I apologize if this is too "poll-ish" (not to be confused with "Polish"), but I'm curious as to what games people play - particularly popular ones - that you end up despising or just not playing because you are horrible at them.
I'll go first:
Warcraft III - Maybe I just didn't want to get into a whole new RTS after years of playing and "mastering" Starcraft, I don't know, but I could never get past the whole Necromancer tower-blocking crap and all that other stuff. Every time I tried to play online, I would get decimated. So I eventually just gave up. I mean, two minutes in I would be busy trying to build a treehouse or something and an enemy cavalcade of Elven Rapists will march down and slaughter me.
Geometry Wars - I don't actually despise this game, but I put it aside for a year or so and just recently got back to playing it this week. I *finally* broke 500,000 points after much aggravation, but I have no clue what kind of inhuman robotic cyborg beast you must be to crack 1,000,000 points without dying. I doubt that will ever happen for me.
Fighting Games Against Other People - Pretty much all of them. For example, I unlocked all of the single player stuff in Dead Or Alive 4. I mastered the single player functions of Soul Caliber 1 and 2 (and I'll be working on 3 soon). Street Fighter 2 was never a problem for me in the SNES days. But you match me up against a human player and I might as well not even play. To this day - and mind you I've owned the game since February 2006 - I think I've only won two out of hundreds of Dead Or Alive 4 matches. I am
garbage at this.
MMORPGs - Eh, I just don't think I have the patience for these. I played EQ1 fairly regularly for four years and even though I eventually got my Wizard epic weapon (pre-planar) and a bunch of other trinkets and even did a lot of the initial exploration of some Kunark zones, I never even hit level 60 (or 70 for that matter). To this day I just lose interest in MMORPGs almost immediately because I just don't have the patience for "managing aggro properly" and all that shit.
Ikaruga - See: Geometry Wars.
I'm sure I'll think of more later, but that'll do for now.
God I hate that game. I'm not too great at Tetris or Minesweeper, either.
While I am not utter crap at beat-em-ups, I tend to only make it through by beating my head against the wall. I always feel like whatever I'm doing when I actually do make it is totally cheating. I spend a lot of time in DMC3 leaping over the heads of my enemies.
Advance Wars - I don't get it. I've tried it over and over, I read strategies. I played some games with my bro who's some sort of AW god, he showed me all there is to know in this game and I still get my ass kicked by the computer in both the campaign and the war zone.
Limed for the colour blind. I love them, but I simply can't put up a fight in a competetive match. I just suck far too much at the frantic teching and twitch-reflexes required when your opponent is a freakin' blitzer...
The only RTS I've ever, ever been able to finish was the original Dawn of War. I fucking love that game. But I can't progress more than 2 or 3 stages in any of the expansions.
Also, although I'm the king of MoO and MoOII and GalCiv II, I cannot wrap my head around the Civilization games correctly.
C&C clones? Not so much, its all build orders, the combat itself isn't the game. I used to be mediocre at starcraft, years ago, but I don't play those games anymore so I probably suck hard now.
RTS games. I love these, but I just haven't invested enough time in any single one to be any good at them when playing other people.
I suck at most sports games unless I have a few days to practice.
Otherwise I hold my own in most games. I do better than most with fighters.
Shinobi...The hardest game I have ever played. I tried countless hours to beat those games...I have since admitted defeat.
3-D fighting games...For example Tekken/Virtua Fighter...I can rock the 2-D like Street Fighter and the 2-D King of fighters but when it comes to the 3-D stuff I turn on the suck...
Re: The person who struggles with Wii Tennis
Usually when people are messing up with Wii Sports its usually because they arent holding the remote properly. I know for Wii bowling, you need to hold the remote like its extending from your arm. I usually see first timers hold it almost perpendicular to their arms, so the remote doesnt pick up on the exact motions and thus they mess up. Also, Wii Tennis is all about timing, nothing else. SO just learn the timing and you should be fine.
I have 549 Rock Band Drum and 305 Pro Drum FC's
I just can't seem to get these goddamn balls rolling in the direction and at the speed that I want them to.
I also tend to get fragged first in most FPS multiplayer games. It doesn't matter what game or strategy I employ, I just always end up whacked in a hurry. Single player mode I am fine, but in multiplayer…forget it, I'm dead.
What it's like four resources you have to gather, plus constantly getting to the next age, which units, which upgrades. I could never get that game to click. I ended up just building a wonder and hoped I can defend it.
Starcraft/Warcraft 3 I can do, specifically War3. But I could never click with AoE.
I admit I don't play sports games THAT often, though I do play them with friends now and then, but christ I suck at FIFA games. I think in all my years of existence I've gotten like 4 or 5 goals combined. I have no problem with Football, Basketball, Baseball, or Golf (or any other sports) titles.
Horror games, like the RE series. I just get to a point where I'm too nervous/scared to continue on or I've completely run out of resources.
Stealth games. I like the MGS series, but I cheated my way through MGS1 and stopped MGS2 at the bomb-freezing part.
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
And please understand that I have 7 straight Street Fighter II title trophies packed away at home.
LIZ: Different.
VOICE-OVER: It's September 24th, I'm Liz Parker and five days ago I died. But then the really amazing thing happened. I came to life.
I suck at staying alive in any kind of FPS - I can shoot with the best of em but if I'm not the 1st or 2nd guy killed in the round, there's something wrong.
Also despite my immense amount of hours into Smash Bros, I cannot for the life of me succeed consistently. It's so good, but I'm so bad.
SSBB - 0087 1984 3998
That game was ridiculously hard.
wii Number 0648 2052 0203 3154
― Marcus Aurelius
Path of Exile: themightypuck
i.e Guitar Hero, Dance Dance Revolution I just don't think these are fun and now I refuse to play them.
My God, how convoluted and unintuitive are the controls. just let me move and shoot people damn it!
I am good-ish at theif, and if MGS2 had FPS controls I think I would be good at it too.
I mean, I play a wide variety of games and I can't even come CLOSE to beating the first couple of levels. I just get really frustrated on how goddamn hard that game is.
For a long time, Smash Bros. was my bane. I just could not play it. I stopped enjoying it, I didn't like to see it being played, I played as Samus and I was just ridiculously crappy at the game. Then a friend who played it a lot spent like 25 minutes on 2-3 levels with me, just attacking me, and having me just evade. He had Bowser at first, and I had Ganondorf. Then he switched to faster and faster guys, and I gradually built up some skill at evasion. We did the same for accuracy - I started with a slow character, he started with one too but traded up, and I just tried to hit him while he didn't attack. Then I chose a character that I liked the looks of that was not Samus, and he chose a character he kind of sucked with. And we went again. And again. And again.
I kick some ass at Smash Brothers these days. Fox/Falco/Marth are my main 3, and I play pretty seriously now.
Also, Command & Conquer games. I fail at single player missions, and then I hate doing them over and over and over, so I never learn enough about the advanced tech to be smart with it. My exception is Special Operations mission 2 in C&C for the N64, which I would unlock by typping in B, A, R-pad, R-pad, A, C-left,Up-dpad,Down-dpad,A, start. BARRACUDA unlocked that game's best mission. I would play that mission endlessly. It's a huge map with 2 major NOD installations and you have the ION Cannon, and a Commando. You've got to use the commando to kill 2 or 3 guys on a ridge, destroy a SAM site, then your Air Strike is enabled, you use it to destroy an Obelisk, then your Base Builder (..RPC? It's been a long, long time) can pull up. You steal the power plants, start harvesting Tiberium like mad, and, if you're quick, can easily take over some awesome NOD buildings in their secondary outpost. Then you can produce Flamethrowers and shit from the GDI side, and it's awesome.
The best part was that they had a harvester that, once you killed everything else, it'd just sit there, a long goddamn ways away from everything else. So one time I destroyed everything in the map, harvested ALL of the tiberium, and built silos EVERYWHERE - they covered the entire map, and I got lag as I moved the camera around. I finally killed the Harvester with like 3 Mammoths and some NOD Vehicles, and man, I freaking loved that map. Haha, but no other C&C. I suck at them.
Last but not least, Half Life 2. I'm fine at the majority of the game. Like, shooting stuff, and preserving yourself, simple puzzles and crap, working up the nerve to press on, evading the helicopter. All sorts of stuff. I could even drive the hovercraft really well. I loved it. Then I hit the car. I got through the first stretch of car use, and no matter how hard I'd try, I could never get through the second. Antlions would just abolish me, every goddamn time. I'm either going slow enough for them to catch up, or I'm driving so erratically that I miss ramps and then they corner me. Ugh.
Yay bitching
You're not alone; I was happy to get past the damned ship.
wii Number 0648 2052 0203 3154
There's this rumor that I heard about that game. Someone told me that to get the 'true' ending you'd have to beat the game 2x in the same run. Is that shit true? I don't think so but it would be so good if it was.
I'm fair-to-middling at FPS, but I love 'em (certain ones, anyway).
Advance Wars though (which I've seen tons of people complaining about) is like the opposite for me. I'm really good, and I have no clue how. I'm in the middle of steamrolling people in Wee War right now and if you asked me how I did it, I'd be all "uhhh.. I dunno. Artillery is good?"