So, I thought I had finally got rid of the little buggers by not only bug-bombing my room, and outside my window, but cleaning my room up to the point that my desk shines. No, really.
So, I need some advice.
I do NOT want to call an exterminator. These are fucking ants, I'll only call an exterminator when I'm being invaded by foot high cockroaches.
I've put out traps.
Made sure ALL food is cleaned up, no crumbs or ANYTHING.
Put duct tape (sticky side up), around my window and computer.
And these guys must've developed some new intelligence, since they are now walking around the duct tape, as well as avoiding the traps.
Ugh, nothing like heading to bed, only to get that sensation that stuff is crawling all over you.....
So far, my only defense is a can of air freshener (hey, that stuff works), and a lint roller.
Someone give me some advice!
I don't believe it - I'm on my THIRD PS3, and my FIRST XBOX360. What the heck?
About 2 weeks ago
Seconded. I learned about this stuff from my parents, and it is the most cherished piece of wisdom they have passed on to me. This stuff is atomic fire death to ants.
Get some of this and sprinkle it around the exterior of your house. Works great.
Also, enjoy the sprinkling action of the image I posted.
Because for some types you will definitely NEED an exterminator.
Pharao ants for example breed like crazy and build multiple colonies with 100s of queens.
I've been told instant grits are a good non-poison way to get rid of them. Supposedly if you sprinkle instant grits on mounds or near trails (make sure those areas are dry so the grits don't expand) the ants will take the grits back as food. When ingested, they expand to the point that they basically explode the ant.
I put some on the trails outside my house (fuckers were coming inside for about a month after I moved in, so there's a little animosity between us) and the next day there was a clear path of missing grits. The ants are still there, but I think that's because there's a metric fuck-ton of them (or maybe this is just and old wives' tale).
Anyway, just another possible option.
Mix water, suger, and I think baking soda together and leave it out on a plate for them. The ants will smell the sweets and go after it, and then their insides will explode from the baking soda.
Plus you get to see them carry their dead off to be buried. Which can be entertaining and educational for the young ones.