Okay I'm at a loss. I recently purchased a shiny new PS3. I always have an error pop up that says that the connection to the media server has disconnected/failed. I run Vista, but plan on bombing and paving to get back to XP. I run media center and media center extender to stream to my 360 and that works great. I've tried adding the PS3 as a user on my PC and I've tried to share the media in media player 11, under Library, but sharing is disabled. I'm unsure of how to enable sharing as it's greyed out. I have windows firewall turned on (this can change) and I have a linksys 54g wireless router.
TL;DR I can't stream media to my PS3, help?
I'm sometimes grumpy and random, feel free to overlook the strange man in the corner.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch