Hey guys, I wanna thank you guys for always helping me with my random problems in the past and say I'm impressed with how helpful the lot of you are (when some of the other forums here are made up of stinker butts).
I made a 4 minute movie in iMovieHD taking video from my sony handycam (miniDV) and I added one song to it from itunes (my movie).
how can I get this on youtube or anywhere for the masses to see?
When you export your movie in imovie HD, use the advance options to select something along the lines of,
MOV or AVI file, NTSC 720x480. Personally I prefer to make a big ass file and then let YouTube downsize it. Otherwise it looks like crap. Less compression is better.
I prefer Google myself, I like their uploader.
it just says iMovie project, cant find the format. yea, on a mac
I'll try the export thing today.
thanks for the tips!
Under preferences or advanced I see nothing about .mov (is quicktime .mov?)
Goto - Export, Quicktime, Select Full Quality or Expert Settings, Click Share
If you selected Expert Settings (what I would do) After you click share you can decide where to put the file. You can also select your options button and open another window.
Here you can select all your compression settings. Goto the link in my first post, they outline exactly what to choose (their pics are even from imovie).
Once you're happy, click okay and wait for a long time. Depending on the length of the movie, it can be pretty big, and take a while to encode.
thanks guys!
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!
here it is in google vid
comments appreciated
and it will be obvious but keep in mind I have no video editing training whatsoever