So I figured it was high time, with the recent popularity of Phalla in SE++, to start getting things organized outside of the game threads themselves. This isn't for discussion of game mechanics, or strategies, just to talk about upcoming games, where people volunteer to host, talk about how far along they are, when they'll be ready, whatever.
I'll try to keep this OP updated through edits after this weekend, for the length of which I'll be away from the internet.
As far as my loosely The Stand-based Phalla goes, I sat down last night and typed up all the mechanics, and I have to say I'm pretty psyched, because I made up some new roles, fucked around with most of the classics, and there are two roles that are going to be awesome to play. Also, the majority of people should be specials. I'll be ready to host around mid-late August or early-mid September.
Upcoming Phallas:
Shankill Butcher's
The Stand
Mechanics ready, waiting for opening in SE++ schedule and personal schedule.
I'd be down for one, given the rules and such were explained for the retarded (IE: Me)
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom