Man this is stupid.
I'm sitting here and for some reason am about to walk over to the store and buy a DS along with a Pokemon game. I mean I never even played any of the Pokemon games.
You ever have these kinds of urges? Or act on them?
I don't even know the difference between diamond and pearl.
I somewhat regret it.
Their house is hella boring.
Edit: I bought pearl because I asked the dude there which is better and he said "more people are buying this one"
There are thousands upon thousands of dollars in things that I bought because for a fleeting moment I needed them more than the very air I breathe just sitting around my house or in closets untouched and unloved.
I really need to get back to painting my chaos army.
i can't not get a second one
i just can't
Hey, that's great. Never seen people do this before. How about you start a new thread on how you're so original?
You could also walk into the bottom of a lake and try singing a song you like.
This isn't as much of an impulse buy as it is fate.
Unda da sea
That's what's funny about making faux-jokes. People getting needlessly indignant.
I had a friend with serious warhammer buying problems.
I half expected him to show up at my house one night, half naked and crying, clutching a few new squads of space marines.
Nice doggie
i wonder what my life would be like
You too? The last comic, newspost, and thread is making me itch to get a DS with Pokemon as well.
I've resisted so far. I don't think I have the time.
Impulse buys are usually bad. Give it a little more thought if you want a better chance at being satisfied with your decision.
I've been trying to reach you, but your extension cord doesn't reach that far.
You thought you would need them and then realize you didn't/already have plenty at home?
My last impulse buy was a $25,000 car. Don't think I'll be doing that again any time soon.
Just means you're a phony from phony land.
Electric motherfucking lights!
girls love that shit
At least I know I'll play it, plus it was $40 with a $15 Best Buy gift card. Hard to resist.
How would you know?
But I'll take phony.
I had just woken up, was sipping a cup of coffee while flipping through a target add when,
new guitar hero!
I did as well. I think this is a wise impulse buy. It's not like it was an impulse because of a few bucks off. I was expecting the game to be $50, and still wouldn't have paid $40 for it. But at $25 hell yes, give it to me now.
Hey btw, did you use the online offer, or did they give you that deal in the store? I had to order online and pick up.
That's how WaM gets all the ladies
I impulse bought
A 360, a PS2, a 26" LCD HDTV, an iPod, and a whole bunch of DVDs and games
in the last 4 months
Bought one of those (goomba) for 25 bucks. He makes the Goomba squish noise and the Mario dies noise when you bop it on the head.
FFBE: 838,975,107
Dokkan: 1668363315
Well, she got celery this way, so...