Thats a pussy who won't do the part any justice.
They got this pretty faced, pussy to do the part? Fuck that.
You wanna see agent 47?
Here's agent Forty-fucking-seven;
This man's mother was a rock and his father was a hard place. He was born between them and he fucking lives it.
He's a hard mother fucker who should have gotten the job. I mean for fucks sake, while most of us were playing codename 47 he decided it sucked too much and went out and reencated it with guns and chinese gangsters and all that good stuff. (chuck norris joke enough for you?)
Anyways, this movie is gonna be a piece of shit and it's gonna suck and heres a sucky trailer for all you sad sucks;
Sucky suck that ever sucked.
The greatest injustice ever to befall man was to not cast jason statham as 47.
I have a hardon for the guy, have ever since I saw lock, stock, and two smoking barrels and the transporter.
But I would still rather have jason.
Alternate post.
That's a space station!
Especially cats.
It's going to suck as a movie, but it will be a great action flick.
Or did I miss the ads where it actually said "Jet Li's final action film....except for all the other ones."
Especially since fearless bombed.
I could see why.
He's basically got everything americans love.
Big muscles, big explosions, fast cars, and a sweet accent that drives our women crazy and makes us want to drink with him.
I also think the "British hard-man" stereotype doesn't fly as well over here.
We pretty much go "what a dick".
We're actually all like that.
I want to move to england and just sit on a park bench and watch shit blow up while fast cars drive by with loose, big titted, awesome accented women walk by.
All while stroking my inferior american erection.
There is actually a specially sectioned off bench on the Mall for Americans to do that.
47 is a smooth dude. Olyphant is okay for the role.
It's hard to see a Statham movie after that, it was kind of his Live Free or Die Hard: An action movie so ridiculous and over the top that it allows any lesser film to be discarded, unless it has a real, moving story behind it.
War doesn't look like it'll touch me in my special places. Therefore, unless Jason Statham deflects a fighter jet with his foot, I probably won't bother to see it.
This is important
What? You mean you've never made a car do a barrel roll under a construction crane to knock off a bomb attached to the underside of your audi s6?
You, my friend, drive like a grandma then.
fun is for the savages and the uncivilised.
What is wrong with you? That movie had everything!
Penis jokes... check
Adrenaline injections... check
Jason Statham's ass... check
Boning Amy Smart in the middle of Chinatown... check!
I need to see this movie now.
I saw it, but I was in a really shitty mood that night so I can't fairly judge it.
Right now, I'd say it loses slightly to Transporter 2 in the extreme department. I'd really have to see it again, though.
I think my problem is that it is just about the least British film ever made.
and hot damn am I one stereotype of a brit
Its part of the law that we have to.
they punish you by forcing you to drink tea with milk and sugar
they taints it they does
Tea should have milk and sugar you godless heathen.
Unless its poncey tea.
I love tea with milk and sugar.
But than again.
I'm an american.
And apparently I have no taste.
But thats okay cause I have mcdonalds and gwbush!
I claim him as such.
I planted our flag on him, he's ours now.
back off yall.
I'm drunk now.
Good luck with that. He'll fuck you over.
Because he's British.
So very, very British.