So I just got in an accident 2 hours ago, totaled my new toy(story below) Shit happens. What I'm interested in is what kind of accident stories do you SE++'ers have?
Wednesday August 8th 2007, I was traveling up Union Road in Stratham at about 40mph, the fog was thick but I didn't think it was that bad. I'm just driving along when all of a sudden 15ft. in front of me the stop sign for the intersection of Union and Bunker Hill Avenue looms out of the fog. I hit the brakes and they lock up... this is one of those times having ABS would have been a plus, I slide across the road and into a tree on the other side of the road. I hit my head off the windshield, the airbag deploys late, hits me in the stomach and knocks me back into the seat at which point I black out for about 5 seconds. I come back to reality and get out of the car, take a second and assess the situation then grab my cigarettes and head for the road. I light one up and wave down a car which drives right by me and my smoldering wreck of a vehicle, then another drives by... and another.
Finally someone stops and calls 911, the police arrive, try and tell me I was driving way over the speed limit(it's a 35mph zone.) and call the wrecker. Ambulance shows up, EMT's check me out and decide I'm alright, I refuse to be taken to the hospital and call my mom for a ride. Mom shows up just as the car is being loaded up, cop comes over and tells me that he's not going to charge me for reckless operation because me losing my car is enough of a punishment(read: can't prove shit.) and I turn my back on the cop, thank the EMT's and get in the car just in time to follow my now totaled car all the way home. So, that's the story, I spent hours upon hours getting that car ready, cleaning it up, modifying it, detailing it and finally it's ready for the streets(and didn't get a chance to take pictures of it when I finished it). 4 days after I register it, it's totaled, and I fucked up my face and hurt my knee a little. Moral of the story, 40mph into a tree, no seatbelt and the airbag didn't do anything... I'm unbreakable.
P.S. I'll post pictures tomorrow... and you can see what's left of the car and my pretty face.
Pics of me:
I think I did alright.
And... the pictures you all have been waiting for:
If you have any complaints about this poster then feel free to: Иди на хуй, Сучьи
Steam, PSN, XBL, Xfire and everything else JamesDM
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
I rolled an oldsmobile and flipped a 4Runner forward, end over end, like it was somersaulting
middle of the day, no one else involved, not drinking
just fell asleep, basically
also apparently there is this lady at work whose son got in a motorcycle accident and broke 10 ribs punctured a lung and broke his leg
-- Echo
I guess that's about it.
I drive a '00 Civic, which is WAAAY too light out of turns.
guy sitting in the middle of the road in what is apparently park, because I can't see brakes and god forbid he has a turn signal on, after a wide turn. I slam the brakes and slide at least 100 feet. luckilly he moved just in time
I was completely OK
also we're friends with our insurance agent so he said it was a technical problem
Everyone else I know hasn't been so lucky.
i am incredibly ignorant of all those curvy roads
Steam, PSN, XBL, Xfire and everything else JamesDM
And I wasn't even sitting in it.
That's either awesome skill, or extremely bad parking.
Satans..... hints.....
Steam, PSN, XBL, Xfire and everything else JamesDM
That was a fun time when the douchebag next to me decided to pace my side while the ladder was sliding towards my poor Camaro.
Fortunately accelerating worked and I was able to swerve past the ladder and the stupid SUV.
I hate people.
Are you serious?
Cause thats goddamned retarded.
It was probably for the best that you crashed it then.
Also be a man, ABS is for women and men who like to pretend to be women.
Satans..... hints.....
no it isn't
it's really good
No, this is called Natural Selection.
Satans..... hints.....
no car insurance or seat belt laws
liquor stores on both sides of I-95 on the Mass. border
funny accents
there are still local grunge bands
Haha. Irony.
SE++ Map Steam
My love of phil ken seben has allowed me to read this as you truly meant.
God bless you phill, god bless you.
Bad angle on the picture but it's right up against the side of my garage and this is the best I can do.
I'd take a picture of my wounds but they are all bandaged up and pretty disgusting.
Looks a bit a dusty.
I shit you not, not a scratch on the Benz. I hit his tow-bar dead on and these old cars are built like fucking tanks. My Primera though, was proper fucked.
Anyways, 12,000 worth of damage to my jetta, 750 to the chevy.
Seven hundred and fifty dollars.
Goddamn that was awesome for the chevy,
Seriously, the idiot decided that it would be a grand idea to make a u-turn right there in the autobahn exit. He had kids in his car, too...
dislocated my left shoulder and hip, fractured my skull, broke 3 ribs, impaled my right side on the gear shift and bent the steering wheel with my pelvis. I was saved by not wering my seatbelt as the cab was crushed down to the top of the seat. Had I not been tossed around and broken, I'd have been decapitated.
2 mins after I came to rest, I calmly reached up, popped my shoulder back into place and pulled myself out of the wreck, completely oblivious to pain, and very confused as to why my leg wouldn't work. I had glass driven into my head, neck, and chest, as well as coolant and fluids covering my head.
The truck drivers clapped when they realized I was alive.