Obviously, Penny Arcade fans are an intelligent bunch (as well as sexy and charismatic) and can be relied upon to think up good questions for the Gabe and Tycho panels at this years PAX. But perhaps some of you lucky people who are going would be generous enough to ask some questions for those of us less fortunate who won't be there. Here are a list of questions I would really like the guys to answer:
Has anyone ever asked you two to act out a strip? If you were willing, here's what I'd like to see:
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2006/04/10 (I Hope You Like Text)
with a close second (if the props were available)
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2001/01/21 (If You Only Knew The Power)
Could you please explain this comic:
There's no news post, and not even an explanation in the book. Don't you guys like Blizzard?
As a follow up, do you often get asked to explain certain comics? Which are the most common? Which surprise you the most (comics you think are obvious)?
Here's one for someone who wants to impress/hog the mike:
I've noticed two "wells" you use to good effect to create humor at your main characters expense. For Gabe, it is the latent homosexuality:
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2002/05/07 (Spider-man)
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2006/03/29 (More Spider-man)
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/08/06 (Subliminal messages)
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2005/08/22 (Patrick Swayze)
For Tycho, it's violence:
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2000/02/21 (Scorpions)
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2000/10/18 (Back problems)
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2001/12/28 (360 kill yourself)
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2000/09/29 (Tycho "Wings" Brahe)
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/10/11 (Hiccoughs)
If you could start over and consciously choose, would you choose these ways of humiliating your avatars for the amusement of everyone, would you rather swap, or would you choose some other method?
Finally, when is the PAX 2006 DVD coming out? Like I said, I can't make the convention, and I really liked the 2004/2005 DVD's (worth it for just the Gabe and Tycho panels, the rest was bonus). It was still in post production back in April. We will be seeing it any time soon? Will we have a similar wait for the 2007 DVD?
I'm sure people in similar situations as me have other questions, so post away. And if anyone here can answer these questions, please do so.
Its a fact.
There will be no PAX 2006 DVD.
Actually, last year Tycho acted out one comic I asked for.
That was a good one.
Last year there were a few too many that felt like this:
"First off let me tell you that you guys are great... you're great! Okay my question is... on a scale of 'Cake to Pie' which pastry would represent your greatness?"
Don't get me wrong... I think they're great. We all think they're great. But questions like that are just awkward and don't lead to interesting stories.
Who would win in a fight between a shark and a bear? And the fight is on land. And the shark can fly.
Sure, it was funny the first time somebody asked about Pirates vs. Ninjas, but that is something we all discuss. Sharks and bears??
Tycho: "Penny Arcade Is A Comic"
there's a difference between acting out and singing the tune
In the epic battle of pirates vs ninjas... do you take credit cards?
really though it's been my experience at cons of late that the people telling the stories now tend to be the doofs asking the questions who feel that they have to preface their question with an entire fucking novel
Not if you act it out while singing the tune.