And the site missed me. It missed me so much it broke itself in new and exciting ways. Expect downtime tonight or tommorow morning to clean up the mess.
In other news, my dislike for phpBB has grown to near epic proportions. I know a lot of you guys were waiting (like I was) for the new version of phpBB to be released and then we would upgrade the forum software. I finally decided it wasn't worth it. I along with a couple other people will be making a new forum software. The details are slowly comming out, but what I can tell you is it will be open source, and it
won't be written in PHP. *Insert Dramatic Music*
Kinda like what has driven me to consider forking e107 and comandeering my own actually-working branch of it.
Anyway, really interested to see what you have cooked up. What language? FORTRAN? qbasic? Ruby? Sapphire? Emerald?
Anyway, welcome back Alpha. We all missed you.
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
Session Facades, Session Facades, Session Facades
No Entity Beans, No Entity Beans
Struts for web rendering, J2EE session facades for transaction management, hibernate for persistance.
Nothing tops that.
oh god does this mean i'll have to learn to use something other than BBCode
oh god
Any idea how long the downtime will be?
Also, I'm highly interested in this new forum software, and would like to give a hand if possible.
I thought about using J2EE a lot but that's not it. I've got my crazy darkhorse language I'm going to use. If I need help, I'll let you guys know.
*Scurries away to fix other bugs*
I don't want to be a bother, but the time travel bug popped up again this morning and is still working in those two threads. Just so you know
Seriously, glad you're back; we've seen some truly interesting things.
If it's flex I'm going to hit you.
Alpha likes FreeBSD... is it Perl? Tell me it's Perl.
Perl is a jack of all trades, master of none language.
Well he hinted that it was a darkhorse candidate.
Anyhow, guys, I've haxxorred alpha's secret blog and this is what he plans on using: TEH SECRETZ
Alpha, this clearly an epic move!
What else could it possibly be done in? Perl?
BTW... will our post counts and stuff carry over?
Your postcounts are irrelevant!
I can't wait to see what will come out of this. I do hope we get to keep our accounts and info, though.
edit: Hmm.. this is what happens when you don't read every post.
Well, we could carry the post counts over, right?
Since you've ruled out J2EE I'm presuming this means standard J2SE servlets. For a site like this where there is no need for distributed transactions JMS or the like, there is realy no advantage to using J2EE over J2SE as long as you use the appropriate libraries (hibernate, struts etc.)
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
Regarding the new forums, UI in phpBB 2.0.x is amazing while 3.0.x looks cluttered and painful. The forums I am thinking about will have some shiny nice new features that will be unique to the software. If people hate it a lot in testing we might go back to the plain style for a while until I can make a UI that conveys what I'm thinking in a good way.
I don't like giving times as my times are more of ballparks then deadlines, but 3 months was thrown around I had in a conversation a while ago. I like that number.
alpha is coding the new forums in PASCAL