So, I had an iPod for a long time. I got rid of it a while back after I got a W810i Walkman phone. I've kept using iTunes, but I really dislike it; especially lately. Like WMP, it's way too bloated for something that's simply there to play MP3s. Especially considering that I spend most of my time listening to music while I'm gaming, and don't want a stinking MP3 player hogging my resources. And frankly, I don't want god damned Quicktime on my system. When is Apple going to pull the plug on that thing? It's hands-down the worst media player out there; has been practically since the day it was released.
What's been the last straw, for me, is this shit:
Apparently, iTunes can't even handle alphabetizing my fucking albums. And yes, I've written and re-written the ID3 tags many times, now. In fact, if you look at where iTunes has them stored on the disk, it's correct. It just doesn't quite seem capable of displaying them properly. That in and of itself isn't a huge deal, it's just the last nail in iTunes' coffin for me.
So, I'm looking for a new audio player, but I'm just striking out on finding something that really fits.
I'm looking for something light-weight (e.g. not WMP or iTunes) that doesn't require skinning to
not look like some garish mess (e.g. not Winamp), doesn't require dealing with zillion of plugins to have more than the most basic functionality (e.g. not Foobar), and still provides some sort of library feature that lets me edit my music's metadata without using an external program.
Does such a thing exist?
It's in beta, but I like it as a simple mp3 player with library. It's very customizable which can be a bit overwhelming at first, but it'll work great out of the box too.
My suggestion to you is to download as many music apps as you can and find what's best for you. There are a good amount of them out there.
On a serious note, would you consider dual booting Ubuntu? there are some great linux only media players that seem to fit the bill or what you are describing (you have similar requirements of media players as I do)