This little bonus was supposed to take place roughly four weeks after this year's forum battle contest ended. I asked Synth, Berk, mully and GSM if they would want to participate in a free-for-all single-entry battle royale against each other, just for fun (because the original contest was for something else, right?). They all said yes.
And then this got delayed until the end of time because mully sucks.
I suppose that's not entirely fair. Turns out Berk sucks, too.
After widely vocalized failure to meet the deadline from mully, the project got put on an indefinite hiatus because she was evidently "really busy," which is really just a euphemism for "eating and sleeping at the same time." While she couldn't project a possible deadline for herself and almost dropped out entirely, the lack of a deadline for the others made them more easily distracted by moving objects and vibrant colors. Would this battle royale be ultimately doomed?
You're probably thinking "no, because this thread exists." Please, try not to be so naive.
I threatened them with a fake deadline probably around two and half months in. GSM and Synth completed their entries with an amicable hastiness that filled me with a feeling which can best be described as "jesus fuck, thank you." Mully and Berk didn't make it. As far as I knew at this point, they hadn't even started yet.
So I caved, hoping for some eventual completion which would make all this waiting worthwhile. I don't want to mislead you all into thinking I pressed on about this every day. I wholly forgot about this project at one point for probably about a month until Synth PMed me, wondering why the this thing hadn't gone up yet and going into detail about how he was going to cleanse my anus with a rolled up gym mat (that last part didn't really happen, but I just watched Bloodsport and found a pamphlet about
you know...).
Then about two weeks ago I figured I owed it to Synth and GSM to put this up, so August 1st was made the final deadline. Last night mully submitted something that sort of resembles an entry up until it concludes similar to the way a movie does when the film reel catches fire. I never heard back from Berk toward the end but, last I heard, he had done
something. I guess we'll never know what it was.
So that's that, and this is finally over.
*I'm not sure how many people found out about this in the five months its been;dr: here are 2.5 things.Synthetic OrangeGSM plus
bonus postscript!(backup youtube mirror for original)mully 1/2
Page 5! Berk has an entry! (Sort of!)
Berk's NSFW steamy acid trip
I guess it all works out in the end.
The full size version is down. Use the YouTube version, I guess.
*only when it comes to stuff that requires my stupid creativity to bulge.
i bow to you
SO's made me laugh a lot, though.
Brb, Ragnarok
the subscript
jesus christ
i cant help but wonder how long this took
i cant even comprehend how to do most of this stuff with flash
GSM did
thank you larlar
GSM is a fucking GOD
man larry stop trying to wow us with your knowledge
I miss making stuff in flash, perhaps it is time for wo ist der whippy 5
I enjoyed GSM's slightly better, though.
Fuckawesome all round.
Mully's looked like it was going somewhere good
it didn't exist 3 weeks ago did it?
also just a word to the wise
i dont sing in japanese
Edit - Maybe I should just put the ds down
so am I! gsm gets my vote
(no really)
Though hers does have the best voices.
Secret Satan
even *I* voted for GSM's :P
Gee, I wonder who Larlar voted for.
all of them were excellent!
I am biased towards mully's for hidden reasons!
was that intentional
you jerk
i thought synth's depiction of you was probably accurate