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We beat the Orc King!

ChizzerChizzer Registered User regular
edited 2007 30 in PAX Archive
And got his motherfuckin swooooord!

Chizzer on


  • teamquigganteamquiggan Registered User regular
    edited 2007 27
    Yeah bitches! taken the motha fuckin' orc king down! we were victorious
    (I gotts a cup)

    teamquiggan on
  • KaneKane Registered User regular
    edited 2007 27
    Very cool. I bought so many other card games, I couldn't justify another. Spoils, UFS, EVE, and WoW. Bought...more than is healthy...of all of them. Also got the NON-CCG Infernal Machine from Privateer. FUN game there.

    Kane on
  • ChizzerChizzer Registered User regular
    edited 2007 27
    We bought Spoils (banker ftw) and Orc Wars

    Chizzer on
  • TableStar_GamesTableStar_Games Registered User regular
    edited 2007 29
    Technically, you won an Elf sword. The Orc King uses a club, ;-)

    But, to further his shame, did any of you manage to take a picture of him losing? Or take a picture of our Orc King and you together?

    We'd like to put up a copy on our website. You can email them to

    Include any messages of boosting triumph too, so he can remember his failures. :lol:


    Monte Lin
    Volunteer Coordinator
    TableStar Games

    TableStar_Games on
  • ChizzerChizzer Registered User regular
    edited 2007 30
    Well I suspected that it was his sword that he captured from a lesser Elf's mutilated corpse, but either way I'm glad to have it.

    The best photos were taken by the guys at the booth... you should be able to hit them up for it.

    Chizzer on
  • TableStar_GamesTableStar_Games Registered User regular
    edited 2007 30
    And remember that those weapons are designed to hit people. The instructions from the company who made the weapons, Iron Leige, specifically said do not hit hard objects, only soft ones like cushions and people.

    So there you go, a company has given permission to smack people with their weapons.

    Yay! :lol:

    Monte Lin
    Volunteer Coordinator
    TableStar Games

    TableStar_Games on
  • ChizzerChizzer Registered User regular
    edited 2007 30
    Wewt! Hitting people!

    I do run a LARP around here, so it may actually come in handy...

    Chizzer on
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