so what do people think about a End of Summer camp-out September 21-23?
I am totally into it, but I can't make any promises - I have to be in chicago on the 24th for a brand management conference, and I don't know when we're flying out
so what do people think about a End of Summer camp-out September 21-23?
I am totally into it, but I can't make any promises - I have to be in chicago on the 24th for a brand management conference, and I don't know when we're flying out
Fucking project managers.
t Rank - I am for it.
hey bogey is a project manager too
we were all talking about our projects and how we manage them
Kate you are at work with your work computer and I am Bridges and Balloons-less. I'm going to the gym and when I get back boy howdy it had better be there.
Kate you are at work with your work computer and I am Bridges and Balloons-less. I'm going to the gym and when I get back boy howdy it had better be there.
ahaha, goddamnit Nap
Everyone can meet your fiance at the campings. Then on the 23rd you can get married.
I recall you saying that all your friends are on here, what better lead-in to a wedding?
Seriously dude replan that shit, as most of my guests are local peoples and Callius, Framling and Druhim are sort of in the wedding itself.
you kind of don't know what goes in to setting up a wedding do you
I would seriously consider moving up there if Janson was cool with it
which definitely helped take the edge off on Sunday
spawn camper
t Rank - I am for it.
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you kind of don't realize I had just come up with that date as an arbitrary stab in the dark for the camp-out and was entirely sarcastic do you
it's not a shoe thing to do
but I could definitely see vacationing there
I'm not Rockefeller over here, we barely made it to PAX
we were all talking about our projects and how we manage them
We shoulda hung out more you jerkface.
I was already planning on doing just that
how about the weekend prior
Sept 14-16
okay but give me a little time to make some napalm
not exactly the hawaii of Canada
who says that shit?
product managers
"Double Maker's, neat."
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I talked to Rachel just now and that works
my wife ordered a peach Bellini and two pints of Sam Adams
I was put to shame
to be fair, she is canadian
I got to hang out with more or less everyone for at least a couple hours, but I barely saw any of Sami before he and WaM took off.
He is probably my "wish I would've hung out with more" dude from PAX 07.
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In fact, the only time I remember seeing him, prior to PAX, was Cap's birthday shindig.
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also he said I was super funny
which I don't see but alright