I'm working on a Flash document that will let my coworkers create Flash navigation without all the dirty mess. It will dynamically create it's various levels of navigation, etc, by evaluating the length of the arrays that contain the link data.
Anyway, I am having some problems with the eval function, which allows you to use variables when calling objects.
The code!
var toplevel_orient:Boolean = true;
//True = Horizontal, False = Vertical
//Attaching nav movie clips and setting to invisible. This is for evaluating the properties of the movieclip
//to be used later when dynamically laying the nav out.
this.attachMovie("mc_toplevel", "mc_toplevel_eval", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_visible:false});
var toplevel:Array = Array();
toplevel[0] = "Sup";
toplevel[1] = "Hooooola";
toplevel[2] = "Blarg";
for (i=0; i<=toplevel.length; i++) {
var xvalue:Number = mc_toplevel_eval._width*i;
var yvalue:Number = mc_toplevel_eval._height*i;
this.attachMovie("mc_toplevel", "mc_toplevel_"+i, this.getNextHighestDepth());
if (toplevel_orient) {
eval("mc_toplevel_"+i)._x = xvalue;
} else {
eval("mc_toplevel_"+i)._y = yvalue;
eval("mc_toplevel_"+i).createTextField("toplevel_text_"+i, this.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, mc_toplevel_eval._width, mc_toplevel_eval._height);
mc_toplevel_0.toplevel_text_0.text = "hello";
eval("mc_toplevel_"+i).eval("toplevel_text_"+i).text = "test";
As you can see near the bottom, when I try to use multiple eval functions to reference different layers of movie clips on the same line, the code breaks, somehow, and doesn't ever actually target what it's supposed to (as far as I can tell it targets nothing). I know that the TextFields are being created properly, because as a debug, I have hard coded "hello" into the first one.
Is there a better way to do this? Eval seems primative, but is exactly the type of function I need to pull off what I am attempting to do.
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