Hey ho, fellows. I just got a PS3 today (along with NG Sigma...dear lord, this game is pretty), and most things seem to be going splendidly. Except anything involving the internet.
Basically, my PS3 won't connect to my router or something (I am using a Wi-Fi connection). I've gotten a couple different errors (IP address...something, connection timing out, etc). Here's the weird thing, though - for the first half hour or so I had the unit on, the connection was fine. I was able to create an account, download a couple demos, whatever. However, in the middle of downloading the Heavenly Sword demo, the internet connection apparently just dropped. And now I can't connect it again.
So. Any advice? I swear to God, Sony does not want me getting there systems online. I could never do it with the PSP, and now the PS3 is giving me shit. I wish this thing worked like the 360 or Wii with Wi-Fi : they detect a source, and that's it. You're on.
Basically input all of that information into your manual configuration on your PS3, but you need a different IP address that you give the PS3 (Your computer is already using the one you see, and units cannot share an IP address).
Wish I could help, but I'll just mirror Black Ices suggestions, and hand hold the PS3 through the network setup.
Ironically, my PS3 went online straight away with no trouble, it was my Wii that was the pedantic bastard and I had to sit and talk through
is your router's channel set to 1 or 11?