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'04 Omeganauts!

Daniel-sanDaniel-san Registered User regular
edited 2005 22 in PAX Archive
So far, I've pre-registered for this coming PAX. I have yet to acquire hotel accomodations or airline tickets, but I've got my damn pre-reg in, and that's what's important.

So, who of the Omegathon class of '04 intends to be there as well? Regardless of the numbers, I do suggest that after the closing ceremonies, the '04 and '05 Omeganauts get together and invade the Diary Queen just like last year.

Daniel Anzulovic
Imperial-Colonial Pan-Continental Godless Money-Devil of the West
Daniel-san on


  • Shin AtariShin Atari Registered User regular
    edited 2005 02
    I am planning on going at least Saturday... I haven't registered yet though. Don't know about Friday or Sunday yet

    This is Lani btw.

    Shin Atari on
  • Shin AtariShin Atari Registered User regular
    edited 2005 10
    Hey I'm resurrecting this thread, it looks like there are going to be at least a few '04 Omeganauts at PAX this year.

    So far I've seen from posts on this board alone:
    Kedinik (Kevin Potter)
    RedBeastMage (Matt Foster)
    Eric Bergman
    and myself Lani

    Shin Atari on
  • JoshEEEJoshEEE Registered User regular
    edited 2005 10
    Where are the rest of em? :D

    JoshEEE on
    Bring it

  • TrainwreckXTrainwreckX Registered User regular
    edited 2005 10
    Dead. They're all dead.

    TrainwreckX on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited 2005 18
    I'll be there.

    Unknown User on
  • TastEPlasmaTastEPlasma Registered User regular
    edited 2005 18

    Yup, we're all dead.

    Seeing as how I have not ingratiated myself with this community, I will not regal you with long sob stories of how my financial situation has taken a drastic turn for the worse. Instead, I will do it in three sentences. Damn, I'm broke. :(

    Do me a favor, and frag one for 'ol TastE. And I was so looking foward to the Karoake Revolution round too. :wink:


    TastEPlasma on
    2.17Ghz, Radeon9800PRO, 512MB 333 OCZ, DFI NFII Lanparty revision b, 80GB WD on SATA, Creative Audigy II
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited 2005 18
    Also, I wanted to get a pair of former omeganauts to join me and my buddy for the Halo 2 tournament. Get ahold of me if you're pretty confident in your skills.

    Unknown User on
  • RedBeastMageRedBeastMage Registered User regular
    edited 2005 22
    I would be all over that offer sean, if the double dash portion of the omegathon wasn't at the same time. Oh well

    Anyway, back to training for me. Currently working on getting my platnium scores in karaoke to 100% perfect scores.

    RedBeastMage on
    I swear, I'm retiring from any game with the word 'Revolution" in the title. I must be the only person who breathed a sigh of relief at not being called for the Omegathon this year.
  • Shin AtariShin Atari Registered User regular
    edited 2005 22
    I'd also be up for Halo 2 if I weren't so out of practice :(

    Shin Atari on
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