We've been driving around
From one end of this town to the other and back
But no one's ever seen us (No one's ever seen us)
Driving our Econoline van (And no one's ever heard of our band)
And no one's ever heard of our band
We're the Mesopotamians
Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh
Then they wouldn't understand a word we say,
So we'll scratch it all down into the clay
Half believing there will sometime come a day
Someone gives a damn
Maybe when the concrete has crumbled to sand
We're the Mesopotamians
Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh
The Mesopotam-ish sun is beating down
And making cracks in the ground
But there's nowhere else to stand
In Mesopotamia, (No one's ever seen us)
The kingdom where we secretly reign (And no one's ever heard of our band)
The land where we invisibly rule
As the Mesopotamians
Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh
This is my last stick of gum
I'm going to cut it up so everybody else gets some
Except for Ashurbanipal who says my haircut makes me look like a Mohenjo-daroan
Hey, Ashurbanipal,
I'm a Mesopotamian
and Gilgamesh
We're the Mesopotamians
Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh
"Hey, man, I thought that you were dead
I thought you crashed your car"
"No, man, I've been right here this whole time playing bass guitar
For the Mesopotamians"
We're the Mesopotamians
Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal
Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh
We're the Mesopotamians
Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh
Ishtar comes down and stands upon the walls of Uruk, and basically starts cursing at Gilgamesh and Enkidu.
And not like classical cursing, I'm talking about outright cussing them out. Think Sarah Silverman at the beginning of Way of the Gun.
And he's not even Japanese.
Take that ....BIBLE!
Fortytwo's blog about fatherhood, life, and everything.
they all have squinty little eyes
(I'm not racist)
and unable to bring his comrade enkidu back from the dead
Sadly, I can't get you a clean picture of my dad's bitching hunting shirt.
Fortytwo's blog about fatherhood, life, and everything.
Most awkward episode ever.
Didn't Enkidu bone some chick for three days straight in a forest
Wii: 5024 6786 2934 2806 | Steam/XBL: Arcibi | FFXI: Arcibi / Bahamut
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
I'm regular stormy
Fortytwo's blog about fatherhood, life, and everything.
That was wook.
And it was an elk.
Wow, I know what I'm reading after I'm done with Beowulf.
Im reading about that bad-ass mo'fo Gilgamesh, that's what! So yeah, what's the best translation out there that I should pick up?
Needs less sucky image....yeah.
hey satan...: thinkgeek amazon My post |
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
and I couldn't find any
three days, please
that was just foreplay
Just what I was thinking. I think we can all agree that disco was one of mankind's smartest moves.
It needs to be made into an anime first. That'll bring em out.
He only sport fucks any more.