just in case."
edit: so you're arguing that people are misreading the information? Then.. yes, yes they will. So what would you have MS tell them?
edit 2: let's try this. Hey, everyone, you know they're giving away a free PS3 with every Wii purchase? It's totally true. Get down to your local Wal Mart now before they sell out. Seriously.
Ergo, only idiots will think it's a full three-year warranty, and I'm okay with idiots being uspet due to their own idiocy.
I don't even own a PC, I use a Mac
A valid argument? Where? No, I'm serious. Just because we aren't illiterate doesn't meant we are Microsoft whores.
What the fuck? Who shit in your grits?
I'm not too happy with MS about the 360's construction... but that isn't the point. You're bringing in red herrings to an argument that is essentially not an argument.
MS made a 3 year warranty for the RROD error. That is fact. It is irrefutable. I wish they'd do more with the system itself, but that's an entirely different argument and a whole different thing to discuss.
ITT: We have morons mad they didn't read their limited warranty. End of Line.
Yes it is. Anyone with a developed cerebral cortex shouldn't be making assumptions from a Kotaku article. Plus...if you are a real gamer, more than likely you read other online magazines and they all have it spelled out correctly. Or, like I said before, you could actually go to the SOURCE and get your information from MS themselves. I realize that is a novel idea.
Anyways, I believe this is the article you are quoting right?
Question: Does it not say in the title "RED RINGS WARRANTY?" You have to be numb from the neck up to think that it's anything but a warranty on the RRoD failure. Again, that's a you problem. It's not MS's fault that your reading comprehension skills may be terribly lacking.
Thanks for playing.