Mr. Embarkation wrote: » I think i've lost the new comic thread battle.
Bogey wrote: » All hail the Dark Lord!
SuperMoses wrote: » Wait what? Electric shots? Do they use a rail-gun or something?
KalTorak wrote: » I think so. Someone post the comic when Gabe becomes a dentist armed with a pickle jar.
Man, this shit keeps changing between the two for me everytime I refresh it.
also, tycho's ever-shifting skin color
It'll get taken down don't worry
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
last comic is showing up in OP, not the dentist one
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
-The Rat Guy
Also, could this story be part of the reason for Gabe's apprehension towards dentists?
I think Gabe's art has gotten to a point where it's could just be a comic about expressions with no text and it would be fine.
Thank you. I was thinking the same thing.
Now I'm thinking that the day they start using electric syringes is the day I stop going to the dentist.
Someone post the comic when Gabe becomes a dentist armed with a pickle jar.
EDIT: Perhaps because there was no genuine malice. He just needed to make some money.
man what
stupid gabe and tycho
they're so stupid
I swear
so stupid
what the hell are they talking about?
where'd the electricity come from?
Now the question is whether I was calling you guys "fags," or using headline phrasing to describe dentists as both robots AND fags. Robofags.
In the Gayzor Mountains.