Hey folks I put together a PAX article for XboxUsersGroup (2nd largest unofficial xbox website.)
The full article is below.
If you are a serious gamer, then you have probably always dreamt about attending a video game expo. The old styled E3 was a ton of fun to watch on G4TV and the Internet. But what were the odds of you getting a chance to attend this media only event. Well the tables have turned, a few years ago the guys behind the web comic, 'Penny Arcade' decided they should come together and create an event especially for gamers. When the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) first launched a few years back in Seattle it was just a small event bringing in a few thousand sweaty geeks. Now it is 2007 and at the end of this month they hope to have well over 30,000 attendees.
Why are gamer geeks from around the globe hopping on planes, trains and automobiles to attend this event? Because it is amazing. Unlike E3, its not just a bunch of booths showing off new games. It's far more then that. You can expect to see tournaments for the most popular video and pen and paper games. In addition there will be a ton of different geek musicians performing at the event, like the Mini Bosses and Mc Front-a-Lot. There is no place on earth that has as much gamer centric variety as PAX.
Because there is so much cool stuff going on I decided to book my plane tickets and head out to the event. Luckily, I was able to score a media badge so I get to cut in lines and get some exclusive access to the event. I am really looking forward to see what Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft plan on revealing.
Overall, this is the gamers mecca. It's a place for community and the forming of new friendships. I'm really looking forward to personally meeting some of the cool people that I have been playing over Xbox Live. In fact I plan on splitting a hotel room with four other hardcore Xbox gamers that I have never met before.
Now that I have hyped you up for the event, you probably want to attend. Well I have a few pointers for you. If you visit the PAX forum at
www.pennyarcadeexpo.com , there are various threads that will help you make it to the expo. Many gamers are carpooling from the east to PAX in a highly coordinated cross country supertrip. They are planning on stopping along the way to pick up those who cannot afford to fly or drive by themselves. There are also multiple trains running from the lower west coast up to Seattle with some great PAX discounts.
Can't afford a room? There are a lot of people giving up floor space in there houses and hotels for gamers dieing to attend. All this info can be found in the PAX forums. Have you noticed the trend? PAX is all about community. Gamers from around the globe are doing anything they can to get there fellow friends to the event.
Anyways, hope you can make the event !
I will be staying in the Crowne Plaza, I arrive on the 23rd of August and fly out the 27th. Look for some exclusive event coverage in the near future here at XUG !
Me personally not affiliated with anybody (as a 4th year attendee of pax) I think all these estimates are low. Every year the attendance has doubled, and blown away the estimations of people attending, although from history of the pax estimations they all have been on the low side. I am personally expecting 50,000+
This article was for a personality column.
Take it for what it is.. This is my personal hype for a sweet expo.
Dont break down the article word for word . Ill say it first, i'm just a grunt.
>_> This makes me sad, my media badge still pending. no love for ampednews.
this is not directed at any particular person here
At this time we're sticking to the 30,000 attendee estimate.